You have just entered room "Bittersweet."
LadyJoots: Hi there! :-)
MamaLion27 has entered the room.
Dugan EK: Oh, early birds!
LadyJoots: Yup! ;-)
Nelsonismyhero has entered the room.
LadyJoots: Whoops, here they all
MamaLion27: I am feeding the baby
but I will try to keep up.
Nelsonismyhero: hi
Nelsonismyhero: bittersweet tonight?
GarlandGrl: Yup ;-)
Nelsonismyhero: i like this movie, but
nelson dies:'(:'(
Nelsonismyhero: i've been wondering,
Nelsonismyhero: did this movie do well at
the box office?
Nelsonismyhero: :-\
Chetoshari has entered the room.
LadyJoots: I think it did... I think all the
Nelson and Jeanette movies made a
Nelsonismyhero: i just got the impression
that this one did poorly
Nelsonismyhero: probably not that poorly
in the big scope of things
Dugan EK: I don't think so. Of course,
figuring "profit" is always hard -- studio
costs getting charged to film budgets and
popular films like the Andy Hardy series
paying for "The Good Earth" and "Marie
Antoinette" etc.
Chetoshari: Hi ya'll thanks LadyJoots
LadyJoots: No problem, Shari...
Nelsonismyhero: every review i've read
gives me mixed opinions
Nelsonismyhero: the bio on J, said that it
was bad
Nelsonismyhero: i thought it was enjoyable
but not their best
Dugan EK: The reviews of Elvis movies
were almost uniformly bad, but that never
stopped his fans from going!
Nelsonismyhero: true
Nelsonismyhero: i heard the original script
had more to do with shari and less with
Nelsonismyhero: the story moves on after
he dies
Dugan EK: The movie ends at the end of
Act I of the stage operetta. Act II is about
Shari's life after Carl's death.
Nelsonismyhero: right
Dugan EK: She marries Lord Shayne.
Nelsonismyhero: does it keep dwelling on
his death after the first act?
Dugan EK: I've never seen it on stage --
wish I had! Especially with Jeanette!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah!
Nelsonismyhero: i wish i could have seen
one of nelson's operas
Dugan EK: As in Maytime (actually
Maytime film stole it from Coward's stage
operetta) an elderly lady advises a young
girl to choose love over security (not
Dugan EK: Then operetta is a flashback to
Shari and Carl's story.
Nelsonismyhero: oh
Chetoshari: Have any of you all ever
seen Nelson sing in person???
Nelsonismyhero: I WISH
Dugan EK: Sob - no - sob!!
Chetoshari: I am not bragging, I
promise, but when I was ll years old, I
met him in person and he shook my
LadyJoots: I wish I had, too. :-)
Nelsonismyhero: oh my goodness!
Nelsonismyhero: =-O
Olliem8124 has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: i only see him in my
Olliem8124: hi all
Chetoshari: He also introduced us to
his partner Gale Sherwood, but I
wished she would go away as I was
only interested in him, though I now
feel different about that
DIXC has entered the room.
DIXC: Hi! Thanks for getting me to the
Nelsonismyhero: i think nelson picked his
partners well
Chetoshari: Did you all already discuss
"I'll see you again" what a beautiful
Olliem8124: yes it is
Nelsonismyhero: , is it just me, or does his
hair look blueish
Nelsonismyhero: i really love that song
Olliem8124: yea there world did go
awry didn`t it
Dugan EK: It could be in the color of the
video tape. In the video of Smilin'
Through, the gray morning coats of the
men in the opening scene are robin's egg
Nelsonismyhero: so it's the tape, not the
old color?
Dugan EK: I suspect so -- I don't
remember any blue in the theatre.
Nelsonismyhero: hmmm
Olliem8124: i thought nelson`s hair
looked kinds reddish
Olliem8124: kinda
Nelsonismyhero: he had red hair when he
was young
JHami828 has entered the room.
JHami828 has left the room.
JHami828 has entered the room.
Chetoshari: When I saw him in around
l957 in Houston, his hair wa really
quite blonde - I think I expected it to
be mor gray looking - but it was very
almost yellow blonde
Olliem8124: ys and the bond running
thru the gray made it look reddish
Nelsonismyhero: most people with red hair
turn kinda blonde
Olliem8124: blond
Nelsonismyhero: like my mom
Dugan EK: In Sweethearts, you can see
that Frank Morgan had red hair, turned
white at the roots.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
CraziLadii has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: hi diane
CraziLadii: hi all
Olliem8124: hi dianne
CraziLadii: quite a group tonight
Nelsonismyhero: yep
DIXC: Nice
Nelsonismyhero: does anyone know more
about the song, "if you could only come
with me"?
