*** You are in "Chat 11806182311624816904". ***
OnlineHost: Dugan EK has entered the room.
Dugan EK: Thanks, whoever fetched me!
SokorraK: Tonight's chat is about Nelson since Today is his birthday!
SokorraK: It was me using Grandma's name since they wouldn't allow me to
start it using this one
SokorraK: but she will use her name since it is up
OnlineHost: JHami828 has left the room.
SokorraK: Wonder why she left
Dugan EK: What an extraordinary life Nelson led, that we are still
remembering him 102 years after his birth! So few can claim to be
remembered so fondly and with such great respect!
OnlineHost: JHami828 has entered the room.
SokorraK: I know what you mean
JHami828: Second time was a charm...thanks for sending the message to me
SokorraK: Some people are unfortunately forgotten when they are still in
thier forties yet Nelson is remembered in his post humorous 100's
SokorraK: Your welcome
JHami828: Topic?
OnlineHost: JHami828 has left the room.
Dugan EK: I recall the death of someone much loved by people I knew, and
they were saying what a great tragedy he had died and was mourned by so
many. I replied that a much greater tragedy would be if this man had
died and NO ONE mourned him.
OnlineHost: JHami828 has entered the room.
Dugan EK: Happily, now we are past regretting the loss of Nelson and can
concentrate on remembering his legacy.
SokorraK: Yes
JHami828: Oops... I got lost...I assume this is a Nelson chat.
SokorraK: He left alot of his music behind so we can listen to it
SokorraK: yes
SokorraK: IT's his birthday
Dugan EK: It is a Nelson chat, but we might mention the death today of
Katharine Hepburn -- one of the last of the greats.
JHami828: Very sad--to have lost Katharine Hepburn!!
SokorraK: We mentioned that on the list
SokorraK: It is very sad
JHami828: She had such spirit in her films.
MamaLion27: We have lost four legends in the last few weeks.
JHami828: Too many
MamaLion27: Gregory Peck, Humyn Cronyn, William marshall and now Hepburn
Dugan EK: As Sam Goldwyn said, "People are dying who never died
JHami828: William Marshall?
MamaLion27: Yes, the famous black actor.
JHami828: That's a good quote, Eleanor. :)
JHami828: What was William Marshall in?
Dugan EK: Goldwyn was famous for his "Goldwynisms."
MamaLion27: Right now all I can think of is Othello but I am short on
memory today
JHami828: OK
JHami828: Well...as to Nelson, I have a number of songs from
Transcriptions". Does anyone know why these were recorded? (I'm
glad they were.)
MamaLion27: They were recorded for special events like Army Air force
shows etc.
MamaLion27: They weren't for public sale
**Some of the Transcript is missing due to AOL Problems. What was
discussed was the Thesaurus Transcriptions and their new availability.***
SokorraK: They seem to be releasing more albums lately from old
SokorraK: does anyone know how the Rhino thing is doing
JHami828: You can e-mail them at redmondnostalgia@a...
MamaLion27: Good. I will make a bookmark of that.
JHami828: I was just thinking that there are a lot of ways to listen to
Nelson....tapes/CD's of radio shows, Lux Theater & such, the
"albums" as well as videos.
JHami828: Are there a lot of those old radio shows with Edgar Bergen
(sp) and Nelson?
JHami828: I mean available to buy?
MamaLion27: Yes. I just heard from a friend on another list that her
mother, 102 in September, is so glad that we remember Nelson. I told her
he is alive and well on the internet.
Dugan EK: I don't try to keep up with the zillions (scientific term)
shows, but Danny Sharples in England has a large selection that he sells
JHami828: Good!!
JHami828: Is he on the internet?
MamaLion27: Wasn't his link or screenname somewhere on your website, EK?
Dugan EK: His e-mail address is <email address removed for
Dugan EK: Yes, there is a link on my website.
MamaLion27: Another bookmark!
JHami828: Great!
MamaLion27: Does anyone know how the street name donations are coming
Dugan EK: No -- "wish I were rich instead of beautiful" as my
likes to joke.
JHami828: I haven't heard either.
MamaLion27: I guess Diane will know more when she gets back from
Cambridge Springs.
JHami828: Oh dear...have to go for a ride with my husband. It's
outside in Portland, OR.
JHami828: Send me the transcript of the chat!!
MamaLion27: And much earlier than in PA.
JHami828: Goodness, yes! Only 5:35 here!
MamaLion27: Have a good time, Joani.
JHami828: Thanks!!
OnlineHost: JHami828 has left the room.
MamaLion27: Everyone must be out celebrating Nelson's birthday.
Dugan EK: You must be right!
MamaLion27: i couldn't leave the phone but I guess the new little one is
waiting for another day.
Dugan EK: Aw, shucks! Well, I've always snickered when doctors announce
date that a baby is "due." They come when they are ready!
MamaLion27: Well, she isn't due until the 2nd but i was sure wishing she
would pick today!
SokorraK: I have a question....Did Nelson ever do any specials?
Dugan EK: TV specials? "The Desert Song." And appearances on
Guy Lombardo,
SokorraK: that and Video and Radio etc
SokorraK: Where it was just his favorite songs and such...not one where
was given a list of what to sing
SokorraK: Perhaps it never said
SokorraK: Back to ol' Arial for me then
SokorraK: =-O
MamaLion27: I have never heard of an all-request program that he ever
Dugan EK: Yes, usually he had the recital portion all planned out, then
some film songs as encores.
MamaLion27: His encores could go on and on...
MamaLion27: The audiences couldn't get enough of him.
MamaLion27: EK, is the Margaret Herrick Library open to the public?
SokorraK: I hope it is
SokorraK: It would be interesting to see all the material they have
MamaLion27: I am going to be out there in September and I would love to
Dugan EK: there's also the Motion Picture Academy where Mary and Ginny
have researched early script versions and MGM memos about the films and
our stars.
SokorraK: But is the Margaret Herrick Library opened thought?
SokorraK: *Though
SokorraK: Because having more then one source place would be good for
Dugan EK: Helen Crawford claims that the Motion Picture Academy library
doesn't like tourists dropping in and so deliberately gives erroneous
directions on how to find them! She found them by accident!
SokorraK: If your doing research I don't see why that would be a problem
MamaLion27: Well, I have to go
MamaLion27: Bye All!
Dugan EK: I have in my notes that Margaret Herrick was the librarian at
the Motion Picture Academy Library. Their phone number is 1-310 247-3000
SokorraK: Yes, It is time to go as it is 9:00
SokorraK: Thank you Eleanor *scribbles it down*
OnlineHost: MamaLion27 has left the room.
Dugan EK: Or 6 PM depending on which coast one is on -- could even be
some other time if one were in Australia or South Africa
posted August 6, 2003 |