You have just entered room "The
LadyJoots has entered the room.
SokorraK: hi
LadyJoots: hiyeeee
Olliem8124 has entered the room.
SokorraK: Hi Ollie
LadyJoots: Hi Ollie
Olliem8124: hi all
Olliem8124: the subject is sweethearts i see
SokorraK: no it's anything you want to talk about
Olliem8124: ok
SokorraK: I just used that instead of numbers
LadyJoots: There's Eleanor
Olliem8124: have you heard anything from l.a. hope they had a good time
Dugan EK has entered the room.
SokorraK: so Do I
SokorraK: Next week chat is set aside for them to talk about it:-)
Olliem8124: how was L. A. and the dedication to nelson
Dugan EK: So a few of us AREN'T in Los Angeles (sob).
Olliem8124: thats great
SokorraK: I'm not even in the state
Olliem8124: thats great
LadyJoots: I went ;-) I gave my report on the list, Ollie.. want me to forward
it to you?
Dugan EK: Got your report and copied into a word processing file for
preservation. THANKS!
Olliem8124: sure if you wopuld like to
Olliem8124: would
LadyJoots: Delete the typos, would ya?!
DIXC has entered the room.
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: Okay, Ollie... it's coming ;-)
Olliem8124: 8-)
DIXC: Thank you for getting me here.:-)
SokorraK: :-)
DIXC: That was a great report by Ginny of the meeting.
LadyJoots: Thanks
Olliem8124: im glad it was a success for all of you
DIXC: We lost a great entertainer in Donald O'Conner. He was fun and a wonderful
Olliem8124: yeah too bad i liked him also got his autograph way back in the the
armory in n,y, when the had midget auto racing there
Olliem8124: if i didnt know he wrote it i wouldn` known it was his so many
people there got it also
DIXC: My sister met him on a train in Illinois when he found a returned her
Olliem8124: this was in kingston armory in n.y,
DIXC: "and"
Dugan EK: JeanetteFan1 would like to be fetched to the chat -- can someone do
LadyJoots: She never shows up on my list
LadyJoots: Except once in a blue moon
LadyJoots: ;-)
Dugan EK: She's IMing me right now --
SokorraK: I am being told she is not available
LadyJoots: Me too
Dugan EK: She's there -- -- ???
Dugan EK: I'm also aol and have no trouble having two IMs at the same time -- so
that can't be the problem. ???
SokorraK: no
SokorraK: Now AIM says she is on
LadyJoots: I think if you're not in her buddylist, you're blocked...
LadyJoots: Ooo
LadyJoots: There you go...
LadyJoots: Same here
Dugan EK: She says she just changed her "privacy thing" so please try again.
LadyJoots: Right ;-)
JeanetteFan1 has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: hi everyone
Dugan EK: Hooray!
JeanetteFan1: whew mad it
LadyJoots: Hi there! :-)
JeanetteFan1: thanks eleonor
Olliem8124: hi
JeanetteFan1: you are anO:-)
Dugan EK: Thanks whoever fetched her.
Olliem8124: :-)
JeanetteFan1: i ginny
JeanetteFan1: and ollie and rich
JeanetteFan1: i mean helloo
JeanetteFan1: and to jessi too
DIXC: Hi!:-)
Olliem8124: hello to you
LadyJoots: Hi Debbie :-D
JeanetteFan1: dorothy usually fecthes me
LadyJoots: Ahhhh
JeanetteFan1: :-D
Olliem8124: :-\
JeanetteFan1: i need to add more folks here to my aim list i thinkg
JeanetteFan1: think
JeanetteFan1: soooo what is the chat about tonight
LadyJoots: Yeah, you must have the same setting I do... ;-)
LadyJoots: It's a free chat... and then next weekend is all about the dedication
since more people that went will be able to attend...
