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room "Chat 10468526331144314407."
SokorraK has entered the room.
Olliem8124 has entered the room.
SokorraK: Hey
LadyJoots has entered the room.
SokorraK: Wecome to the chat
LadyJoots: Hello, Ollie :-)
Olliem8124: hey
SokorraK: Tonight's topic is Girl of the Golden West
Olliem8124: thats nice
Olliem8124: loved the movie
SokorraK: I liked it as well
SokorraK: Been doing some last minute research on it on IMDB Pro
Dugan EK has entered the room.
Olliem8124: hello eleanor
Dugan EK: Hello, I was on the phone -- why does everyone phone at this exact
LadyJoots: It's the first of their films that I really cried throughout the
movie... and wasn't sure why. :-) I had seen all but "I Married An Angel" when
I first saw it.
Olliem8124: the way it is i guess
LadyJoots: I have a feeling that I was completely obsessed by then...
SokorraK: :-)
Olliem8124: you were im an addict for all of their movies:'(
SokorraK: There are couple books on the play
Dugan EK: I'm waiting for a clue about which film we are discussing --
LadyJoots: Girl of the Golden West
Dugan EK: ah--
LadyJoots: They're all coming at once, Jessi! Think you can fetch everyone
else? ;-)
Olliem8124: i know i even got a book of operas with the g.o.t.g.w in
SokorraK: I will try
LadyJoots: Thanks :-D
DIXC has entered the room.
SokorraK: Is Audrey here?
LadyJoots: Yeah :-D
Dugan EK: A.C.T. in San Francisco did a production of the Belasco play some
years back. Very interesting to compare it to the film.
LadyJoots: Maybe I'll just go in on GarlandGrl, too and fetch her...
DIXC: Hi! Hope all are fine!:-)
SokorraK: ok
SokorraK: I'll fetch you then
LadyJoots: Thanks :-D
GarlandGrl has entered the room.
JHami828 has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero has entered the room.
SokorraK: Here are some of the info I found out while researching it on IMDB Pro
LadyJoots: Welcome, Audrey!
Nelsonismyhero: hello
Nelsonismyhero: i'm so happy to be here!
SokorraK: Hey
Olliem8124: hello to all
Nelsonismyhero: so what's the topic?
LadyJoots: Girl of the Golden West
SokorraK: Girl of the Golden west
Nelsonismyhero: awsome!:-D
SokorraK: On IMDB it has a rating of 5.6
Nelsonismyhero: is that good?
Olliem8124: my first time
SokorraK: It used Father Lani's Chorus and St. Luke Choristers in the movie
Nelsonismyhero: welcome
SokorraK: it is out of ten
Nelsonismyhero: it should have a higher rating
SokorraK: It was premiered on March 8 1938 and was released to the theaters on
the 18th
SokorraK: In the us
SokorraK: Denmark had to wait till August 15, 1938 and Finland saw it on October
2, 2003
LadyJoots: October 2, 2003, Jessi?!
SokorraK: excuse me
SokorraK: 1938
LadyJoots: Okay ;-) Just checking...
SokorraK: I would hope they would have seen it before
LadyJoots: That's right :-)
SokorraK: It had many titles
Nelsonismyhero: what othertitles
SokorraK: Finland had: Kultaisen lännen tyttö
Nelsonismyhero: which means?
SokorraK: Demark: Pigen fra det gyldne vesten
SokorraK: not quite sure the translation
SokorraK: but I think Gyldne is golden
SokorraK: and Italy is La Cittā dell'oro
LadyJoots: The Danish translation looks pretty direct to me... ;-)
SokorraK: It was filmed at Buffalo Flats, Malibu, CA, USA
Nelsonismyhero: why did they take out puccini's music?
SokorraK: Yeah, It does
SokorraK: They did?
SokorraK: I never knew that
LadyJoots: Yeah... they did.
JHami828 has left the room.
Dugan EK: Who knows Puccini's score for La Fancuilla?! I used to say to people,
"Quick! Hum one aria!" But then I did that to someone who had sung in the opera
and he did.
JHami828 has entered the room.
Dugan EK: It was NOT one of his memorable operas!
Nelsonismyhero: i love his music!
JHami828: Thanks for inviting me back on...that AOL kicked me off!
SokorraK: What is "La Fancuilla"?