Nelsonismyhero: i think it's pretty
LadyJoots: Ginny is here twice.
Confused girl. Kiddin'... ;-)
Nelsonismyhero: but really wierd in tone
Chetoshari: I have "Bittersweet"
playing as we chat -- Nelson Eddy is
playing the piano and singing "If you
Would Only Come With Me" i
CraziLadii: I love that
number--hauntingly beautiful
LadyJoots: Me too, Shari! :-)
Nelsonismyhero: it does have a haunting
Olliem8124: well how did you think
jeanette fared as a young girl in
bitter sweet
Dugan EK: "If You Could Only Come with
Me" is a sad song in a minor key -- is that
what you mean by weird?
Nelsonismyhero: she is ageless
LadyJoots: I'm at where they get a
meal... ;-)
Nelsonismyhero: i guess
Chetoshari: This song is usually with
"The Call of Life" Yes??
DIXC: He looks great in regular clothes
Olliem8124: i think so too
CraziLadii: I think she was too old to
play 18
Nelsonismyhero: she is forever young to
Olliem8124: they were too baggy in this
pic seeing he played a poor man
Nelsonismyhero: i wish nelson had a
chance to wear normal clothes more often
Olliem8124: except for when he wore a
Chetoshari: My vidio seems to be
fading in color - have to get this on
DIXC: One style then
CraziLadii: Nelson wore a tux
Nelsonismyhero: the only other time was
sweethearts i think
MamaLion27: Baby fed. Diane, I need
to ask you a question off chat about
the dedication. Okay?
Olliem8124: O:-)you said it
CraziLadii: sure anytime
Nelsonismyhero: does anyone know why
the death scene was so short?
LadyJoots: I think "I'll See You Again" is
one of their most beautiful songs...
MamaLion27: Poor scripting!
Nelsonismyhero: it's over before you can
Nelsonismyhero: i'll see you again,
whenever spring breaks through again
Dugan EK: What advantage would be
gained from watching nelson die for more
than a minute or two?
Olliem8124: seems funny in n.m. he
would have protected jm with a
sword an b.s. he did not know how to
use one against george sanders
Nelsonismyhero: no advantage
DIXC: Once he's gone the movie is over
anyway, for me:-(
Dugan EK: But in Bittersweet he is a
musician, not a nobleman used to dueling.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah, but i like the
ziguerner number
Nelsonismyhero: nelson didn't even get to
pick up the sword
Nelsonismyhero: let alone use it
Olliem8124: i thought the ending was
kinda goulish when he appeared in
the singing of ill see you again
Nelsonismyhero: i thought that part was
CraziLadii: sort of the spirit thing
LadyJoots: Me too
Olliem8124: to each his own
MamaLion27: I think he should have
had at least two swipes at that guy!
CraziLadii: it gave us one more glimps
at Nelson
Nelsonismyhero: you couldn't see his face
as well in the sky though
Nelsonismyhero: it was better in maytime
CraziLadii: yes, it was
Olliem8124: sanders was terrible in this
pic too i think
Nelsonismyhero: i didn't recognize him
CraziLadii: well if he wanted us to hate
him, he acted well!
Nelsonismyhero: at first
LadyJoots: True, Diane! :-D
Nelsonismyhero: i don't like him much
Olliem8124: that accent
Nelsonismyhero: :-D
Olliem8124: :-*
Nelsonismyhero: that mustache
CraziLadii: the nerve!
Dugan EK: In the stage version and first
film version, Carl has had an affair with
Manon who is a major character -- she is
heartbroken to lose him, but resigned to
his love for Shari.
MamaLion27: I think the Prussian
attitude was a bit exaggerated but
he did what he was given.
Olliem8124: i liked ian hunter tho
MamaLion27: Sanders, I mean
Nelsonismyhero: nelson cannot ever be
MamaLion27: Ian always carries his
role well.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
CraziLadii: he is good
Olliem8124: like in broadway serenade
Nelsonismyhero: he is one of the familier
faces in their movies
Nelsonismyhero: like frank morgan
CraziLadii: E, don't you think J's gowns
were a bit much for being poor?
