August 3, 2003 Home | ||
have just entered room "Chat 33710232180401508638." GarlandGrl has entered the room. GarlandGrl: Yay :-D MamaLion27: Here I am., too! MamaLion27: This looks like a light night! GarlandGrl: It does, it does! GarlandGrl: Hmmm... a couple people were on earlier, too. MamaLion27: I do hope they came back. I think it would be a bit slow with just us two. GarlandGrl: Yes, it would... CraziLadii has entered the room. MamaLion27: Hi, Diane. Glad to see you. CraziLadii: Hi girls GarlandGrl: Hi Diane! CraziLadii: don't even know the topic GarlandGrl: Rosalie, I am told :-) MamaLion27: Jessi says that since she gave you the info to log in to the chat site you can add the transcript of today's chat to the blog GarlandGrl: Right ;-) GarlandGrl: I can handle that :-D MamaLion27: Yep, it is Rosalie. CraziLadii: watched the VH1 top 200 icons, Nelson wasn't one, boo! GarlandGrl: Oh, I know... and Judy was like 128... what do they know anyway if Britney Spears was in the top 20? GarlandGrl: :-D CraziLadii: truly! CraziLadii: sorta like TCM pairing me with Fred Astraire! MamaLion27: Jessi's father just annouced that he is going to have to deprogram Jessi after her long stay here! GarlandGrl: LOL :-D GarlandGrl: Awwww... poor Jessi! MamaLion27: Well, she had a great time. CraziLadii: made my reservations to fly to Hollywood!! GarlandGrl: This is terrible... I was told be several people to watch Lawrence of Arabia and I'm not getting into it. MamaLion27: Yep, mine are all made, too. GarlandGrl: Awww! Yay! CraziLadii: we get to hug each other again--SOON!! MamaLion27: Patrick Swayze's prez is rooming with me! CraziLadii: you girls hiding Patrick from the rest of us? MamaLion27: Oh, yes. I remember that lovely stuff from Philly. GarlandGrl: Here they all come ;-) KathrynGraysonFn has entered the room. DIXC has entered the room. CraziLadii: we sure did drool in my hotel room over Nelson! GarlandGrl: Hello Kayla, hello Dick! :-) MamaLion27: Oh, for sure we did. DIXC: Got into chat THANKS CraziLadii: now that was fun! GarlandGrl: You're welcome ;-) MamaLion27: Sorry, Diane. Patrick's in North Africa! CraziLadii: I guess I will take Nelson, then DIXC: Heavy rains here, but hope it doesn't bother the computer MamaLion27: But we better get back to Rosalie! CraziLadii: where do you "hail" from Dixc DIXC: Near Chicago CraziLadii: guess Detroit it next! DIXC: A suburb CraziLadii: or Romanza CraziLadii: like that segway?? MamaLion27: That picture's schedule going over time was why Nelson had to wear the wig in GIRL GarlandGrl: That's marvelous, Diane ;-) CraziLadii: thanks DIXC: Nelson put a rose in Powell room everyday. MamaLion27: His hair was cut short and had no time to grow in. GarlandGrl: He always seemed to do like to cut it short... :-) CraziLadii: I loved Nelson and El, but hated the dummy GarlandGrl: (if you can translate that) MamaLion27: Yes, and then Eleanor reciprocated after he died by putting one on his grave everytime she visited her mother's grave. GarlandGrl: LOLOL DIXC: Was a poor dummy. CraziLadii: I just couldn't understand why anyone would find that dummy stuff funny GarlandGrl: Maybe they were just used to Frank Morgan's patter? DIXC: It was DUMmy CraziLadii: LOL MamaLion27: I agree. I thought they should have shot that scriptwriter. CraziLadii: would have added suspense GarlandGrl: That's true CraziLadii: I just love Nelson's smile when he is in the back of the car with Frank MamaLion27: Did you know that it cost $30,000 just for the electricity for the Drum Dance? CraziLadii: wow that's a lot of $$ DIXC: GarlandGrl: Yes it is... CraziLadii: heard she nearly broke her neck dancing on those drums CraziLadii: something about condensation on the surface MamaLion27: And a month to make the costumes for the 1500 extras they used in just that one sequence. CraziLadii: and a cast of thousands MamaLion27: The consdensation was probably from everyone sweating under those lights. CraziLadii: I think it was actually because it was filmed at night CraziLadii: was anyone surprised that "Rosalie" turned out to be Nelson's signature sound in the nightclub days? MamaLion27: Hollywood wouldn't have the power to do that today. Blackouts, blackouts! CraziLadii: song that is GarlandGrl: So true, Dorothy!! Although we haven't had any blackouts lately MamaLion27: I wondered about that. He also sang "In the Still..." alot, too. CraziLadii: I would have thought he would go with one of the marching songs KathrynGraysonFn: Eleanor needs an invite MamaLion27: I still think the film was put together as a vehicle to showcase Eleanor GarlandGrl: Yeah, I know... I've tried twice now CraziLadii: probably CraziLadii: she was quite a talent and a lovely girl as well Dugan EK has entered the