JeanetteFan1: the privacy thingy
JeanetteFan1: ahhhh
JeanetteFan1: thats good
JeanetteFan1: sooooo
JeanetteFan1: lets see,where to begin,anyone find anything new about ann and
JeanetteFan1: i have nelson on the brain this weekend
JeanetteFan1: ohhhh tcm will be showing gene raymond films in dec
JeanetteFan1: i like his films
Olliem8124: your dream boat ahh
JeanetteFan1: the ones with ann southen
Dugan EK: I have an anecdote about Nelson and Ann which I should probably save
for the NEAS issue about Ann. It reflects slightly badly on Nelson, I'm afraid.
JeanetteFan1: and dear nelson
LadyJoots: Awww. Really?
JeanetteFan1: really???
JeanetteFan1: wow
Dugan EK: Well -- I think so. It was told me by Robert Armbruster's wife about a
party she attended with both of them. She remembered Nelson smoking in a corner
and pantomiming to others not to let his wife turn around and see him smoking. I
Dugan EK: I thought that reflected badly on him -- that he would in a sense
humiliate her in front of their friends. Obviously, she cared greatly that he
not smoke -- something apparently he was addicted to if he couldn't refrain from
Dugan EK: smoking in public. I KNOW that nicotine is more addictive than heroin
-- I know people who still smoked in their oxygen tents!
DIXC: naughty,:-D naughty
JeanetteFan1: true
SokorraK: I know someone who smokes with his oxygen tank on at the same time
LadyJoots: Eeeeek
JeanetteFan1: i wonder if she it was because of her personal beliefs
Olliem8124: geesh
Dugan EK: Risking an explosion that could kill many.
JeanetteFan1: that she did like him smoking
Dugan EK: I think that the health risks and sabotage to the singing voice were
well known in the 1960s. If I had a beloved husband who was risking his life and
career because of cigarettes, I would certainly be concerned.
Olliem8124: he smoked in all of his pics most of them anyway
JeanetteFan1: yes
Dugan EK: Yes -- so sad.
JeanetteFan1: a lot of folks did
JeanetteFan1: and still doooo
JeanetteFan1: jeanette did not smoke
Dugan EK: And it is so poignant watching them, knowing they would die of lung
cancer like Bogart --
Olliem8124: thank god his voice was not affected by smoking
JeanetteFan1: like poor yul
JeanetteFan1: byrnner
Dugan EK: Another one,yes.
JeanetteFan1: i spelled his last name wrong
JeanetteFan1: the king and i
DIXC: Manny drank and smoked not knowing what we hear today from doctors
Olliem8124: true
JeanetteFan1: nelson did the night clubs
JeanetteFan1: i wonder if ann approved
Dugan EK: Well, I think the health risks from drinking were well known. That's
why Prohibiton passed.
JeanetteFan1: i doubt it
JeanetteFan1: yes indeed
JeanetteFan1: good point eleonor
Dugan EK: Jeanette did some nightclub work and then decided not to,d espite the
good money, because of the cigarette smoke.
JeanetteFan1: and she did not drink either
JeanetteFan1: though in the irving stone letters
Olliem8124: good for her
JeanetteFan1: i only read one or two
DIXC: O:-)J. M.
JeanetteFan1: i read meantion of some wine
JeanetteFan1: i have not read all of ms rich;s books
Olliem8124: she was an angel regardless of what others thought
Dugan EK: She probably drank wine with meals on special occasions. Even I do
JeanetteFan1: yes she sure was rich
JeanetteFan1: ahhhh
JeanetteFan1: of course
JeanetteFan1: i think she was too ollie
Olliem8124: she has always been my favorite
Dugan EK: "ollie"??
JeanetteFan1: me too
Dugan EK: Oh, not an adjective -- a name.
JeanetteFan1: i an not sure what is your name ollie8124
Olliem8124: olive
JeanetteFan1: many thanks
Dugan EK: I thought you were saying that Jeanette was too ollie -- !
