You have just entered room "Sweethearts Topical Chat."
Nelsonismyhero has entered the room.
MamaLion27 has entered the room.
SokorraK: Hi everyone
Nelsonismyhero: hello everyone
Olliem8124 has entered the room.
SokorraK: Tonights topic is New Moon
Nelsonismyhero: yipee
MamaLion27: Hi. I am on borrowed time. I hear whimpering.
Olliem8124: hi all
Nelsonismyhero: don't you love stoutheartd men!!!!!!!!!
MamaLion27: I love New Moon.
SokorraK: :-) Yep!
SokorraK: New Moon is my Favorite
Olliem8124: i liked one kiss
Nelsonismyhero: it's the best:-D
Chetoshari has entered the room.
Olliem8124: O:-)
SokorraK: Hi Shari
MamaLion27: Kissing is my favorite thing anytime Nelson does it!
Nelsonismyhero: you can say that again!
Chetoshari: Hi you surprized me.
Nelsonismyhero: he is definitely a good kisser
MamaLion27: That one in the garden may have been his best!
Olliem8124: i would like a footman like him
Nelsonismyhero: me too
Nelsonismyhero: i think his best kiss was in maytime
Nelsonismyhero: after czaritza
SokorraK: I love the different comedic scenes in the last half of the film
MamaLion27: Yes, I loved that one, too.
Nelsonismyhero: i love the wedding scene!
Olliem8124: i liked the ending
MamaLion27: I didn' kissing!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah they didn't kiss
Nelsonismyhero: :'(
Olliem8124: well you cant have it all
Nelsonismyhero: they were too busy singing
Chetoshari: What is the official topic?? or is there one?? Kisses???
Olliem8124: O:-)wish we could tho
SokorraK: New Moon
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
MamaLion27: Do you realize we haven't even touched on the story..all we are
doing is reviewing the lip contact!
Olliem8124: nelson seem to put on weight on and off thru this movie
Nelsonismyhero: he was defintely heavier
Chetoshari: "New Moon" IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES
Nelsonismyhero: than he usually was
Olliem8124: mine too
MamaLion27: Yes, it took a long time to shoot and reshoot that film.
Nelsonismyhero: why?
Olliem8124: i loved the song wanting you
Nelsonismyhero: i like stouthearted men
SokorraK: I like all the songs
Nelsonismyhero: it's the best
Chetoshari: These songs were featured in "New Moon" as you all probably know.
SokorraK: Though the last "Lover Come Back" was strange
Nelsonismyhero: they mixed the tunes at the end
Nelsonismyhero: was kinda neat
MamaLion27: For some reason directors were changed during filming. Therefore
script changes were made and scenes were redone.
SokorraK: yep, neat./....but preformed strangely is what I ment
Olliem8124: softly as in a morning sunrise is a nice song too
SokorraK: The scene where he is singing while the rest are fighting...
Nelsonismyhero: what was strange about it?
Nelsonismyhero: oh
SokorraK: yeah it is. I like how he looks up and knows she is watching
Olliem8124: he had to tell her he would come back to her
MamaLion27: Again, quite possibly due to last minute cuts.
Chetoshari: Did ya'll like "One Kiss"??
Nelsonismyhero: totally
Olliem8124: yeah
SokorraK: yep
Nelsonismyhero: i wish the cd recording was the same as in the movie
Olliem8124: one of my favorite songs
MamaLion27: Yes, I liked that. You could understand every word jeanette sang
for once.
Nelsonismyhero: i can usually understand what she says
Chetoshari: No one sings "One Kiss" like Jeanette MacDonald
Olliem8124: get it from dianne she made it for me
Nelsonismyhero: i heard a jane powell recording that wasn't as good
Nelsonismyhero: i did
Olliem8124: jane powell sounds like she screams when hitting high notes
Nelsonismyhero: sometimes
Nelsonismyhero: susanna foster is worse
Nelsonismyhero: i like her in other things
Nelsonismyhero: like 3 daring daughters
Olliem8124: jeanette was the best female singer in the movies
Nelsonismyhero: yes she was
Dugan EK has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: is
Nelsonismyhero: nelson is the best singer in the world
Dugan EK: Mothers of some other singers might argue with you --
MamaLion27: I like all of them but Jeanette was best. However, she had the
European style of putting range before lyrics.