SokorraK: I figured out how to invite via AOL *does dance*
Olliem8124: :-) ;jeanette loved music by puccini mostly
Dugan EK: La Fancuilla del West (I think I've got the spelling right) is "The
Young Girl of the West" in Italian.
Nelsonismyhero: she said that in San Francisco
Olliem8124: i hate aol they always kick you off
SokorraK: thank you:-)
Nelsonismyhero: what about nelson's accent? isn't it great?
JHami828: The movie didn't follow the opera very closely though, did it?
Nelsonismyhero: probably not
SokorraK: they never really did it seems
Dugan EK: The cowboys run in singing something like "Bon giorno, Dick Johnson di
JHami828: What about Jeanette's accent. :-)
Nelsonismyhero: she did a good job!
Olliem8124: jeanne ellis played the girl and bill cody played gringo when they
were children
Nelsonismyhero: :-D
Nelsonismyhero: i didn't like the little girl
Dugan EK: Everything prior to the first scene in the bar in the film is missing
from the play and opera. No "prequel."
Nelsonismyhero: but i thought the boy kind of looked like nelson
Olliem8124: yea jeanette is versatile she and nelson tackled everything
Nelsonismyhero: i don't know why people thought nelson couldn't act
Olliem8124: :-$why jeanne ellis had a nice little voice and she looked like she
resembled jeanette
Nelsonismyhero: i didn't like her voice that much
Olliem8124: and bill cody looked a lot like nelson dont you think
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Olliem8124: who said he couldnt act they dont know what acting is then
Nelsonismyhero: that's for sure
Olliem8124: Jeanette was a good actress and played the part to a tee
Dugan EK: The people who said Nelson couldn't act are the same ones who repeat
the legend that John Gilbert had a high, squeaky voice. I was watching a Gilbert
film last night, and he had a voice several tones lower than that of Ronald
LadyJoots: A lot of people. Jessi sent me the "All Music Guide's" biography on
Nelson which is used everywhere and it yet again described him as "wooden" and
unsuccessful after films, even though it did mention the concerts and night club
Nelsonismyhero: i think he's a good actor:-)
Olliem8124: so do i
JHami828: I think Nelson had a natural charm...he certainly worked very well
with Jeanette.
SokorraK: He was a great actor and I don't understand how someone could call him
Nelsonismyhero: he just plays himself
SokorraK: :-)
LadyJoots: Even on radio that charm comes through... :-) He certainly had it...
Nelsonismyhero: swoon
Olliem8124: they were well suited to each other:-)
Nelsonismyhero: they were made for each other!
SokorraK: Oh, I just found something of interest. Would you like to see the
various tag lines for the movie?
Nelsonismyhero: sure!
SokorraK: 1. Golden hills, voices and melodies!
Olliem8124: well those uniforms he had to wear made him look stiff 8-)
JHami828: I really like the "Senorita" and the "Dance with Me" songs.
SokorraK: 2.When a western beauty meets a dangerous bandit you'll get a thrill
at their hot-blooded romance!
Nelsonismyhero: those tag lines were great!
SokorraK: 3.With a song on their lips and romance in their hearts...come the
screen's glorious sweethearts of Maytime!
Nelsonismyhero: i love "who are we to say"
Olliem8124: you said it
Dugan EK: (Garbo refused to allow one of her films to be called "Heat" because
she knew the posters would say "Greta Garbo in Heat.")
SokorraK: I heard that Jeanette was having a difficult time personally during
the filming of the movie
Olliem8124: i loved lieberstraum and shadows on the moon
Nelsonismyhero: why?
JHami828: Very nice..."Who are We to Say" (Obey Your Heart)
Dugan EK: Why is that?
SokorraK: I do not know, I have just heard that
Dugan EK: Why did they have a difficult time?
Nelsonismyhero: shadows is the best
Nelsonismyhero: they were shooting on location
JHami828: Very good music (and lyrics)!
Nelsonismyhero: maybe it was too rough
JHami828: The dances were excellent.
SokorraK: I don't think it was that she was having a hard time with the actuall
filming but in her personal life
Nelsonismyhero: i love the whip around the hip
Nelsonismyhero: wasn't she happily married?
SokorraK: It was a great musical film
Olliem8124: i think they should have finished dance with me before he had to
take off
JHami828: Me favorite part....when he lassos (sp) Jeanette.
Nelsonismyhero: it was longer than most other movies
JHami828: I do, too. That "Dance with Me" singing/dancing number was too short.