JeanetteFan1: sorry
JeanetteFan1: i am debbie
JeanetteFan1: deborahp7
JeanetteFan1: at the group
Olliem8124: glad to know you
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: i am a second generation jeanette fan
JeanetteFan1: i love classic films in general
Olliem8124: tho every one calls me ollie because i hate the name olive
JeanetteFan1: ok
LadyJoots: Awww ;-)
DIXC: Some drinking and some smoking is shown by stars in nearly every movie for
JeanetteFan1: i saw a color film from 1938 the other week
JeanetteFan1: it was not j and n
JeanetteFan1: vogues of 1938
LadyJoots: Ahhhh :-)
JeanetteFan1: with joan bennett
LadyJoots: I miss TCM :-(
JeanetteFan1: at imdb they hated it
LadyJoots: *pouts*
JeanetteFan1: ahhhh
Dugan EK: 80 two-strip Technicolor films were made in 1929 and 1930!
JeanetteFan1: thanks eleonor
JeanetteFan1: what did you think of this film?
LadyJoots: Did Natalie watch over those as well?
JeanetteFan1: i liked joan in it
JeanetteFan1: she did this one
LadyJoots: I would imagine... :-)
Dugan EK: Vogues of 1938? A workmanly showcase for three-strip Technicolor -- a
pleasant evening at the cinema. One got one's 25 cents worth!
JeanetteFan1: the color in sweethearts was much better
JeanetteFan1: thats what i would call it tooo a pleasant evening
JeanetteFan1: sort of like roberta in color
Dugan EK: Yes, loved the fashion show.
JeanetteFan1: without fred and ginger and irene dunne
Dugan EK: But then Sweethearts also had a fashion show -- designed by Adrian!
JeanetteFan1: warner baxter was good
JeanetteFan1: yes and both and misha
JeanetteFan1: auer
Olliem8124: why was jm turned down for the pic showboat that irene d got the
JeanetteFan1: ?
Dugan EK: I don't think she was. Universal owned the rights and would naturally
use their star prima donna, not borrow an expensive star from another studio.
JeanetteFan1: i like irene dunne too
Olliem8124: didnt she audition for the roll
DIXC: Sweethearts is one of my favorites, because of the color and the civilian
clothes they wore. The singing of course was GREAT.
Dugan EK: I never heard that she did.
LadyJoots: Me too, Debbie. :-)
JeanetteFan1: thats what i like about sweethearts too rich
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: irene dunne and jeanette where friends i think
JeanetteFan1: they went to the same church in later years
Dugan EK: Yes, and they toured together before either came to Hollywood.
JeanetteFan1: they both belonged to the church of religious science
DIXC: My mother's two favorite actresses - J & Irene
JeanetteFan1: its still around
JeanetteFan1: me too rich
JeanetteFan1: i like irene in theodora goes wild
JeanetteFan1: :-D
LadyJoots: I'm looking over the White Cliffs of Dover... :-D
JeanetteFan1: ahhhh
JeanetteFan1: another classic
JeanetteFan1: and life with father
Dugan EK: Oh, they are just announcing the director Elia Kazan has died.
LadyJoots: Her teamings with Cary Grant are brilliant, too.
LadyJoots: Oh my goodness!!
JeanetteFan1: oh my
JeanetteFan1: that is sad
JeanetteFan1: and palmer and o'connor
Dugan EK: "People are dying who never died before," as Sam Goldwyn said.
JeanetteFan1: and the tennis gibson
Dugan EK: Althea
JeanetteFan1: very sad
JeanetteFan1: and the william's sister was shot
Dugan EK: I hope some famous and productive people are busy being born to fill
the void.
DIXC: I quit reading the OBITUARIES in case I would be found in it:-D
LadyJoots: Dick... ROFL :-D
JeanetteFan1: oh dear......
JeanetteFan1: i think there are always talented folks
DIXC: Too many great ones leaving us lately.:-\
JeanetteFan1: in all fields and walks of life
LadyJoots: I don't want to know who goes on Nelson's birthday next year. :-(
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
LadyJoots: It seems to be a trend...
JeanetteFan1: ahhhh dear nelson
Olliem8124: O:-)
JeanetteFan1: i thought they would have more for jeanette's 100th
JeanetteFan1: they did more last year!