room. GarlandGrl: Yay! :-) CraziLadii: Eleanor, just in time, we are talking about you! DIXC: Cole Porter is my favorite composer. Dugan EK: Oh, good. Something awful? CraziLadii: of course not, just said you were lovely! MamaLion27: And you danced divinely! Dugan EK: Darling, darling Ginny posted the announcement about the September 27 ceremony on my website. CraziLadii: for sure! GarlandGrl: O:-) DIXC: Two Eleanors CraziLadii: I saw it, looks great! Dugan EK: One dances -- one doesn't! MamaLion27: I haven't had toime to look, yet. Jessi had control of the computer. CraziLadii: One kissed Nelson............. MamaLion27: And she types better than I do,. GarlandGrl: ROFL :-) I've noticed that... ;-) At least she's been working on Nelson and Jeanette though Dugan EK: and sadly one didn't. GarlandGrl: Finally the Intermission of Lawrence of Arabia... thought it'd never come!!! O:-) CraziLadii: how's old Larry doing in the desert? DIXC: Great movie! GarlandGrl: He's not doing anything right now... ;-) MamaLion27: Why did MGM have cole Porter do the songs when they had Gershwin and Romberg lyrics and music from the original play? CraziLadii: buying popcorn! GarlandGrl: LOL :-D Dugan EK: Why did Hollywood do ANYTHING?! Someone's mistress's hairdresser's cousin thought it might be a good idea. CraziLadii: that's my story and I'm sticking with it! DIXC: Porter is also excellent CraziLadii: I prefer Romberg, Herbert and Kern for pure romance MamaLion27: Gershwin isn't phony money, either! CraziLadii: Porter had a decidedly more "modern" sound Dugan EK: Kern, it was said, is like the lingering odor of sachet. Cole Porter is like a gulp of champagne. DIXC: We need writers like those today MamaLion27: Perhaps that was their reasoning but .... CraziLadii: are we back to the ice cream parlor again? CraziLadii: at least we have Ozzy Osbourne now DIXC: Ouch! MamaLion27: UGH! DIXC: HELP! CraziLadii: guess you can tell I am in one of my strange moods! MamaLion27: In the Still of the Night and A Starry Night by Nelson are the new baby's favorites. Puts her right to sleep! CraziLadii: good tastes MamaLion27: I train 'em young! CraziLadii: I noticed! CraziLadii: they should have had Nelson do a tap number with El! (hehe) DIXC: Will have good earsO:-) DIXC: While she sings?? MamaLion27: Yep. Like her great-grandma! GarlandGrl: Hee hee ;-) Teaching him how to tap would have been cute... a real version of Pick Yourself Up MamaLion27: They dubbed Eleanor. CraziLadii: I fear he just didn't have it in him! Except in Sweethearts MamaLion27: But that was a slow dance, CraziLadii: no, outside with the cab and the secretary MamaLion27: I forgot that. CraziLadii: when J suspects they are lovers and peaks out the window at their kiss MamaLion27: He did all of three steps....but gracefully! CraziLadii: I am sitting here humming In the Still in my head! CraziLadii: the old soft shoe! Dugan EK: Is there a topic today? GarlandGrl: Yup, Rosalie MamaLion27: I bet he could have done it..with practice! CraziLadii: Our Nelson could do anything MamaLion27: However, I would have liked a bit more kissing done. MamaLion27: But then I never get enough of the romance. MamaLion27: There should have been more at the end instead of going right into an ensemble scene. Dugan EK: Oh, I wish I could totally rewrite the script! Would insert a flying scene where Nelson sings to his beloved amidst the clouds. CraziLadii: it did seem to end quickly after going through the laborous storyline DIXC: Would rather have him SING MamaLion27: Oh, great, EK. That would have been marvelous! MamaLion27: Yes, Dick, but he could sing and kiss better than anyone in Hollywood. CraziLadii: and Dorothy should know! CraziLadii: the Wanting You kiss was divine, although off topic DIXC: I know he could sing better than anyone, but will have to take YOUR word on the kissing. MamaLion27: Gee. Diane. I wasn't on the receiving end of any of it. But I sure have watched a lot of them. CraziLadii: we can only dream, Dorothy! MamaLion27: AAAAH, yes, we can! CraziLadii: Joan's kissing series of photos is great! CraziLadii: while there is a lull, EK do you want that Tibbett cassette? Dugan EK: I missed which Tibbett cassette you were talking about. I have most of his films on video including some rare ones. Which? CraziLadii: songs recorded from 1926-34 is all I know CraziLadii: might be an "Artisry" tape Dugan EK: Oh, audio -- yes, don't have any audio stuff on him. I would be very grateful. Who is making it and what do I owe? CraziLadii: I found it among my stuff--things just pop up around here CraziLadii: it is a copy of a copy that showed up in my room, the price is free KathrynGraysonFn has left the room. Dugan EK: Oh, thanks!! MamaLion27: Talking about kissing, it