Olliem8124: yea 2 hrs and 2 mins. long
Nelsonismyhero: wow
SokorraK: cool
Dugan EK: She was a new bride -- perhaps they had to be separated when she was
on location? But not that much of the film could have been shot outdoors. All
those cardboard trees.
Nelsonismyhero: i thought the fake scenery was charming
Dugan EK: The film was too long due to all that nonsense at the beginning,
trying to show that Nelson was Robin Hood rather than Billy the Kid.
Dugan EK: All that could have been brought out in well-written dialogue between
N&J instead of child actors.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah the beggining was kind of a drag
Olliem8124: it nice that the films are longer when there too short its over
too quickly
JHami828: Does anyone know who the Spanish dancers were in "Mariachie"? I mean,
were they a special group? Who did the choreography?
Nelsonismyhero: ?
Nelsonismyhero: that was quite a number
Olliem8124: how did you like walter pigeon and buddy ebsen in this movie
Nelsonismyhero: i love them both especially walter
JHami828: Me, too.
Olliem8124: i liked buddy
Nelsonismyhero: walter was one of the better side men
Olliem8124: well hw was a great actor too
Nelsonismyhero: he is soo handsome
Olliem8124: not as handsome as nelson
JHami828: Eleanor...I was at your website. Ray Bolger was in the film
Nelsonismyhero: true
Nelsonismyhero: yeah they cut him out
SokorraK: Thats what I heard
Nelsonismyhero: too bad
Olliem8124: ray bolger called nelson the blond capon
SokorraK: Apparently he got quite irratated with Nelson, thinking he had
something to do with it.
Dugan EK: Yes -- there are photos of Bolger and Carol Tevis in yet another
subplot. And Cliff Edwards had much more to do.
JHami828: Maybe they cut him out because they had Buddy Ebsen??
SokorraK: maybe
Nelsonismyhero: that remark about nelson is uncalled for
Dugan EK: Probably with all their scenes the film ran nearly 3 hours -- too long
for those days. (Today you can have 3 hours of car chases and explosions.)
Nelsonismyhero: i don't think they cut him out because of buddy
Olliem8124: yea movies today cannot compare with the earlier films
Nelsonismyhero: ray bolger should have danced more in rosalie
JHami828: Yes, it would've made the film long...longer to keep another sub plot
with Ray Bolger in it.
JHami828: Ray Bolger was a very good dancer, but so was Buddy Ebsen.
Nelsonismyhero: yep
Olliem8124: i think they were both double jointed
Dugan EK: How about a dance with both Ebsen and Bolger together?!!
SokorraK: No, most films are no more then 2.5 hours
Olliem8124: yeah that would have been great
Nelsonismyhero: even they were long
SokorraK: Apparently there is a study out that says the american audience can't
sit for a three hour movie
Dugan EK: In the 1930s, few films went over 100 minutes and many excellent ones
ran 75 minutes.
SokorraK: Thats why LOTR was cut down
SokorraK: :-) *goes back on topic*
Dugan EK: Economy of story telling. No egocentric directors showing their
JHami828: So, why do you all think they had that scene at the end where we see
Nelson and Jeanette from a distance, when she tells him to leave because the
sheriff is there?
JHami828: I wanted a "close up".
Nelsonismyhero: who knows
SokorraK: I want to know who did his make-up at the end
Nelsonismyhero: they should have had a close up
SokorraK: He looks almost un-nelsonish
Nelsonismyhero: when?
Olliem8124: yea i did not like the way it ended
Dugan EK: "Lagaan" is 4 hours and riviting every second so that when it is over
you are astounded you sat that long. Maytime is 2 hours and ditto. Good
filmmaking can keep you excited -- but today's films are often just L-O-N-G for
no reason
Nelsonismyhero: the backround was moving too fast for the wagon
SokorraK: at the very end when they are driving away (south I imagine. Can't go
farther west)
JHami828: I could hardly see him in the wagon.
JHami828: My copy of the movie isn't very good.
Nelsonismyhero: my copy is not in sepia
Nelsonismyhero: he is good looking no matter what
Olliem8124: thats why you tape them too you can lighten it up a ;little i did
Nelsonismyhero: really?
Nelsonismyhero: i just bought my tape on amazon
JHami828: I should try to change the color and brightness on my TV set next
Nelsonismyhero: my big screen has better color
Olliem8124: thays how i did it thru the brightness
JHami828: I keep trying to figure out what exactly looks odd about Nelson in
that wagon scene in the end. He looks so different.