Dugan EK: The MGM repertory company
Dugan EK: I comment on her gowns in my
book -- that they are "starving" but could
eat for a month by selling one of her many
gowns with dyed-to-match gloves.
Nelsonismyhero: that's hollywood
Olliem8124: i loved her gowns
CraziLadii: for sure!
CraziLadii: yes, especially that peach
number when Nelson dies
Nelsonismyhero: she always looks great
CraziLadii: a real beauty
Olliem8124: yeah that was pretty
Dugan EK: I think of that color as "apricot"
-- bit more yellow than peach.
CraziLadii: I bow to the expert!
Nelsonismyhero: she looks the best in
CraziLadii: she would look good in a
paper bag!
Olliem8124: green with red hair
Dugan EK: The only color I can think of
that she WOULDN'T look good in is
CraziLadii: didn't like the necklace in
Nelsonismyhero: like the yellow dress in
Nelsonismyhero: I LOVED THAT
Nelsonismyhero: it was a work opf art
LadyJoots: "Ladies of the Town"... I
dread when this comes up. Nelson
Nelsonismyhero: i want to duplicate it
CraziLadii: seems we are on opposite
sides tonight
Dugan EK: The Zigeuner outfit was very
similar to the Czartiza outfit in Maytime --
a look that Adrian used over and over.
Garbo has several similar outfits.
Nelsonismyhero: sorry:-\
Olliem8124: tdidnt they have large
beads to hide her vocal chords if the
popped a little like the fans also
CraziLadii: all the flavors, is all!
MamaLion27: There are always two
sides but that makes for more
interesting conversation.
Dugan EK: And the fan-backed cap similar
to the pink Sweethearts finale outfit.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
SokorraK has entered the room.
CraziLadii: that was a riot as Nelson
tried to dodge it
SokorraK: hey everyone...sorry I'm late
Nelsonismyhero: lol\
LadyJoots: ;-)
CraziLadii: Hi jessi
MamaLion27: Sorry, There goes baby
agian. Bittersweet mustn't be her
DIXC: :-)
Olliem8124: they should never have
made her wear hats with that hair
too beautifulk to cover up
CraziLadii: critics start young
Olliem8124: :-)
Dugan EK: Hats were mandatory fashion
before the 1960s. I love an overhead
photo of Time Square where one can see
hundreds of people and only 2 don't have
hats on, both men.
Dugan EK: The photo was 1928.
Dugan EK: "Get your hat" meant "Let's go."
Olliem8124: good year
CraziLadii: the hat business has
suffered, but with the UV rays thing,
they may well come back
Nelsonismyhero: people only wear base
ball hats now
Dugan EK: Few women's hats are intended
for protection!!
Nelsonismyhero: fashion has really gone
down the tubes
CraziLadii: it takes a special lady to
carry off a good hat
MamaLion27: I love hats but never get
a chance to wear one.
Nelsonismyhero: me niether
LadyJoots: It has... it really has. :-(
Dugan EK: No -- fashion has CHANGED!
It is still fashion, just different from a
hundred or a thousand years ago.
Olliem8124: and jeanette certainly did
CraziLadii: guess hats don't go with
bare midriff and other assorted parts
Nelsonismyhero: when i think of all the
beautiful clothes people used to wear
CraziLadii: I like the comfort angle now
MamaLion27: yes and now they just
wear enough to cover a few parts.
Dugan EK: Think also of how terribly
uncomfortable and unhealthful many of
them were!!
CraziLadii: too true
Nelsonismyhero: comfort can only go so
Olliem8124: oh to be young again
CraziLadii: I think of those victorian
gowns when there was no deodorant
and infrequent bathing!
Olliem8124: :-P
Nelsonismyhero: i sacrafice comfort for
CraziLadii: I sacrafice style for size!
MamaLion27: Oh, and no air
conditioning to ward off the smells.
CraziLadii: yes indeed
Nelsonismyhero: not the stuff from
victorian days
Nelsonismyhero: i like the stuff from the
30's and 40's
Olliem8124: perfumes took care of
CraziLadii: I think people back then
appreciated the human smell. We
have been trained to hate it
Dugan EK: No dentistry, only extractions.