was said that over 100 west Point cadets took part in that one dance number and each one got a kiss from Eleanor Powell! CraziLadii: it was on the end of some Nelson stuff someone sent me and I never wrote down whom! Dugan EK: Sounds like a press agent's fantasy -- DIXC: Or a lucky girl CraziLadii: Nelson AND 100 cadets! GarlandGrl: LOL MamaLion27: That is exceptional luck..and I would have settled with Nelson! CraziLadii: SETTLING for Nelson???? MamaLion27: Wrong choice of words. I repent, I repent! CraziLadii: a Nelson on the lips is worth 100 cadets in the bush DIXC: Maybe there were girl cadets then? CraziLadii: poor Dick is being left out MamaLion27: Yes, we better get back to the script..and what could have been done with it! DIXC: I enjoy HIS singing GarlandGrl: :-D MamaLion27: That was never in question. When he sang, no one minded the lapses in script! CraziLadii: Amen Dugan EK: Easy. Cut Nelson in football gear -- too absurd. Cut West Point and make him a pilot. Let him romance Eleanor in plane, follow her to Europe. Cut her nightclub number that is supposed to be a religious folk festival!! Or motivate it DIXC: Too bad the movie did not show him in more footage of football Dugan EK: by having her flee Romanza and go to Paris to work in a nightclub. Reuinite the lovers in a plane in the moonlight among the clouds. CraziLadii: classic pair of comments! CraziLadii: gee, Eleanor, one would swear you were an author! Dugan EK: Ah -- see! That's why they make chocolate and vanilla. MamaLion27: Goodness. I feel a swoon coming on. CraziLadii: I agree the dance numbers were too long GarlandGrl: Has anyone checked the Rosalie script evolution yet? DIXC: Picture had a weak script, but it did have Nelson in the picture. Dugan EK: Aha! She is a princess but wants to be a dancer! Torn between duty and art. MamaLion27: No but I heard it was being rewritten by someone. CraziLadii: yes, by Clair GarlandGrl: I've talked to her, too... ;-) Jessi and I were talking about that Dugan EK: It was probably rewritten a dozen times -- as they say, a camel is a horse designed by a committee. MamaLion27: I knew something was going on while I was away from the computer! CraziLadii: she is awaiting all the necessary copyright releases DIXC: Powell was a big star and they had to give her BIG time on the movie. GarlandGrl: LOL :-D Dugan EK: She could have big time if she was struggling to be a professional dancer. Lots of chances for big numbers. CraziLadii: I'll bet Lawrence has resumed MamaLion27: I can't believe some of the hacks that were writing scripts back then. Of course they were writing to specification and that could have been the problem. Dugan EK: Here's my new script: Nelson is a pilot for hire. Eleanor turns up, fleeing some "bad guys" and he flies her somewhere. "Bad guys" are royal servants trying to force her back to duty. He sings to her in clouds as Nelson sang to Jean CraziLadii: then they were picked apart each day and rewritten on the spot Dugan EK: Jeanette in canoe in Rose Marie. Some adventures, fall in love, she gets to be famous dancer, they unite at end in the clouds. Okay? CraziLadii: and she does a tap dance on the plane's wings Dugan EK: No, that had been done already. MamaLion27: Go on, Eleanor. It sounds good to me. I love songs in the clouds. GarlandGrl has left the room. Dugan EK: Also very impractical. CraziLadii: too much condensations? DIXC: Not PLANE to see. Dugan EK: How can Nelson sing to her if she is overhead on the wings? CraziLadii: depends on what plane you are on CraziLadii: he can stick his head out the window Dugan EK: AND he joins her in the Broadway show or nightclub for her final triumph, singing as she dances. DIXC: He could WING it! Dugan EK: GROANNNNNNNN CraziLadii: now you've got it! MamaLion27: Ginny got kicked out when the cable went down. CraziLadii: poor dear Dugan EK: Awww. CraziLadii: then she missed the new Rosalie story! Dugan EK: Well, dinner time. Tuna casserole. Yum yum. CraziLadii: enjoy DIXC: She saw the better part? MamaLion27: yep. But I will have to get it to her. Prayer is required! CraziLadii: great talking to you'all Dugan EK: I have served it to many exchange students, explaining that on any given evening, about 1/5 the U.S. population has tuna casserole for dinner. CraziLadii: now that's a lot of tuna! Dugan EK: Bye all. MamaLion27: Bye EK CraziLadii: had a swimming time! DIXC: Another tune ..a. Dugan EK has left the room. CraziLadii: got you started, Dixc DIXC: Will have to go soon now also. Have a great week. Bye:-) CraziLadii: bye CraziLadii has left the room. MamaLion27: I don't remember what next week's topic is so I will leave that to Ginny and Jessi. DIXC: Take care:-) DIXC has left the room. posted August 5, 2003 |