Nelsonismyhero: i dont think so
SokorraK: He almost looks like a double
Nelsonismyhero: i thought he was cute
SokorraK: It's the make-up
Nelsonismyhero: as usual
SokorraK: Oh, he is
JHami828: It's the hat. :-)
SokorraK: but that doesn't mask the fact that he wasn't the normal
Nelson=-looking guy
Nelsonismyhero: maybe
SokorraK: :-)
Nelsonismyhero: he looked different in the lt. uniform
LadyJoots: I just thought they tried to make him look more angellic from the
rest of the movie, since he wasn't a bandit anymore.
Nelsonismyhero: his hair was too long
Olliem8124: how about when jeanette dealt the cards do you think it was her
SokorraK: I think that with the wig they had to use to hide his shorthair from
Rosalie they had to use different make-up to pronouce his feactures and someone
came in without thier sleep that day
LadyJoots: LOL :-)
JHami828: Oh...maybe they did try to make him look more "wholesome" after being
a bandit.
Nelsonismyhero: what about her hands?
SokorraK: :-)
SokorraK: never paid much attention to that scene
Nelsonismyhero: well he can't be a bad guy
JHami828: Her hands?
Olliem8124: do you think she could really flip the cards like that
Nelsonismyhero: sure!
Olliem8124: maybe
Nelsonismyhero: it's not that hard
Olliem8124: well she had slender hands i guess you can
Nelsonismyhero: her hands change from movie to movie
Olliem8124: yeah i noticed that too
Nelsonismyhero: some times she has had a manicure
Nelsonismyhero: like in rose marie they were pretty raw
Nelsonismyhero: in sweet hearts they were red and long
Olliem8124: in maytime they were slender when she stroked nelsons hair in the
opera scene
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Dugan EK: She kept her nails short for piano playing. If some hands had long
nails, they were probably those of a hand double.
Nelsonismyhero: he is always touching her hands
Olliem8124: that was a trademark for them
Olliem8124: touching
Nelsonismyhero: i love the way he stroked them in in who are we to say
Nelsonismyhero: so sweet
JHami828: Where have I seen Father Sinna before (H.B. Warner)?
Nelsonismyhero: new moon
JHami828: I mean Father Sienna
Olliem8124: he did it too in new moon when singing wanting you
Dugan EK: Warner played Jesus in a Cecil B. DeMille epic in the 1920s -- King of
Nelsonismyhero: again in i'm faling in love with someone
Dugan EK: Warner was also a priest in New Moon on the island.
Olliem8124: he playin a lot of movies h.b.warmer
JHami828: I have to watch New Moon again!
Nelsonismyhero: he looks like a monk
Dugan EK: I will bet a penny that his list of parts on the Internet Movie
Database is more than 70 roles.
JHami828: He makes a good priest...monk...Father....
JHami828: Good idea!
Nelsonismyhero: true
LadyJoots: That's a difficult task, isn't it, Joani? I'm surprised my New Moon
tape isn't worn out yet.
Olliem8124: cpuld be
Nelsonismyhero: hope it won't
LadyJoots: Hee hee :-) I have extra copies...
Olliem8124: so have i
Nelsonismyhero: i should do that
JHami828: Oh my gosh...H.B. Warner was in 135 movies!!
Dugan EK: Oh, good, I don't owe anyone a penny.
Nelsonismyhero: lol
LadyJoots: :-D
Olliem8124: thats a lot of movies =-O
JHami828: will be hard to make myself do it, Ginny, but I will have to
watch New Moon again. Haha
Dugan EK: Suffer!
SokorraK: :-)
Nelsonismyhero: i love new moon
SokorraK: New Moon is my favorite
JHami828: ;-)
SokorraK: Does anyone know if Nelson's character had a name besides Gringo
Nelsonismyhero: i love stouthearted men!
JHami828: Love that "Wanting You" scene in New Moon.
Olliem8124: nelson put on weight making that movie in some scenes he looks
thinner and some heavier
Nelsonismyhero: no
Nelsonismyhero: he loses and gains so easily
LadyJoots: New Moon is the most watched for me... :-) Though not my favorite...
JHami828: Good question! Did Nelson's character have another name?
Olliem8124: mine are maytime new moon naughty marietta and g.o.t.g.w.