LadyJoots: Awww
LadyJoots: True
JeanetteFan1: but at least they had some
JeanetteFan1: they did well by judy
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
Olliem8124: seem death come in threes and then leavers and then you hear about
three more and so on
LadyJoots: Well, I think they even exploited her a little too much. *sniffles*
JeanetteFan1: princess diana and mother teresa and sir georg solti the same
JeanetteFan1: thats true ginny
JeanetteFan1: sir georg is a great conductor
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
JeanetteFan1: and friend of princess diana has well
JeanetteFan1: that was in 97
JeanetteFan1: but i am off topic
LadyJoots: Naw... ;-)
Olliem8124: me too
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: back to j and n
Olliem8124: :'(no more tears now
Dugan EK: A human trait is to try to find patterns in random things. That's why
the sky is full of "constellations."
JeanetteFan1: indeed ollie
JeanetteFan1: thats true eleonor sort of like astrogoloy
LadyJoots: I think a whole semester in sixth grade was devoted to patterns...
LadyJoots: For me..
LadyJoots: :-)
JeanetteFan1: how was it?
JeanetteFan1: do we see patterns in j and n
Dugan EK: Yes -- numerology, tea leaves, the Oracle at Delphi --
LadyJoots: Basic for me... I was bored! :-D
LadyJoots: I'm always over analyzing...
JeanetteFan1: j and n both lived in philly
JeanetteFan1: both liked opera
Dugan EK: As a quilter, I'm fascinated by patterns -- but trying to establish
patterns in random events is usually wishful thinking. (If I don't step on a
crack, I won't break my mother's back.)
LadyJoots: However *ahem* I don't over analyze certain pictures. :-D
JeanetteFan1: but they where different in a lot of things as well
Olliem8124: like what
JeanetteFan1: welllll
JeanetteFan1: jeanette and gene liked to have guests
JeanetteFan1: i think nelson kept tp himself
JeanetteFan1: though i could be wrong
JeanetteFan1: jeanette took film work as her life;s work
JeanetteFan1: nelson did not like it all that much
Dugan EK: Oh, we're talking about personalities -- not events or stars -- yes,
they were very different.
JeanetteFan1: and then there personal ideas
Dugan EK: stars as in heavenly bodies -- no cracks, please.
Olliem8124: well its hard to give up things you worked so hard at and i cant
blame her
JeanetteFan1: hehe
JeanetteFan1: they where different there too
JeanetteFan1: thats true
JeanetteFan1: her films are lovely
JeanetteFan1: i love her early ones
Dugan EK: Her fiancé Bob Ritchie didn't want her to give up her career, but
apparently he was unreliable and a womanizer. Not anything she could tolerate.
Olliem8124: i think so watch them over and over evry chance i get
JeanetteFan1: cat and the fiddle is not talked about much
JeanetteFan1: that is interesting eleonor
Olliem8124: i dont like ramon navarro
JeanetteFan1: yes is sort of strange
JeanetteFan1: but the score is lovely
Dugan EK: I just got a 1940 French musical starring Ramon Novarro, La Comédie du
Bonheur -- and amazingly Ramon is absolutely gorgeous and young-looking,
although his singing has grown a bit wobbly.
JeanetteFan1: i love jerome kern music
JeanetteFan1: they say he died a horrid death
JeanetteFan1: i am not sure is that true?
Dugan EK: Also a Mexican historical film with him playing a saint who inspired
the people to revolution and freedom.
JeanetteFan1: there are many stories about himn
JeanetteFan1: hmmmm
JeanetteFan1: what was the name of the film eleonor
JeanetteFan1: he was dolores del rios couisn
DIXC: He had a wider interest in music than just fims. Concerts Opera Radio. Any
way he could work in music which included film.
Dugan EK: Yes, poor Ramon was murdered by some young men he offered a place to
stay because they were in trouble. They thought he must be rich and tied him up
to rob him. He strangled to death.
LadyJoots: Was he really, Debbie?