Nelsonismyhero: everyone had their own
DIXC: My mother owned a millinery store
for 40 years.
MamaLion27: But think of all the varied
perfumes in a closed room!
CraziLadii: Mums the word!
Dugan EK: Napolean sent a letter to
Josephine, announcing he'd be home in 3
days and "Ne lave pas!" -- don't bathe!
CraziLadii: I would gag! I can't stand
strong perfumes
Olliem8124: neither can i
Nelsonismyhero: they make me sneeze
CraziLadii: OH pharamones (sp?)
MamaLion27: Neither can I.
LadyJoots: You're right, Diane ;-)
CraziLadii: thanks kid
LadyJoots: It's all in a day's work... :-D
Nelsonismyhero: but what about men's
CraziLadii: Sally told me that Kathryn
had her picture taken with Nelson
while looking over the music for
LadyJoots: Kidding...
LadyJoots: pheromones
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: Awwwwww
LadyJoots: Did she?!
Dugan EK: Did you know that the necktie
is the ceremonial remnant of the
drawstring that gathered up the neck of
the chemise men wore under their tunics?
CraziLadii: I smell ya
LadyJoots: LOL
Nelsonismyhero: really?
Olliem8124: how did you like jeanetee
doing the can can
Nelsonismyhero: she's good!
CraziLadii: I thought it cute
Nelsonismyhero: she can do anything
MamaLion27: The men's clothes were
now becoming a bit more subdued
than in earlier eras.
Olliem8124: she could really dance i
CraziLadii: the lady in gold was well
Nelsonismyhero: although the other two
girls were much younger than her
Olliem8124: very much younger
Nelsonismyhero: i wish men would dress
up more often
Dugan EK: It was very brave of them to
put J in purple next to someone in goldish
satin who would be more prominent. It
helped show she was a minor figure at the
CraziLadii: did you ever wonder why
Nelson put up with his wife being an
dance hall girl in Bittersweet?
Olliem8124: why
Nelsonismyhero: they needed money
Nelsonismyhero: badly!
Dugan EK: And it kept them together
during working hours.
Nelsonismyhero: at least he socked george
CraziLadii: His reserved character just
doesn't seem like the type to put up
with that
MamaLion27: Yes, and he wasn't really
aware of her position there until that
last night.
Olliem8124: how did you like the guy
that played her fiance in the
beginning too snobbish for my taste
Nelsonismyhero: me too
CraziLadii: I agree dahling
Nelsonismyhero: nelson wins hands down
Dugan EK: He was a good actor, but
directed to be a caricature -- like a
cartoon figure.
MamaLion27: Very English, don't you
CraziLadii: loved his wife
Olliem8124: the one that played jane
did you like her
CraziLadii: she played that part well
Nelsonismyhero: she was so funny
MamaLion27: Yes, Diane Lewis.
CraziLadii: someone else you love to
Olliem8124: i liked lynn carver
Nelsonismyhero: just to ebawass hawey
CraziLadii: I was confused by their
smugness at the apt after Nelson
MamaLion27: She had the lisp down
Dugan EK: That was a sledge-hammer
touch -- no wonder Coward wept.
CraziLadii: Oh Hollywood!
Nelsonismyhero: they obviously thought it
was good for shari that he died
Nelsonismyhero: if i were shari, i would
have died
Dugan EK: But if they cared about Shari,
they would have insisted on taking her
back to England. It was just a pointless
plot point.
Olliem8124: the pics they made are
sure better then the ones today too
much violence and murder for me
CraziLadii: I agree
MamaLion27: Yes, I agree.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
CraziLadii: mean and nasty I tell you!!!
Dugan EK: Too much murder today?
Nelson died twice!
Nelsonismyhero: i never go to the cinema
these days
CraziLadii: but strangely he never bled
JHami828: I may have missed a
discussion on this, but Jeanette
seemed a bit mature to play the
young music pupil??
Nelsonismyhero: i wouldn't have been able
to stand that!
Nelsonismyhero: but she had two
CraziLadii: Isn't it a pity?
Olliem8124: AND AT THE END OF
Nelsonismyhero: oh yeah
CraziLadii: true!
Nelsonismyhero: but she died on her own
Olliem8124: old age set in
Dugan EK: Yes, Shari in the stage version
is celebrating her 18th birthday, not her
MamaLion27: As Moonjean she did
get shot.