SokorraK: From what I have heard his name was Richard Ramarez in the oringinals
so perhaps his real name really was Richard Johnson
JHami828: Oh
Olliem8124: he stuutter a litlle when he said he was richard johnson
Nelsonismyhero: sorry, i have to go now, thanks a lot
SokorraK: byes
Nelsonismyhero: :'(
LadyJoots: Bye! :-)
LadyJoots: Thanks for coming!
Nelsonismyhero: bye bye
SokorraK: Perhaps he was nervous
Olliem8124: so do i thanks for the chat loved it bye:-)
SokorraK: byes
Olliem8124 has left the room.
Nelsonismyhero has left the room.
SokorraK: So any other comments on the movie?
SokorraK: Here is another question: If you were the editor and were to change
one scene or espect of the movie, what would it be?
DIXC: The music was excellent including theAVE MARIA by J.:-)
Dugan EK: I'd have cut all the scenes with the children, started when they were
adults, left in Ray Bolger, had more dancing.
Dugan EK: And changed the ending which is rather lame.
LadyJoots: Hee hee :-) I would have still had Ray Bolger out.
LadyJoots: It would have been neat to see a dance with he and Buddy though,
Dugan EK: Because?
Dugan EK: Why out?
LadyJoots: Because I'm not very drawn to him...
LadyJoots: Whenever Judy says "I missed you most of all" in the Wizard of Oz, I
ask why...
LadyJoots: :-D
DIXC: Best dancer ever, but where would his dance be used?
Dugan EK: Oh, fair enough. But he could have put some sparkle into the comedy if
the scene had been integrated into the plot rather than dropped in like his
dances in Rosalie.
SokorraK: Since I don't know how Roy fit into the story I can not say wither or
not I would keep him
Dugan EK: Mary could have invited Dick Johnson to a Cloudy dance, a real barn
dance with Bolger and Ebsen competing for a local lass by dancing.
SokorraK: which would be Mary
Dugan EK: Forget going to Sacramento. She still could have appeared in a
gorgeous gown belonging to her mother.
SokorraK: She was the only girl as far as I know
JHami828: I would make the lasso scene longer!
Dugan EK: That's true. So I wonder who Carol Tevis played. Maybe a stage coach
came throough?
LadyJoots: Well, see... even in like The Harvey Girls, I always skip Ray's
dance. I think as good as he was, unlike Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire, he still
had the same old steps. That kooky way... hmm... I guess I'm biased.
JHami828: (And have Jeanette lighten up the accent.)
SokorraK: It seemed a little forced
SokorraK: Like she was trying too hard
SokorraK: I always wondered why
Dugan EK: To show her versatility--
JHami828: Well, it was a bit hard to picture her as the "unschooled" country
lady...who could sing Ave Maria. =-O
SokorraK: I know that is a possable answer to why she chose to be Mary
Dugan EK: MGM owned the rights.
JHami828: Mary was a better name for her than my opinion.
SokorraK: But why was she trying so hard with the accent. It seemed to me she
wanted the part very much and I think with all the practice she got in before
and during the filming it would seem a bit more natural
Dugan EK: When Ginny or Mary get to the Girl memo folder at the Academy Library,
there should be some juicy stuff about the thought processes that went into
making this film.
LadyJoots: I would really like to see that one!
LadyJoots: And Rosalie, too.
Dugan EK: The part as written -- and remember, this was an historical part that
everyone would know, like Topsy in Uncle Tom's Cabin -- required the accent.
Jeanette had to try to do it, sounding as natural as possible.
SokorraK: I know
SokorraK: I am just surprised it didn't sound more natural
Dugan EK: She should have taken lessons from Buddy Ebsen!
JHami828: Oh tell us more about Girl when Ginny or Mary get to the
Academy Library.
SokorraK: :-)
SokorraK: I would love to hear about it
SokorraK: One of these days I am going to do a movie page for my website (which
btw will be updated tonight)
Dugan EK: Well, it's after 6 PM. I need to call back the person who called on
the stroke of 5 PM and finish the conversation.
LadyJoots: I need to look at my class schedule... I think the day that I can
really get down there is Friday.
Dugan EK: Have a good week, all!
SokorraK: Thanks everyone for coming
LadyJoots: Okie ;-)
LadyJoots: Bye!
SokorraK: I shall prepare the transcript now
Dugan EK has left the room.
DIXC: Bye:-)
LadyJoots: Bye, Dick!
JHami828: Bye all...thanks for another great chat
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