June 23, 2002 Back to Chat |
Hello Ginny [Ginny] Hi Gio! [Gio] the Time is now 8pm EST [Gio] and the room is open [Ginny] Welcome to our weekly Sunday chat... this week featuring Maytime as our topic! [Gio] great! [Gio] and i know you would like to say somethings first for us [Ginny] So, first of all... thanks for being here... and being our time keeper... as we wait for others to join in. [Sun Jun 23 17:03:01 PDT 2002] debbie has no profile. [debbie] hello everyone [Ginny] Welcome Debbie! :) [debbie] i had to get rid of some pop up ads! [Ginny] Ahhhh ;) [debbie] how is everyone? [Ginny] Wonderful thanks ;) [debbie] :) [debbie] thats good [debbie] where is everyone? [Gio] You where going to make your weekly announcement for the Transcription Ginny...at the beginning [Gio] ... [Ginny] Right... Gio is doing the transcript... [Ginny] And co-hosting with me... [debbie] thats cool [debbie] its maytime today [Ginny] And I'm assuming others are going to pop in as we go, at least I know Kayla will. [Ginny] Right! :) [debbie] ive been reading all the posts about gene and jeanette [debbie] i thought before they come we can chat about them? [Ginny] What do you think time keeper? [debbie] what does everyone thingk [Gio] that would be nice... [Ginny] Okay :) [Ginny] What do you think Debbie? [Sun Jun 23 17:05:48 PDT 2002] Kayla has no profile. [Gio] but you have to keep to the transcription schedule [debbie] im too to keen on all the rumors about gene [debbie] i think he and jeanette where sooo good together [Ginny] Welcome Kayla! [debbie] hello kalya [debbie] i mean kayla [Kayla] Sorry I'm late, my mother decided to lecture me on why I should be thankfyl that she "lets me have what I want" [Gio] :) [debbie] ;) [Ginny] I know... Luuana emailed me personally and said that since she lived in Hollywood during that time, she believes the gossip that went on and that it was more than just a rumor... [Ginny] It was hard to avoid that kind of thing... [debbie] hmmm they say that about cary and randolph scott too [Ginny] Yeah, that's what I'm saying... too hard to make out from our point of view, so I still stand where I was -- but I do have an open mind if there's a bunch of real evidence that I don't mind seeing in front me.. [Kayla] a lot of people think Gene Kelly was gay, too, because he was a dancer. [debbie] and that yes [Gio] while we are gathered, Ginny why don't you mention about what we would like to do in the future [Gio] how we are going to need help in the future [debbie] and that valentiono and ramon navorro where involoved [Gio] from the different members gathered [Kayla] I think that the main reason that many stars are "gay" is because back when the movies came around, it really was "gay" for a mae to become an actor [Ginny] Oh, I would kind of like some help in the transcripts and if I'm gone or the head people are gone, all of us know how to copy. [debbie] oh i put the reeljwels link in my yahoo profile [debbie] its a great link [Ginny] Aww ;) Thanks Debbie! [debbie] i anytime [Ginny] So yes, it would be great if we could all pitch in and make this work... [debbie] im in a lot of yahoo groups sooo folks will see it [Gio] You mentioned we will be needing co-hosts in the future too [Gio] ... [Ginny] Kayla has already offered to post the transcripts in the future on her webspace which is great... ;) [Ginny] Cool :) [debbie] ill have to check that out [Ginny] Yeah, anyone that wants to volunteer... [Kayla] I'll be sure to let people know if I'm going to be away and unable to perform "secretarial" duties [Gio] just a note to all here [debbie] im not good at typing but if im around maybe i can help [Gio] when you see these marks.... [Gio] ... [Ginny] Thanks Debbie :) [Gio] it means this is the last point of copying and then pasting [Gio] ... [debbie] ah im new to these computers [debbie] other than the ones at work [Ginny] Wonderful! [debbie] i had no idea about the jeanette and nelson things on the net [debbie] ;) [debbie] :) [Ginny] Seems to be more and more... I think Eleanor inspired growth on the