June 22, 2003 Home | ||
have just entered room "Chat 506718993596955072." JHami828 has entered the room. MamaLion27: Well, That didn't work too well. JHami828: What didn't work well...I'm here.... :-) MamaLion27: Where is Dick? JHami828: It's just now 5 p.m. according to my clock. MamaLion27: I tried again. DIXC has entered the room. DIXC: Got in. Thanks. It tried 3 times but now took. THANKS> Dugan EK has entered the room. JHami828: There's Dick! DIXC: Made it.:-) MamaLion27: Whew. Dugan EK: So our topic is Naughty Marietta? DIXC: Seemed TOUGH to do on this end. Thanks again.:-):-) MamaLion27: Yes. Now if I can do two or three things at once I can save this transcript! DIXC: Hope you do and can. JHami828: Will the transcript work if I use a different color? MamaLion27: Please go on with your conversation while I play at it. DIXC: That statement one quoted from Nelson about not liking movies was about MGM not finding him a job YET. He wanted to leave if he was just goiung to sit around doing nothing. Then came Naughty M. JHami828: I brought home Naughty Marietta and Rose Marie at the beginning of the year and LOVED them so much that I joined this e-mail group! MamaLion27: Here's hoping. JHami828: I like the list of goofs on your site, Eleanor. The one I noticed right off was the puppy that kept changing appearance. Dugan EK: You have sharp eyes. Someone had to point that out to me! JHami828: Well, I had to watch it a couple of times to be sure. At first, I just knew there was something odd about that pup. JHami828: I don't think there is one single song that I don't like in Naughty Marietta. Dugan EK: Intriguingly, they did NOT use the title song from the operetta. DIXC: Anything they sang was a treat JHami828: That's right...I found a copy of that song and wondered why they hadn't used it. DIXC: What song was that? JHami828: I believe they changed songs to fit the movie, too. I heard "'Neath the Southern Moon" with different words. JHami828: "Naughty Marietta" DIXC: OK MamaLion27: Didn't Stothart change the lyrics to compensate for the script changes from the original operetta? DIXC: His first scene coming out of the woods, he looked tired and haggered. But he looked great singing to J a few minutes later. Dugan EK: "'Neath the Southern Moon" was originally song by the Mulatto mistress of the governor's effeminate son. In the TV production with Gale Sherwood, SHE played the role and sang the song, but she was allowed to be fair and blonde. Dugan EK: --originally SUng -- JHami828: I have a music book with just the title to a "Naughty Marietta" song book. It has a number of songs: "Naughty Marietta", "Mr. Voodoo", "Sweet Mystery of LIfe", "I'm Falling in Love With", "Neath the Southern Moon", JHami828: "It Never, Never Can be Love", "Italian Street Song"....etc. JHami828: True, Dick. JHami828: Oops... JHami828: That one song is "I'm Falling in Love With Someone". DIXC: That duet "Sweet Mystery of Life ... " made the world take notice of this TALENT (of J & N). MamaLion27: Yes, that clip is always used to identify MGM musicals, too. JHami828: That is true. Now, I heard that song was originally associated with a cemetery. Is that true? DIXC: YEP JHami828: They did a good job of changing to a "love song"! MamaLion27: Yes and I am trying to remember which one. JHami828: Wasn't it called "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" when it was associated with the cemetery? No? Dugan EK: The song BECAME associated with Forest Lawn, but not for several decades after it was written (just as some TV commercials pick up old pop songs today). JHami828: Ahhh JHami828: I think one of my favorite scenes in the movie includes "Italian Street Song". MamaLion27: But it did create some controversy at the time as to whether to use it in the movie or not, didn't it? JHami828: The song? MamaLion27: Sweet Mystery..! DIXC: It was a GRAVE problem then. MamaLion27: They finally agreed to go with it, though. JHami828: Oh Dick...that was a bad joke. =-O MamaLion27: OOOH, Dick! DIXC: :-D JHami828: Here, we were having a heavenly discussion!O:-) DIXC: How about Nelson's suprise on his face when he first heard J could relly sing JHami828: I just love that! MamaLion27: That was delicious! DIXC: "really" DIXC: =-O JHami828: Was there controversy over the scene where Jeanette tells the governor that she is not a "nice" girl? MamaLion27: I didn't hear of any. Of course, it was couched in very general terms. JHami828: True. DIXC: All my recordings have Nelson beginning that "SWEET M...." but in the movie she first began the number "Sweet Mystery Of Life ..." Dugan EK: Each recorded Ah, Sweet Mystery as a solo and there was a third recording as a duet. MamaLion27: There were no soundtrack recordings from any of their movies. They were all recorded later. JHami828: I noticed that, too, Dick. Dugan EK: Yes, and with different arrangements -- often inferior to that used in the film. MamaLion27: Yes, because MGM held the rights. JHami828: Too bad they weren't "into" recording soundtracks to movies like they are today! DIXC: He then new HE HAD TO SAVE HER MamaLion27: I heartily agree. DIXC: for himself. DIXC: :-D MamaLion27: Oh, definitely for himself. MamaLion27: ;-) DIXC: :-):-) JHami828: Does anyone else wish he had kissed her in the boat scene? JHami828: That was so romantic. DIXC: Not when he called her by the wrong name MamaLion27: Yep, he should have kissed her! By the way, Nelson said later that the scene where he ran into the tree was left in the film. Anyone figure out where? JHami828: That was Rose Marie... DIXC: intentionally I believe. JHami828: I didn't remember Nelson running into the tree. I read that was in the movie, though. MamaLion27: Yes, but I haven't found it yet. DIXC: A tree in the water?? MamaLion27: No, it must have been in the fight scene. DIXC: Yes it was R.M. Sorry. JHami828: He did run into a tree in the fight scene? JHami828: I'll have to watch for that the next time I view the movie. MamaLion27: I keep watching for it. DIXC: I'm out on a limb on that one? Don't recall any tree. JHami828: EEK...Dick...that was worse.