Nelsonismyhero: true
Olliem8124: no debating that as male singers go especially baritones
MamaLion27: Nelso had the American approach.
Nelsonismyhero: he was completely dedicated to music
Nelsonismyhero: i admire that
Nelsonismyhero: i didn't know that was a european thing
MamaLion27: *Nelson..He also held the top baritone place until 1999 when
someone put Elvis ahead of him. Imagine!
Nelsonismyhero: elvis isn't a baritone!
Nelsonismyhero: he's not even a singer
Olliem8124: their dreams were in vain tho
MamaLion27: You're telling me!
MamaLion27: But I have the listing.
Nelsonismyhero: why they got each other in the end
Olliem8124: i never likrfd elvis much
Nelsonismyhero: i hate elvis
SokorraK: Does anyone know if there was a copy of the New Moon script?
MamaLion27: He doesn't have a place in classical music or baritone listing
Dugan EK: My private theory is that the big difference between successful
opera/classical singers and successful Broadway musical singers is that the
former go for gorgeous tone with the lyrics taking second place, while the
latter emphasize
Chetoshari: Did you know that Elvis listened to classical music and loved
Mario Lanzo ?
Olliem8124: i liked the scene in the captains office when she fell into his
Dugan EK: the lyrics, even if they must lose the chance to produce a lovely
round note. That's why so few "cross-over" singers are successful.
MamaLion27: But EK, Nelson did both!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Nelsonismyhero: i loved when he was looking at her when she was sing one kiss
Olliem8124: even tho when jeanette sang high and you could not really
understand some of the words the tone was still great
Nelsonismyhero: she just is unbeatable
MamaLion27: I do wish there were outtakes left of all the scene changes in
that movie.
Olliem8124: but in this movie she was easy to understand
Nelsonismyhero: i can always understand them
Nelsonismyhero: that's why i love them so much
MamaLion27: Too bad all of MGM=s libraries and vaults have been dissassembled.
Nelsonismyhero: singers these days are imposible to understand
SokorraK: Sometimes it is hard to understand Jeanette when she sings because
her voice gets so high.
Nelsonismyhero: welllll . . .
Olliem8124: yea what are those two lines in the song lieberstraum dream of
SokorraK: Does anyone know about the script?
Nelsonismyhero: sorry
Olliem8124: still waiting to see if anyone knows them
Nelsonismyhero: i only watch the movies
MamaLion27: It was more than one script because it was rewritten several
Olliem8124: yea he was a bondservant escaping the police in paris
Nelsonismyhero: but wasn't it on stage?
Dugan EK: Much of MGM's stuff is now at the Motion Picture Academy Library.
Nelsonismyhero: where is that?
Olliem8124: and she was an louisiana aristocrat
MamaLion27: This was completerly different than the original
Dugan EK: The film follows much of the stage play. Only Marianne is American
born and has a father who is governor (I think) or a rich and powerful
Nelsonismyhero: well jeanette's part sounds the same
Nelsonismyhero: or close
Olliem8124: i liked when he got his finger caught in the sugar prong
Nelsonismyhero: that was funny
Dugan EK: There is the secondary set of lovers, compulstory for all stage
operettas and musicals -- Gorgeous Alexander and the maid Julie.
Nelsonismyhero: there is always a maid and her name is always julie
Dugan EK: Yes -- and a curving staircase begging for a song.
Dugan EK: Has everyone seen the New York City Opera revival with Richard White
and Leigh Munro?
MamaLion27: Yes, Nelson does the song Gorgeous Alexander on one of my records.
Nelsonismyhero: which record?
Dugan EK: In the film "Gorgeous Alexander" lyrics were changed to the shoe
Nelsonismyhero: i like the shoe song
Dugan EK: On stage, it is a big production number where all the servant girls
(24 of them!) tease Alexander about his appeal to women.
Nelsonismyhero: songs like that are so creative
Dugan EK: The stage version also has a typical Gilbert & Sullivan contralto,
in this case a sex-starved older woman who has married two of the characters
-- Alexander and a sailor on Marianne's father's boat.
Dugan EK: Sexually frustrated women are always depicted as objects of hilarity
in stage productions, always good for a laugh.