JeanetteFan1: i thought it was diffeerent the story
Olliem8124: well this was reat but i have to leave to take my daughter home
JeanetteFan1: yep he was ginny
Olliem8124: bye all
LadyJoots: Didn't know that... Delores Del Rio seems to catch the eye of many
LadyJoots: Awww... bye!
JeanetteFan1: buy for now ollie
LadyJoots: I don't understand that...
DIXC: Bye:-)
LadyJoots: LOL
JeanetteFan1: i head he was killed by some gay boyfriends
Olliem8124 has left the room.
JeanetteFan1: that book hollywood babylon
Dugan EK: La Virgen que fortjó una patria, 1942 - The Novarro film about the
Mexican revolution
JeanetteFan1: has a bit in it
JeanetteFan1: the murder
JeanetteFan1: perhaps that was a rumor
Dugan EK: Hollywood Babylon isn't worth the paper it's printed on. A piece of
trash and seeking the most sensational twist to any fact -- or lie.
JeanetteFan1: i thought sooooo
JeanetteFan1: poor ramon
Dugan EK: Neither of the young men was his "boyfriend." They were young hustlers
who played on his sympathy, saying they were homeless and down on their luck.
JeanetteFan1: tthat happenedon oct 31
JeanetteFan1: right?
JeanetteFan1: harry houdini died on oct 31 too
DIXC: I laugh when I hear Nelson sing "I'm GAY without cause...."
JeanetteFan1: hehe
JeanetteFan1: thats good rrich
Dugan EK: Sadly, any biography of Novarro, after citing all his tremendous
accomplishments and talents, must end with an account of his tragic murder. What
a horrible way to be remembered.
JeanetteFan1: and williand desmond taylor
Dugan EK: Imagine if either Jeanette or Nelson had been murdered -- so that
everything they ever did was forever after overlooked.
JeanetteFan1: oh deat
JeanetteFan1: horrid thoughts
LadyJoots: *ahem* Judy Garland... ;-)
LadyJoots: LOL
JeanetteFan1: oh right
LadyJoots: "Oh, she died of a drug overdose"
JeanetteFan1: lets get cheerful
LadyJoots: ...didn't she?"
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: :-D
JeanetteFan1: yes
JeanetteFan1: or is there rumors again
DIXC: Nelson was murdered in ....
LadyJoots: That's the comment I get when I speak of Miss Joots...
JeanetteFan1: maytime
JeanetteFan1: and bittersweet
JeanetteFan1: dear dear
JeanetteFan1: i hate to end on a sad note
LadyJoots: Hmmm
JeanetteFan1: i think tcm should sooo n and j films the same month
DIXC: Have to leave now also. But have a nice week. :-)
JeanetteFan1: along with gene;s
JeanetteFan1: buy rich
LadyJoots: There is now a street named Nelson Eddy Drive in the Hollywood
Forever Cemetery. Would people like to see a picture? I only have five pictures
of the event, the rest awere taken with Diane's camera...
LadyJoots: But I do have a picture of the sign...
DIXC: Bye:-)
DIXC has left the room.
JeanetteFan1: have a great evening
JeanetteFan1: yes
JeanetteFan1: please
LadyJoots: And Jessi's going to post the rest, right Jessi? :-D
Dugan EK: I can't wait to see the pictures -- and the video!
JeanetteFan1: here here
JeanetteFan1: i was thinking about it all day yesterday
LadyJoots: Oh, I know... I don't want to see when I was interviewed though.
LadyJoots: *cringes*
JeanetteFan1: oh dear
LadyJoots: :-D
JeanetteFan1: i must run
JeanetteFan1: byr for now
JeanetteFan1: everyone
LadyJoots: Okay... I'll send pictures to you all. ;-)
Dugan EK: Bye everyone -- have a great week!
LadyJoots: Byeeeee!
JeanetteFan1: thanks for a great chat
Dugan EK has left the room.
JeanetteFan1: send the photos ginny
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: ahhh dont forget to chat any time ginny and jessi
JeanetteFan1: bye for now
JeanetteFan1 has left the room.