=-O MamaLion27: Lots of trees in the fight scene with the pirates but I think someone cut out the run-in he had with one. JHami828: Does anyone know who played the gypsy's daughter...the one who starts singing "Italian Street Song"? MamaLion27: Caught me there, Dick.:-[ DIXC: How did you like his LOOK when he handled the large peticoat, for bandages. Dugan EK: I never could find out for the credits in my book. The voice was supplied by a lady who said she had lived with Jeanette in her early Broadway days. Elmassian, I think. I could look it up. JHami828: She was very good, Eleanor! JHami828: That was too funny, Dick. DIXC: He could handle the funny stuff so well. JHami828: Very well! JHami828: His music teacher did a good job as the landlord. MamaLion27: Zari Elmassian was the voice of Suzette but they don't say who played the part. MamaLion27: They dubbed the voice. JHami828: That's right...her name was Suzette in the movie. JHami828: The voice was lovely. Dugan EK: When I interviewed the lady, she didn't know -- nor do the payroll records indicate who the actress was. MamaLion27: Zari was an established singer at the time. JHami828: Was Zari Elmassian an opera singer? JHami828: Did she dub for movies often? Answer the second question first. :-) Dugan EK: I don't recall if she ever did opera. She indicated she and Jeanette had roles in operettas and Bway shows. JHami828: OK Dugan EK: One could check her credits on the IMDb -- though that is still far from complete, a work in progress. A friend had me look up the leading Egyptian film singer, a huge star, and she is not listed. MamaLion27: I haven't come across her in my research of other films as yet anyway. DIXC: The first "Marni Nixon", maybe? JHami828: I was just thinking that, Dick! JHami828: Well, I really did like the ending...riding off on horseback... MamaLion27: Yes, and he took his men on the honeymoon! JHami828: Hey...wait a minute...I was just thinking about the "running into a tree" incident. That could've been Jeanette when she ran into the tree after leaving... JHami828: after the song, "Neath the Southern Moon". DIXC: BUT WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO LIVE AND HOW WILL THEY SURVIVE out there, somewhere. MUST have to be by LOVE. MamaLion27: Nope. Nelson said he ran into a treee accidentally and told Woody to leave it in. JHami828: Hey, Dick, this is a movie. It is not reality. JHami828: I hate to say I had that thought, too. I don't think Marietta will like it out in the West as much as she thinks she will. DIXC: HA. MamaLion27: She couldn't even cook! Dugan EK: Zaruhi Elmassian has 6 film credits in the IMDb: Wizard of Oz, Here's to Romance, Maytime, Naughty Marietta, Girl of the Golden West, and Broadway Serenade. JHami828: Did she dub or appear in most of those? DIXC: And will she cook him now bacon and eggs? Way out there somewhere? MamaLion27: What in the world did she do in Girl? Dugan EK: Her voice only -- Dugan EK: Probably in chorus. JHami828: No offense, but was Zari not very pretty? DIXC: Very interesting Eleanor. Thanks for your info. JHami828: See, Dick, it sounds like Zari was a "Marni Nixon". MamaLion27: I think that is another subject for homework. MamaLion27: For me, anyway JHami828: Too true...now I'll have a topic to research this week! DIXC: Saw Marni Nixon in Palm Springs recently and she could have been in some movies as far as looks. MamaLion27: The pursuit of knowledge is good for the soul! JHami828: I don't understand why she wasn't in movies as herself. JHami828: Too true, Dorothy! MamaLion27: She was in Sound of Music DIXC: She was Mother Sup. MamaLion27: Nope, one of the nuns JHami828: I can never remember which sister she was. DIXC: Bad HABIT of mine. MamaLion27: Peggy Woods was Abbess but her voice was dubbed JHami828: EEK...not again...Dick... JHami828: No...really Dorothy? MamaLion27: Dick, you are over the edge! DIXC: I'm leaving SOON. JHami828: =-O DIXC: :-* MamaLion27: Yes, I don't think Peggy sang that song. MamaLion27: We'll miss you, Dick JHami828: Yes, we will...and your puns. DIXC: Bye now. Thanks for the TREAT. Take care.:-) JHami828: Well, overall I loved Naughty Marietta...even got my husband to watch it. MamaLion27: Bye Dick JHami828: Bye, Dick! DIXC: Bye:-) DIXC has left the room. MamaLion27: My very favorite..and my first one. JHami828: Mine too...on both counts, Dorothy. MamaLion27: Letting you know there will be a special issue of my website coming out soon. JHami828: Thanks so much for the info. on Zaruhi Elmassian, Eleanor. MamaLion27: Now I hope I can get a transcript of this evening's conversation. JHami828: What is that web site that you went to? JHami828: Thanks, Dorothy!!!! MamaLion27: IMDb.com, right EK? JHami828: I will bookmark that one. JHami828: Thanks for the chat about a favorite, favorite movie of mine! JHami828: Bye.... JHami828 has left the room. MamaLion27: I guess that does it for tonight. posted August 6, 2003 |