[Gio] welcome Ginny
[Ginny] :)
[Eleanor] Oh, here you all are -- can you see me?
[Gio] the Room is open for our Sunday Chat
[Gio] yes Eleanor
[Ginny] I can see you! :)
[Eleanor] Yeah!
[Gio] we see you clearly
[Gio] great!
[Gio] being the Time keeper
[Gio] Ginny it is now on the hour mark
[Ginny] Yes, it is...
[Ginny] So the topic for tonight is "Rose Marie"
[Eleanor] So I am totally emersed in various versions of Naughty
Marietta and now we must consider Rose Marie. At least Rose Marie
wasn't a Parisian laundress, just a French Canadian peasant girl,
perhaps with some Native American blood.
[Sun Jun 16 17:01:02 PDT 2002] Kayla: I remembered!
[Ginny] Hiya!
[Gio] welcome Kayla
[Kayla] Aloha
[Ginny] This is true... ;)
[Ginny] Was there ever a mention of this in the Nelson/Jeanette version
the scripting process?
[Kayla] of what?
[Eleanor] Yes, the early treatments had the opera star going into the
woods disguised as a "peasant" -- speaking pidgin English.
[Gio] From what i have read...the 36's version is totally different from
the original operetta and the
[Gio] movie version in 1928
[Gio] with Joan Crawford
] Yeah and the later version with Howard Keel...
[Kayla] It is very different. But I think the differences make it much
[Sun Jun 16 17:02:58 PDT 2002] debbie has no profile.
[Gio] there they mention she is of french origin...
[Ginny] Welcome Debbie!
[debbie] hello everyone!
[Eleanor] Well, Gio, not as different as Maytime -- it kept the
[Gio] Hi, Deb
[Gio] true
[debbie] how is everyone?
[Eleanor] Where and how do we look at people's profiles?
[Ginny] Wonderful ;)
[Ginny] I think you can click on the name and it will show up at the
[Gio] but just about everything else seemed a bit altered...
[debbie] i have a yahoo profile as deborahp7
[Gio] Eleanor
[debbie] im always changing my interests though lol
[Eleanor] In the stage Rose Marie, the Mountie is a secondary
character, not the male star.
[Kayla] But in the original, she isn't and opera star, is she?
[Sun Jun 16 17:04:12 PDT 2002] Anna has no profile.
[Gio] right
[Ginny] Hi Anna!
[Gio] hi, anna
[Gio] Eleanor....
[debbie] i see we are chatting about rose marie
[Kayla] I know in the 1954 version, she is a backwoods girl
[Ginny] Right :)
[Anna] Hi all. Glad to see you are on board, Eleanor
[debbie] there is a silent version too i believe
[Gio] now i wonder why they made jeanette's part an opera singer
[Gio] ?
[Kayla] And my Howie is just a second banana
[Gio] lol
[debbie] they also took out some songs
[Ginny] Yeah, the 1954 version is a LOT different... it's the only other
I'm familiar with...
[debbie] julie andrews recorded it i think
[Eleanor] I have a tape of a French stage production -- Rose Marie is
an ignorant backwoods child, sort of Liza Doolittle, who is taken off to
the "big city" to be trained to be a lady. She wears pretty
gowns, etc.
for Act II, but then chooses to return to the woods and her true love.
The 1954 film is closer to the stage version.
[Eleanor] I have a tape of a French stage production -- Rose Marie is
an ignorant backwoods child, sort of Liza Doolittle, who is taken off to
the "big city" to be trained to be a lady. She wears pretty
gowns, etc.
for Act II, but then chooses to return to the woods and her true love.
The 1954 film is closer to the stage version.
[Anna] There was a silent version made by MGM in 1928 starring Joan
[debbie] i thought sooooo
[debbie] it
was on of the first musicals to have a murder in it i think
[Kayla] I knew the 1954 version was closer, but I've never seen the
stage version
[Eleanor] Apparently the silent Rose Marie is lost -- no idea if it
the stage version.
[Anna] Yes, her real love is a French Indian trapper (Fernando Lamas
in the 1954 version)
[Gio] and it was a lot shorter version too,
[debbie] they dont have the julie andrews recording any more either
[Kayla] Yes.
[Gio] the 1928 version
[Anna] According to a review I read, the 1928 version was "an
[Gio] between whom thought, Anna?
[Kayla] And that means?? hehe
[debbie] i think the songs they took out would have been perfect for
[Anna] It doesn't say but I would assume it would be closer to the
original version and the love interest would be the trapper
[Gio] looking at the original lyrics annaI
[Gio] anna
[Gio] Rose marie was in love with a Jim Kenyon
[debbie] hmmmm
[Anna] Friml was 72 in 1954 and collaborated on 2 songs - new ones I
gather, not used in "our" version
[debbie] sort of interesting that they put in the tosca bits
[Eleanor] The problem is that every stage musical has 20 songs or so.
No film can have that many and work. The mammoth musicals based
fathfully on stage sources -- King & I, My Fair Lady -- just don't
work in
my opinion. A film musical can have 3 main ongs, 2 minor ones, and
the love theme should reunite the lovers at the end -- not a brand new
[debbie] thats true
[Gio] sounds good to me...
[Anna] Did you all pay attention to the two up and coming young
supporting actors in the film?
[Ginny] Yeah, the early Busby Berkely movies with a song every minute
a bit cluttered... and when you have so much music, you have very
little plot.
[Eleanor] Stage musicals need lots of tunes because they usually offer
several sets of lovers plus some comics. Each needs separate
[debbie] jimmy stewart
[Kayla] 2 upshoot, Anna?