Olliem8124: yea:-\
Nelsonismyhero: i feel sorry for them
Nelsonismyhero: :-\
Dugan EK: Sexually frustrated men, of course, are figures of tragedy --
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Dugan EK: Is anyone else old enough to remember that saying women were
terrible drivers always produced a big laugh?
Nelsonismyhero: i hate it when they say that
Nelsonismyhero: it's so sexist
Dugan EK: No one has said it for several decades, since statistics make them
charge men much more for insurance than women, due to females' having fewer
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Dugan EK: I'm just commenting on stereotypes on stage and in film --
MamaLion27: Sorry, I was checking the baby. The recording of Gorgeous
Alexander was one with Nelson and Eleanor Steber.
Dugan EK: Yes, I think their recording went back to the stage score.
Dugan EK: Girl on the Prow is another lovely song left out of the film.
Olliem8124: i liked the way she said you dont have to look at me that way
when she told him about the party mardi gras
MamaLion27: It did as did the other operetta on the same record with Rose
Marie done with Dorothy Kirsten.
Dugan EK: Oh, and the third male role is the tragic tenor whose wife deserted
him -- he sings "Softly as in a Morning Sunrise" about how love has turned to
ashes -- hitting a HIGH note at the end.
Nelsonismyhero: i love how nelson is so frank
Olliem8124: she lost her scarf and headpiece when sh went in the garden
Dugan EK: Transposed down for a baritone and with new, less angry lyrics,
Nelsonismyhero: whenever i listen to other rose marie recordings i can't
listen for very long
Dugan EK: "Softly" becomes a lovely ballad for Nelson to sing.
Nelsonismyhero: softly was one of his best
MamaLion27: I did enjoy that one.
Nelsonismyhero: because he sings softly and loadly
Nelsonismyhero: it's got strngth and warmth
MamaLion27: This baby will be a Nelson fan before she is two!
Olliem8124: said he was a strange servant
Nelsonismyhero: i wish i had someone to mentor
Nelsonismyhero: she said it was his strange manner
MamaLion27: I would give anything for a servant like that.
Nelsonismyhero: the way he assumes the stature of a nobleman
Nelsonismyhero: i couldn't order him around that way
MamaLion27: Oh, he could give the orders!
Nelsonismyhero: YEAH
Olliem8124: anytime
SokorraK: I thought it was interesting that she could be so snobby at the
beginging and yet so normal at the end
Olliem8124: because she was an aristocrat
Nelsonismyhero: jeanette's good at that
Nelsonismyhero: even though she wasn't like that in real life
Nelsonismyhero: snobby i mean
Olliem8124: very versitile in their acting both of them
MamaLion27: Did anyone catch the snuff box exchange between the governor and
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Olliem8124: sickening isnt it
Nelsonismyhero: snuff is gross
MamaLion27: Typical tobacco usage of the times.
Nelsonismyhero: ugh
Olliem8124: i suppose so
Dugan EK: Joani just emailed me and asked to be invited to the chat. Can
someone do that?
MamaLion27: Jessi will,
SokorraK: I invited her
Olliem8124: anyone listening to the president at this time
Dugan EK: Yes -- with one year.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
MamaLion27: I am trying not to..!
Olliem8124: me too
Nelsonismyhero: me too!
Dugan EK: One EAR -- not year --
Nelsonismyhero: but my dad is a news freak
MamaLion27: I have to use both ears for the baby.
Nelsonismyhero: the way he talks is SO annoying!>:o
Olliem8124: why
Dugan EK: There have been very few great orators since Roosevelt --
Nelsonismyhero: he can't say more than two words in five min
SokorraK: Do you think that the movie was historically correct or just another
hollywooded history?
Nelsonismyhero: new moon?
Olliem8124: i loved it regardless
SokorraK: yes
MamaLion27: I just tried Joani again.
Nelsonismyhero: it's good anyway
Dugan EK: The story followed the stage operetta in overall plot. Obviously,
there IS an Isle of Pines. How it was settled, I don't know.
MamaLion27: She mustn't be receiving
Nelsonismyhero: can i help?
JHami828 has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: hi
JHami828: THANK YOU...
Dugan EK: Hooray!
JHami828: Now, what is the topic?