Internet... at least she did for me :-D [Gio] We will be happy to help you or anyone else Debbie [Gio] just let us know when... [Kayla] hmm... Lindsay's online, I wonder if she'll be joining us this week?? [Gio] Ginny.... [Ginny] Yeah [Ginny] She will [Ginny] She's coming ;) [debbie] thanks a bunch i was feeling a bit lonely [Gio] my job is to let you know about of chat [debbie] like i was the only fan [Gio] Maytime [debbie] but i new about the clubs [Ginny] Awww... I know, I felt the same way at first too! [Gio] so please tells us where yo wish to start [debbie] as anyone seen the color maytime bits? [Gio] ... [Ginny] Once Linz gets in... ;) [Kayla] Well, shall we wait a while, or begin chatting about the topic? [Kayla] oops [Ginny] LOL [Ginny] I wish I could say I had... [Ginny] Nevermind, she got knocked off... [Ginny] Gio says that he saw it in color at one point, right? [Gio] yes [Ginny] That it was originally in color... [debbie] this is going to sound shocking but [Gio] it was colorized [debbie] ah [Gio] the first version [debbie] i have mixed feeling about the end [Kayla] I believe that the Maytime clips have been lost. But I was thinking about writing the producers of That's Entertainment 3 about it. [Gio] the thalberg version was in color [Kayla] They have seen the whole MGM vault, and may know [debbie] hmmmm [Ginny] I hate that Nelson dies really... [debbie] me too [debbie] i hate that and bittersweet too [Ginny] I like that about the first version, he's noble and he doesn't die... not that he's not noble in the second version... [Gio] but then you would not have the story line [Ginny] Me too! [debbie] really? thats WONDERFUL [debbie] thats true [Gio] ... [debbie] but we have had such sadness of late [debbie] i am trying to cheer myself up [Ginny] There was completely different morals in the two versions... [Ginny] Aww [debbie] i watch the first bits of maytime [debbie] hmmm was nelson a bad guy? [debbie] i hope not [Ginny] Well, since we all ready started some what... what are your favorite parts of "Maytime?" [Ginny] Yeah, he was... [debbie] oh dear [Ginny] He was married and was thinking of leaving his wife and children for Jeanette... [Gio] for the record [debbie] i love the way jeanette moves in the costumes [Gio] the first version of maytime the original musical was done in 1917 [Ginny] But then he doesn't, because his wife gets shot by Nazaroff... [Ginny] A bullet intended for Nelson's character [Gio] and it was a soap operetta [debbie] wow [debbie] thats good i like that term [Kayla] I'll be right back [debbie] another baritone recorded will you remember not long ago [Ginny] Okay [Gio] but you are right about the thalberg version Ginny [Kayla] ok... [Ginny] :) [debbie] :) [Gio] continue i think it is interesting between the two [Gio] ... [Ginny] Yes, Debbie... I wrote the entire thing on my site: http://www.reeljewels.com/eddy/maytime.htm ;) You can check it out ;) [Ginny] Yes, really... [Ginny] First of all... [debbie] i had started to read it today [Gio] Great job of writing Ginny [Ginny] Jeanette plays the young girl in the beginning... [debbie] i have to finish [Ginny] And the old lady was played by someone else... [Ginny] And as such Nelson plays the young man... which really doesn't make sense with this article I've got, because Lynne Carver is listed as playing a part and so was Barrymore and neither were in it... [Ginny] (the first version) [Kayla] It's a tad confusing, yes [Gio] the thalberg version, yes [Gio] ... [Kayla] no, he article. [debbie] yes it is its very operatic sounding [Ginny] Yes, the article... it is very odd in the way it's set up... it appears that Thalberg had all ready died and they were changing the script all ready.. [Kayla] I actually think I would've like the Thalberg version better. [Ginny] So they gave pictures from the new version for the most part, but put them with the old story. [Gio] Thalberg wanted to modernize the original version [Kayla] But, not to repeat myself or anything, they did that a LOT with fan mags [Ginny] I added the