Nelsonismyhero: nelson is always
CraziLadii: maybe the maid put
something in her tea
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Nelsonismyhero: she never did get her tea
JHami828: How old is Shari suppose
to be at the beginning of the movie?
CraziLadii: it got cold!
Nelsonismyhero: 18
Olliem8124: 18
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Nelsonismyhero: so ellen made some more
JHami828: How old was Jeanette?
Nelsonismyhero: 38
MamaLion27: Too young for her
CraziLadii: don't accept any tea from
Dugan EK: She was 37 when she made
Olliem8124: they were only married a
year or so when nekson was killed in
this movie
Nelsonismyhero: sorry 37
Chetoshari: Hey Jessi, you there??
JHami828: Almost 20 years older than
her "part" (Shari)?
Nelsonismyhero: yep
CraziLadii: that is why I think her too old
Dugan EK: Oh, could have been 38 -- I'd
have to check the shooting dates versus
her birthday --
Nelsonismyhero: but she still looked great
Olliem8124: but she looked great
Dugan EK: She looked great -- but not 18.
JHami828: She did look good...but
rather mature for the part.
CraziLadii: loved the color
Nelsonismyhero: she looks better than me
at 16
CraziLadii: I never looked that good
Nelsonismyhero: i like the color in
sweethearts better
Olliem8124: who really did
Nelsonismyhero: jeanette
CraziLadii: too true
LadyJoots: Hmph! I couldn't even play
an 18 year old. I wish I had that
problem. ROFL :-) (She says this,
because she got a lot of age
comments yesterday).
Dugan EK: You didn't have brilliant lighting,
coiffures, makeup, costumes, etc.
CraziLadii: that all creates
expectations, though
Nelsonismyhero: i'll bet she looked good
even without max factor
CraziLadii: you can't grow old gracefully
Nelsonismyhero: she did
Dugan EK: She had freckles which I find
Olliem8124: i liked the way she looked
standing at the piano when nelson
sang if you could only come with me
Nelsonismyhero: well she didn't live long
enough. . . sniff
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Nelsonismyhero: she was a real classy
Dugan EK: I just finished a bio of Norma
Shearer -- dying old, senile, blind -- not
JHami828: She did wear ribbons
around her neck for the youthful
Nelsonismyhero: whao
JHami828: That helps cover a sign of
Dugan EK: Of course, Lynn Fontanne
made 98 or 99, gorgeous, bright as a
whip, etc.
Olliem8124: redheads usually always
have freckles my sister was a
redhead and she was loaded with
CraziLadii: like Barbara Bush and her
Nelsonismyhero: just the pearls
Nelsonismyhero: how come nelson didn't
have freckles?
Nelsonismyhero: he was a red head
CraziLadii: but he did
Dugan EK: There was a great quote about
J in the Norma Shearer book which I'll
find and post.
CraziLadii: he had lots of them!
Nelsonismyhero: i never saw them
CraziLadii: makeup!
Nelsonismyhero: right
CraziLadii: I have some older pix of him
and he is covered
Nelsonismyhero: i'll bet he was a cute little
CraziLadii: well, not really
Nelsonismyhero: huh?
CraziLadii: He had to grow into his
Olliem8124: he grew to be the most
handsomest of men
Dugan EK: He is adorably homely as a
child -- much better than being a cute kid
and homely adult.
CraziLadii: Yes, I agree
Nelsonismyhero: lots of people do
Nelsonismyhero: he is the most handsome
man in the world!
LadyJoots: Ha ha ha ha ;-) I missed
watching the actual death scene!
:-D That's an easy thing to do.
CraziLadii: his baby pix is cute, but he
was a homely child
CraziLadii: and those glasses as a
teen were somthing else
Nelsonismyhero: i saw that pic
Olliem8124: i did too
Olliem8124: >:o
JHami828: Hey...they didn't have
contacts...if he had glasses as a
child how did he do without them as
an adult?
Nelsonismyhero: i asked that once
CraziLadii: he didn't
Nelsonismyhero: i guess he just went blind
CraziLadii: in real life he always had
the glasses
MamaLion27: Sometimes eyes get
Nelsonismyhero: sometimes
JHami828: That's why he was clumsy at
times in Naughty Marietta. :-)
Nelsonismyhero: i've seen pics of him in
public with glasses
CraziLadii: can't you just picture Capt
Warrington in glasses!!??