Nelsonismyhero: new moon
JHami828: I LOVED so many of the songs in that movie!!
JHami828: Especially "Wanting You"!
Nelsonismyhero: romberg is a genius
Chetoshari: I recently requested "New Moon" on Turner movie site hope they
play it soon.
JHami828: I certainly enjoy Romberg's operettas.
Nelsonismyhero: in wanting you, i liked how j took the ultra high note at the
Nelsonismyhero: tcm doesn't play their movies enough
MamaLion27: We have already covered what I liked at the end!
JHami828: I wish I had TCM!
Nelsonismyhero: it's pretty cool
Olliem8124: you can say that again
JHami828: I wish there had been a close up at the end.
Chetoshari: Maybe we should all request them....often!!! to TCM!!!
Nelsonismyhero: YEAH
Olliem8124: they should have ended it with a kiss
MamaLion27: I use it exclusively for taping. I have been able to pick up many
of the old silent movies on TCM
JHami828: A kiss at the end would've been perfect, too.
Nelsonismyhero: wasn't the end a bit racy for the time?
Olliem8124: i wrote to bob osborne but he does not care what people want
Nelsonismyhero: i mean the way they went in to you know
Nelsonismyhero: bob osborne is too into his needs
JHami828: But, they were married...
MamaLion27: Nope. Don't know!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah but i thought
Nelsonismyhero: yor right
Dugan EK: The ending of the Wolf Trap production is quite nice. All
impediments to their marriage being removed, he pickes her up to carry her
into her cottage. Just as they are about to enter the door, he turns and gives
the audience a
Dugan EK: beatific smile, innocent and delighted.
Nelsonismyhero: aww
JHami828: Was the Wolf Trap production on stage?
Dugan EK: Yes -- at Wolf Trap. Broadcast on PBS with an intro by Beverly Sills
who played clips from the Tibbett/Moore and MacDonald/Eddy films.
JHami828: On PBS?? Is it available on video?
MamaLion27: I must go there !
Nelsonismyhero: do they ever play it again?
Olliem8124: when was this on pbs
Olliem8124: and will it be on again
Nelsonismyhero: must see it
Dugan EK: Sadly, it isn't out on commercial video. And my copy was fading. I
got another copy in better color from someone whose copy hadn't faded.
Olliem8124: me too
Nelsonismyhero: where do you find this stuff?
JHami828: Do you remember when it was on TV...about which year?
Nelsonismyhero: i barely got all their films
Nelsonismyhero: i rely on tcm to record the other stuff
Dugan EK: Wolf Trap was 1988.
Nelsonismyhero: they need to do something like that again
MamaLion27: Yes, please!
Dugan EK: Some J&N fans hate it. Some love it, seeing how all the songs were
orginally arranged and assigned to various characters.
Nelsonismyhero: people these days don't know what their missing
Olliem8124: maybe PBS will play it again someday
Nelsonismyhero: maybe
MamaLion27: Dare we ask?
Chetoshari: Will all their (N/E&J/M) movies be availalbe on DVD??
Olliem8124: maybe it should be in the form of a request
Nelsonismyhero: i welcome any chance to show jand n on tv
MamaLion27: They won't all be on DVD unless we put them on there!
Nelsonismyhero: they should put out a dvd collection for them!!!!
JHami828: I would be great to see the movies all on DVD...since
many of my VHS tapes "fade" with time.
Chetoshari: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Nelsonismyhero: i'm so worried they won't last
JHami828: Me too
Dugan EK: I heard that someone in LA bought Nelson films from England on DVD
-- but they were private produced, and I THINK the seller is the gentleman to
whom I sent many Nelson films on video. He's got the tecnology to convert. But
MamaLion27: I am looking to convert all my 1500 tapes to DVD some day.
Olliem8124: make more copies
JHami828: will be forever making DVD's!
Chetoshari: How can we request that they????do this???
Nelsonismyhero: yeah some guy on ebay converts them
MamaLion27: But think of how much room I would gain!
Dugan EK: BUT -- to Region 2 DVD which doesn't play on our format DVD. Our
politicians have decreed that even with DVD, we will have a system different
from the rest of the world! (Lynch them!)
Nelsonismyhero: yeah!