pictures to the article an hour ago... [Ginny] Right [Gio] but, when Mayer rethought it [Gio] and changed the direction [Gio] they kept it in the vein of a Jen-Nel moive [Gio] movie [Ginny] Right, Mayer was really a family movie man... [Ginny] I'm sure he was not happy with what Thalberg was doing to it... [Kayla] Mayer knew what they public wanted. He was a VERY smart man. [debbie] yes this is true [Gio] in all of the movies Jen-Nel made [Gio] it was made around them [Gio] don't you think? [Gio] ... [Ginny] Yeah, for the most part... [Ginny] Since the operetta's were changed so much... [debbie] i think this is because j and n have the most strong peronas [Ginny] Nelson was always a sweeter character... [Gio] yes lol [Gio] and he was her match [Gio] all the way [debbie] plus the classicals composers always changed their stuff around away [Kayla] Mayer knew that the public like Nelson, and why lose money by making the gals of America not like him? [Ginny] He just came off naturally warm and charming... though he probably could have played an evil character, the public might not have bought it... somehow he would have sweetened it ;) At least for me!! [debbie] sooo why couldnt the film folks [debbie] i think sooo too i cant see him as iago in othello [debbie] i mean otello ] Right :) [Gio] well, if it was opera... [Gio] i could easily seem him [Gio] as bad and evil [debbie] some opera singers today dont like to play badies and i dont blame them [Gio] he had the acting ability to be the character [debbie] rise sure did carmen a lot and got a lot of hate mail [Kayla] Right, but more about Maytime [Ginny] Back to scenes... [Ginny] What's your favorite scene? [Gio] need you ask? [Gio] The tree scene [debbie] when they sing will you remember [Gio] for me [Ginny] Mine is "Will You Remember" followed directly by "The Fat Prima Donna"... [Gio] Will you remember [Kayla] The tree scene makes me nervous since I read Sweethearts... [Ginny] And "Carry Me Back To Old VirGINNY" because Nelson sings my name... [Ginny] :D [Gio] this is to me one of the great love scenes in all of movies [debbie] ah [debbie] yes sooo true [Gio] and at the end [Ginny] Right... and in the end... when he's waiting there for Jeanette... [Ginny] LOL [debbie] they do a great makeup job on jeanette [Gio] one of the true classic scenes [Kayla] But my favorite scenes are the cafe' scene "Fat Prima Donna" and the very very end [debbie] when she is older [Ginny] This is great, we keep bringing up the same things all at once... [Kayla] Jeanette made such a cute old lady [debbie] yes she did [Gio] the cafe scene i think sets up the whole movie [Ginny] Yeah, she did... then again, I still don't think she could NOT photograph well... [Gio] it gives it the Bohemian quality it needs [debbie] thats a good point [Ginny] Yes it does... I love how Nelson is just dropped right next to her... and his reaction... the whole thing is perfect. [Kayla] Yeah, when you get to the cafe scene, you prettymuch can predict the later happenings [Gio] from there we can see the romance start [Ginny] Right [Gio] and we feel it [Gio] and aren't they beautiful [Gio] at the Maytime [debbie] its almost like iot cant help end the way it does sadly [Gio] meeting [Gio] ... [Ginny] Yeah, the second version is all about the pings of fate.... while the first is denying fate... [debbie] now that is interesting [Ginny] Yeah, in the first there is always a feeling like they're letting themselves be parted from a fate... they're not doing what they're supposed to in life. [Kayla] The first one makes the Nelson character more selfish. [debbie] maybe it was becuase males had more power then and there was no womens lib [Ginny] Yeah... it really does... he ends up wanting to give up his family because he feels fate is so strong, but then he ends up denying those feelings to be "honorable" [Ginny] Right ;) That's what Eleanor said was "a common theme for movies of the 30's"... [debbie] yes like casablanca [Ginny] Right! [debbie] and ashley in gone with the wind [Ginny] Yeah ;) [Gio] let me