CraziLadii: he only wore them to see
Nelsonismyhero: they could be a good
Dugan EK: Before contacts, most
performers went out blind. I recall a
Shakespearan actor who had to duel on
stage -- and his opponents were always
terrified because he was thrusting at blurry
JHami828: Oh no...
Nelsonismyhero: did J wear glasses?
CraziLadii: yes
Nelsonismyhero: iv'e never seen her in
Dugan EK: Nice candids of the two in
1957 making that RCA recording, both in
Nelsonismyhero: except in IMAA
Olliem8124: yes i saw a pic when she
made her final album with nelson
and she had glasses on
Nelsonismyhero: oh yeah
CraziLadii: I read where some say she
would hide behind her glasses
Nelsonismyhero: from who?
CraziLadii: the world
CraziLadii: she was in her own little
world knitting and in her glasses
Dugan EK: Do you mean sunglasses? That
was standard for Hollywood.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
CraziLadii: no reading glasses
CraziLadii: because the writer
suspected she didn't really need the
glasses yet
Dugan EK: Well, if I'm reading or knitting, I
don't want people interrupting me usually
Nelsonismyhero: i didn't know she knitted
Nelsonismyhero: i thought she was too
CraziLadii: between scene takes
CraziLadii: sitting on that leaning board
and all
Nelsonismyhero: i know joan crawford
knitted like crazy
Olliem8124: with nelson
Nelsonismyhero: nelson knitted?
MamaLion27: They all had hobbies to
relax them on the set.
Nelsonismyhero: nelson was an artist
JHami828: So, why did Noel Coward
not like this version of his story? The
Nelsonismyhero: he sketched and stuff
CraziLadii: it was a hurry up and wait
MamaLion27: Nelson painted and
Nelsonismyhero: what a rennaissance man
Nelsonismyhero: :-)
Nelsonismyhero: noel coward thought the
butchered the script
Dugan EK: Coward disliked that his story
was so changed -- that the 18 year old
was so obviously not , that the poignancy
of the Manon story was discarded, that
the bad guys were cartoons, etc. etc.
Olliem8124: i sometimes wonfder if
they had many friends growing
JHami828: I forgot about Manon!
Nelsonismyhero: as long as n and j are in it
i wouldn't care
Nelsonismyhero: j and n
Dugan EK: Ivy St. Hillier played her on
stage and in the 1932 film -- she is
magnificent, breaks your heart!
JHami828: Well, I guess most authors
don't like the story to be changed
Nelsonismyhero: i thought most movie
stars as kids were un popular
CraziLadii: that would be difficult to see
your "baby" changed like that
Nelsonismyhero: yeah i guess
MamaLion27: Nelson didn't have much
time but he was active in the church
Nelsonismyhero: i've never been in that
Nelsonismyhero: his family were choir
people right
CraziLadii: many successful singers
start at church
Olliem8124: chuch going people
Dugan EK: Anything more to say about
Bittersweet in our final moments?
JHami828: I did like the affectionate
MamaLion27: i just wish they had been
more careful with the script
Nelsonismyhero: it's enjoyable. . . except
nelson's death
CraziLadii: that kiss when Nelson lifts
her chin---YES
JHami828: :-)
Nelsonismyhero: i love that kiss!!!!
MamaLion27: I love kissing!
Nelsonismyhero: me too
Dugan EK: I love his carrying her upstairs
Olliem8124: you all love it when they
are kissing
CraziLadii: that was great too
Nelsonismyhero: me too
CraziLadii: can you imagine the weight
with that costume and all?
Nelsonismyhero: he was so storng!
Nelsonismyhero: :-D
JHami828: The comic character actors
were funny, too.
Dugan EK: Yes -- I especially like Curt
Olliem8124: felix bressart too
MamaLion27: Well, I have to go. Baby
is fussy tonight
Nelsonismyhero: i've had so much fun
MamaLion27: So long, everyone.;-)
Nelsonismyhero: bye bye
CraziLadii has left the room.
JHami828: Bye all...thanks for the chat!
JHami828 has left the room.
MamaLion27 has left the room.
LadyJoots: Byeee!
Nelsonismyhero: :-D
Dugan EK: Good night --
Nelsonismyhero has left the room.
Olliem8124: bye allO:-)