Nelsonismyhero: we should petition it
Dugan EK: So this lay in L.A. has unplayable DVDs probably made from my
Chetoshari: Who do we peitiion????
Dugan EK: LADY in L.A. --
Nelsonismyhero: some dvd company
Nelsonismyhero: like rhino records is to the dvd world
Chetoshari: I have read that their music is rather good in sales.
MamaLion27: There is a recorder out ther that converts tapes to DVD's and
records from TCM to DVDs.
Dugan EK: But they would have to get a license to do so -- these are not
public domain films!!
MamaLion27: Most of my tapes are from television. I don't copy from commercial
Nelsonismyhero: i need one of those
Nelsonismyhero: i bought all ine on amazon
Nelsonismyhero: except IMAA
Nelsonismyhero: that one is hard to find
Dugan EK: I think you can order it used -- it came out commercially.
Nelsonismyhero: maybe if they were more available for rental
Nelsonismyhero: then people might
Olliem8124: they had imaa on ebay auction might still be on
MamaLion27: Well, the baby is crying. So great-grandma has to go. I never seem
to get away from baby care.
MamaLion27: Bye for now.
Dugan EK: Poor greatgrandma!
Nelsonismyhero: realize the importance of preserving their movies
Nelsonismyhero: bye bye
MamaLion27 has left the room.
Dugan EK: We are very lucky that nearly all their films ARE preserved!
Nelsonismyhero: not on dvd though
Olliem8124: yeah i still trying to get knickerbocker holiday
Dugan EK: Well, every 3 years from now on, "they" will come up with a new
technology that will make all previous stuff obsolete. Get used to it.
SokorraK: Perhaps we can convince TCM to publish the movies on DVD
Olliem8124: anyone got one for sale
JHami828: So true, Eleanor!
Nelsonismyhero: so sad
Dugan EK: Slide rules and carbon paper --
SokorraK: DOS
Nelsonismyhero: it's hard to convince tcm to do much
Dugan EK: Lots and lots of letters and e-mails!
Nelsonismyhero: i don't even know where to reach them
Nelsonismyhero: i wrote once but i thinkit waas the wrong address
Dugan EK: I'm sure contact info could be found through Google. They are
headquartered in Atlanta. Ted Turner has left, so now the place is run by
businessmen who care only for profits.
Olliem8124: i sent my letters to now playing
Nelsonismyhero: me too
Nelsonismyhero: but i got no answer
Olliem8124: me neither
Chetoshari: I was in a Jeanette MacDonald site when I somehow got into a
request a movie at Turner. I will try to retract and post on message soon.
Olliem8124: i did that too no answer from our friend bob
Nelsonismyhero: ok!
Dugan EK: Sorry -- Turner Classic Movies, Marsha Armstrong 1-404 885-5540,
1065 Williams St., Atlanta, GA 30309
Nelsonismyhero: thanks
JHami828: Great!
Nelsonismyhero: tcm will be hearing from me
Dugan EK: That's what I have in my address book. But an e-mail connection
would be good too.
Chetoshari: We should bomb them with requests - there are many of us, right?
Nelsonismyhero: i'm in
JHami828: Me too
Nelsonismyhero: my family would too
Olliem8124: they will hear from me too
Chetoshari: Great!!! It is amazing what we could accomplish!!!
Olliem8124: yea whats the e-mail address
JHami828: We can certainly try!
Dugan EK: Maybe someone can check that and post it?
Nelsonismyhero: i think it's worth a try
Nelsonismyhero: i'll check
Dugan EK: Great --
Olliem8124: anything is worth it to keep j and n alive in our memories
Dugan EK: Well, it's after 6 PM -- 9 PM EDT
JHami828: Thanks for the chat all!
JHami828 has left the room.
Nelsonismyhero: i had fun
SokorraK: So did I
JHami828 has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: thanks, and see you all later
Chetoshari: Thanks for inviting me---Bye YA"LL
Dugan EK: Have a great week!
JHami828: Bye
SokorraK: Byes
Dugan EK has left the room.
JHami828 has left the room.
Olliem8124: i really enjoyed tonights chat but i have to go bye all
SokorraK: bye
Nelsonismyhero: bye bye
Nelsonismyhero has left the room.
Chetoshari has left the room.
Olliem8124 has left the room.