ask though, doesn't this fate parting increase the tension? [debbie] i think soooo [Gio] and the great joy to see them reunited? [Ginny] I think so... [Gio] tension is what makes this the best of their movies [debbie] i think it is the uniting in heaven that they are going for [Kayla] The best change that the 2nd version brought is them being reunited. [Ginny] Yes... it's great that Nelson's character makes it a point to see "I met you, too late..." [Gio] the huge brick wall before them [debbie] sort of like in wagner operas [Gio] i also think, considering the times, Depression, we needed something musically beautiful to see [debbie] thats it i find their films sooo comforting [Gio] not only the music, and the scenery [Kayla] Right, Ginny. He is more honorabe in the 2nd. And when they do see each other again, isn't it a little bit more her idea? [Ginny] Right [Gio] but the beautiful faces of Jen and Nelson [Gio] blending their voice in love [Gio] ginny you were asking about favorite scenes [Kayla] ok, I'm hating to do this, but my mom has now decided that I have to go eat. [Gio] the opera production [Ginny] Aww... bye Kayla! [debbie] bye ] Right... oh my gosh! Csaritza!! [debbie] have a great week [Ginny] Yes, you're right Gio... [debbie] oh thats is wonderful [Gio] now there is a great scene [Gio] masterful [Gio] powerful and romantic [Ginny] That is the most romantic scene in the film actually... for me... [Gio] yes [debbie] i think that scene gave folks the idea that they where in love for real [Gio] precisely [Gio] and that kiss [Gio] how many seconds did it last [Gio] Mr. Hayes [Ginny] I think as I was going to bring up later... that's what really got me into opera... the whole power of that scene... [debbie] and that many see gene as barrymore [Gio] 12 [Ginny] LOL [debbie] i was into classical music from the age of 5 [Gio] now debbie [debbie] yep [Ginny] Right... [Gio] not really do you think [Gio] lol [Gio] ... [Ginny] Lucky Debbie! :) I liked classical, but I was shy when it came to opera... [debbie] yes a lot of divas give me a headache [debbie] my cousin saw rise stevens [Ginny] Awww [debbie] my cousin sang with the phila civic opera [debbie] she was a mezzo [Gio] figures [Gio] as a tenor [Gio] i tend to enjoy mezzos too [debbie] the problem with a lot of operas are that they are sooo sad [Gio] but Jeanette was a rarity [Ginny] Oh wow... you've got a musical family then too? I have a rock and roll family and I went the opposite direction... hee hee [Gio] and her voice angelic [Ginny] Right [debbie] yes she was a lovely voice and person [Sun Jun 23 17:40:35 PDT 2002] Lindsay has no profile. [Ginny] Nelson and Jeanette musicals are always upbeat... [Ginny] Hi Linz! [Lindsay] Hello everyone [debbie] i think that is way i like them [Lindsay] I finally made it...haha [debbie] hello lindsay [debbie] im debbie [Gio] and this is what this room is all about [Gio] Deb [Ginny] Me too! :) Far cry from what we have today! [debbie] yes sadly [Gio] to talk about the upbeat side of Jen and Nel [Lindsay] hi Debbie [debbie] but a new baritone did record will you remember that was thomas hampson [Gio] there are so many million of things we can speak about them which is positive [debbie] how are you lindsay [Gio] and uplifting [Gio] ... [Ginny] Ahhh... never heard of him... ;) *ducks* Need to look into that... [debbie] yes i think j and n where both lovely people [debbie] its on an album of old songs like shendoah [debbie] i think i spelled that wrong [Lindsay] I'm doing good Debbie, and you? [debbie] pretty good today thanks for asking [Lindsay] :-) [Ginny] Well, to put us on track a little.. I was wondering, since Jeanette's role is a little more risque in this role, do you think that her film roles would have changed a little in the future and merged with the kind she did in the past or a mixture of the two. [debbie] :) [Ginny] (In the first version -- my mistake) [debbie] i think sooo [Lindsay] what role are we talking about Gin? [Ginny] Jeanette ;) In Maytime [debbie] why the change though? [Lindsay] :-) okie [debbie] i think she could play any part well [debbie] myra loy keep playing the same type of parts [Gio] Yes, Gin and Deb, jeanette could play it anyway [Gio] but then would you wanted her? [Lindsay] I agree with that [debbie] this iis true [Ginny] Right... :) I was just wondering, since Naughty Marietta and Rose Marie made her characters more pure... up to angelic... if she had done this role as planned the first time, where she was cheating on her husband towards the end, would her image have changed at all? [Gio] we want Jeanette just like she was [debbie] i dont think sooo [debbie] everyone in philly new she was an angle [debbie] i mean angel [Gio] lol [Ginny] I would hope not ;) It's an interesting thought though... [debbie] hehe [Gio] that is classic deb [Ginny] :-D [Lindsay] I don't think her image would have changed....I hope it wouldn't have at least...lol [debbie] lol [Gio] i see what you are saying Ginny [Gio] but then [Gio] would anyone buy Nelson as a villian [Gio] this is where i think the wiser Mayer came in [debbie] vincent price plays badies but everyone knows he is nice [Ginny] That's my question before that :) [Ginny] Along with "Do you think Nelson would have pulled off this part?" [Ginny] We kind of went into that all ready though ;) [Gio] yes... [debbie] i think sooo [Gio] sure [Gio] but it would not be the same mood [debbie] after all in opera they had to play all parts [Gio] the same taste in our mouths [debbie] it would not be the same effect though if he where a villian [Gio] precisely [Gio] if they liked it or not [Ginny] Right... [Gio] they were locked into their roles for life [debbie] i think they improved in a lot of stories to be truuthful [Ginny] Earlier, Kayla and I were talking about Nazaroff in the first version versus the second and everytime I see Maytime, I feel more sorry for Nazaroff's character, but in the first one, he's more evil... [debbie] hmmmm [debbie] i see the name nazaroff is russian [Ginny] I don't think i would pity him at all... Kayla thinks that would have added to the tragedy of the story... [Gio] this was the role that Paul Lukas was going to play [Ginny] And that it should have been kept in... [debbie] and that the czritas is about russia that must have made it rough for him [Ginny] Right [Gio] can you imagine Paul Lukas playig Nazaroff [Gio] ? [debbie] not really [Ginny] We kind of went into that all ready though ;) [Gio] yes... [debbie] i think sooo [Gio] sure [Gio] but it would not be the same mood [debbie] after all in opera they had to play all parts [Gio] the same taste in our mouths [debbie] it would not be the same effect though if he where a villian [Gio] precisely [Gio] if they liked it or not [Ginny] Right... [Gio] they were locked into their roles for life [debbie] i think they improved in a lot of stories to be truuthful [Ginny] Earlier, Kayla and I were talking about Nazaroff in the first version versus the second and everytime I see Maytime, I feel more sorry for Nazaroff's character, but in the first one, he's more evil... [debbie] hmmmm [debbie] i see the name nazaroff is russian [Ginny] I don't think i would pity him at all... Kayla thinks that would have added to the tragedy of the story... [Gio] this was the role that Paul Lukas was going to play [Ginny] And that it should have been kept in... [debbie] and that the czritas is about russia that must have made it rough for him [Ginny] Right [Gio] can you imagine Paul Lukas playig Nazaroff [Gio] ? [debbie] not really [Ginny] Not sure... ;) Since I have no idea who he is... *gasp* [Gio] ... [Kayla] gaaahhh... ate tto fast [Ginny] LOL.... awwww [debbie] welcome back kayla [Lindsay] Hi Kayla [Kayla] hiya [Kayla] Alright, where are we? [Ginny] Kayla, do you know who Paul Lukas is? :) If so, could you see him playing Nazaroff? [Kayla] See, I've got no clue who he is [Lindsay] I don't know who he is either... [Gio] Ginny, as your time keeper we have 10 minutes of recorded fun left [Lindsay] lol [Ginny] Yay! :) [debbie] oh dear [Ginny] Well, is there anything else any of you are dying to bring up? [Gio] a thousand things [debbie] same here [Ginny] Bring to the table thy ideas ;) [Gio] here is an idea [Gio] who's shoes would you like to be in [debbie] like their personal lives during the filming of maytime [Gio] ? [Kayla] Hmm... I know you brought up Czaritza earlier, but we didn't talk much about it [debbie] it always effects their acting [Ginny] Ahh... Jeanette got married during Maytime... [debbie] yep thats what i mean [Lindsay] yes...that is true [Gio] when was firefly made [debbie] and nelson? was he seeing his future wife then i wonder [Gio] i thought she got married after firefly [debbie] 1937 [debbie] they where getting it ready duing maytime i think [Kayla] I don't think it mattered much... other than Jeanette's voice sounded so much better in it. [Gio] yes...after her picture with allan jones [Gio] as for Czaritza [Gio] question [Kayla] Yesh [Gio] this to last act of tosca [debbie] ah yes [debbie] nelson as scarpia [Gio] the origninal version had them singing Tosca [debbie] i dont thinksoooo [Ginny] That brings up another point... this film won for best sound recording didn't it? I don't think Jeanette ever sounded more beautiful than she did in this film. [Gio] yes [debbie] yes sooo true [Lindsay] I agree...she was in wonderful voice [Gio] but it was more for her voice [Ginny] Right [Gio] tosca is not for a lyrical voice [debbie] i think she was really in love with gene [Ginny] The whole scene is beautiful... [Kayla] Czaritza? [Gio] and no one has mentioned at all [Gio] the bassos [Ginny] Yeah ;) [Gio] singing in the background [debbie] but we all like the scne with nelson [Gio] of Czaritza [debbie] sort of like faust? [Gio] those booming bass voices [debbie] a lot of bassos [Gio] tolling time [Ginny] Those are wonderful... [Kayla] For the longest time, I thought that the woman who played Ellen was the alto (??) part in Czaritza [Gio] this is what opera is all about [Gio] and this is the first time [Gio] and the last time [Gio] we ever see them in an opera setting [Gio] lets remember this [Gio] so we now know at least what they would have looked like at the Met [Gio] ... [debbie] yes [Ginny] This is true... we do see them seperately... [Kayla] You mean them together? [Gio] yes [Ginny] Nooo... seperately... like Phantom... [Gio] singing opera [Ginny] ] ;) [Kayla] No, I was referring to what Gio said [debbie] its usally tenors and sopranos together though arabella by strauss is an exception [Ginny] Whoops ;) [Ginny] LOL [Lindsay] lol [debbie] and nelson priemered a strauss opera [debbie] i think i spelled that wrong [Kayla] oh well [Gio] then we can all agree [Ginny] Well, this film is definitely my favorite... [Gio] Maytime was great [Gio] and beautiful [Ginny] And it's the film that hooked me... [Gio] ? [Ginny] Of course! :) [debbie] yes it was one of my favs inspite of the ending [Gio] from 1 to 10 [Kayla] There really wasn't a film that hooked me [Gio] where would you put this film [Gio] as their great romance films [Gio] ? [Ginny] Yes :) [debbie] i thinknew moon hooked me and rose marie [Ginny] New Moon was next for me ;) [Ginny] Then I was gone... [Ginny] Hee hee [Gio] TIME KEEPER [Gio] the hour is up [Gio] sorry to say [debbie] me too that wanting you scene remnded me of the one in maytime [debbie] ah [Ginny] Yeah! :) [Gio] i know [debbie] oh well [Ginny] Thanks for chatting guys! This has been great! ;) [debbie] whats next weekes chat? [debbie] yes it has been fun as always [debbie] :) [Kayla] I think New Moon was a big compilation of all their movies, but it's still my favorite [Gio] lets give our hostess a round of applause [Ginny] Girl Of The Golden West ;) That comes next... ;) [debbie] me too [debbie] oh i like that oine too [debbie] and sweethearts [Gio] BRAVA! GINNY [Gio] ... [Gio] Same time, same chatroom... [Kayla] OK, Are you leaving next week, Ginny? [debbie] okay [Ginny] Night guys! :) Thanks again for coming! [Ginny] I'm leaving the 2nd... whenever that falls... I'll be here [debbie] good night everyone
Posted May 25, 2003 |