[Gio] talking about songs...the Indian Love Call has a different meaning
to it in the original version
[Gio] then in our 36' version
[Gio] which i found to be quite interesting
[Gio] something i hadn't known before
[Anna] yes, Jimmy and then another very good looking young man who
didn't get much notice in this one but became a major star!
[Eleanor] What is that? I know the great story about Oscar
Hammerstein II dragging Friml to Central Park on a snowy night to get
him to write "Indian Love Call."
[Kayla] David Niven!
[debbie] oh yes!
] Right! :)
[Kayla] I can't believe I forgot him
[Gio] the Indian Love Call
[Anna] Kayla - right on
[Gio] was suppose to be a signal
[Gio] between Rose Marie
[Gio] and Jim Kenyon
[Gio] her lover
[Gio] who is later founded innocent
[Gio] Eleanor
[Kayla] But... there wasn't an origin to the call?
[Kayla] (in he original)
[Eleanor] Mary Truesdell, in her research on early MGM script versions,
found one where the Indian lovers committed suicide over a waterfall.
At the end, Jeanette sits beside the fall, contemplating suicide!!
[Anna] Was Jim Kenyon the name of the Mountie in the original?
[Gio] No.
[Gio] Anna
[Kayla] Jim Kenyon is her lover, the mountie is a side character
[Gio] The Mountie was Sgt. Malone
[Kayla] Uh oh, we lost Eleanor
[Anna] Well, Jim Kenyon doesn't sound like much of a name for a
French Indian trapper
[Kayla] I know....
[Ginny] This is true...
[Gio] I doesn't say if he was French does it?
[Gio] just hiding out
[Anna] One thing I hated was that "Sgt Bruce" didn't have a
first name
[debbie] yes that bugged me too
[Gio] excuse meeeeee
[Gio] did we lose eleanor
[Gio] ?
[Ginny] Yes we did!
[debbie] oh dear
[Kayla] I thought for the longest time that it was "Richard",
Anna, but
then I watched it again and realized I was just mixing movies
[Gio] ginny you continue
[Gio] i will see if i can bring her back in
[Ginny] If someone with AOL can assist her back, that would be lots of
I'm on an account that's not my own.
[Kayla] I said we lost her like, 5 minutes ago
[Ginny] Thanks Gio!
[debbie] i have netzero
[debbie] its cheaper
[debbie] i get knocked off with aol
[Ginny] Well, how about "The Indian Love Call"... ;) I love
how it is repeated
throughout the film...
[Anna] I'm not on aol either
[Sun Jun 16 17:16:58 PDT 2002] Maria has no profile.
[debbie] yes that is wonderul rather haunting
[Kayla] Hiya, Maria!
[Anna] Hi Maria
[Maria] Hi Kayla...Anna...everyone!
[debbie] hi maria
[Ginny] Hi Maria ;)
[Maria] Hi Debbie....Gins....
[Maria] Gio...lol
[debbie] hice to meet everyone
[debbie] i mean nice
[debbie] my typing again
[Maria] That's ok Debbie...we all make typos...
[Gio] welcome Maria
[Anna] This has got to be really frustrating for Eleanor
[Gio] Eleanor i think had to sign off to get back in
[debbie] we cant do any smiley faces here
[Ginny] I know it! We practiced too...
[Kayla] :)
[debbie] i like the yahoo chatrooms too
[debbie] i have trillian which can compine yahoo,aol,and msn
[Anna] Indian Love Call was one of their biggest selling records and of
course you all know the many jokes that still go around about it
[Ginny] Back on track here ;)
[debbie] yes thats sort of sad though
[Ginny] Yes, "Young Frankenstein" I refuse to watch anymore...
[Maria] But WHY Ginny?
[debbie] i think its a lovely number
[Gio] go ahead Ginny
[Ginny] Thanks Maria...
[Kayla] Has anyone ever heard Hank Williams' version of Indian Love
[debbie] i wont watch woddy allen either
[Ginny] Because it's not used in a VERY nice way...
[debbie] i mean woody
[Ginny] For my prim mind...
[Ginny] :-D
[Maria] Debbie, I don't like him either...
[Maria] Ginny....I got you a present today......
[Ginny] It is a beautiful song... my Mother calls it howling...
[Ginny] YAY!!
[Ginny] Hee hee
[Gio] ?
[debbie] they mentioned it in a britcom in a nice way
[debbie] rose marie i mean
[Anna] one of my favorite cartoons is where Nelson is singing "you
-oo-oo-oo" and the man says I don't know why he was considered to
be so good - he didn't even know the words
[debbie] lol
[Maria] Ginny, my mother dislikes "Ah, Sweet Mystery of
Life"....so I can
[Ginny] Well, my mother doesn't like "Ah, Sweet Mystery of
Life" either...
[Gio] we all remember the Love Call as their calling card
[debbie] the only one i have trouble with is bittersweet because it is
sooo sad
[Maria] There is also a cartoon with Foghorn Leghorn I think....and
of the chickens/roosters are Crosby, Sinatra and Nelson...that's my
[debbie] i have had a lot of sadness
[debbie] thats funny
[Anna] I haven't seen the foghorn one - it must be funny
[Gio] Ginny...get us back on track....
[debbie] i thought dudley do right is sort of like nelson
[Ginny] I think it's interesting that Nelson is most remembered for this
role... I
think most reviewers watch this film, those that say he was
anyway... and there's a reason for it in this film!! I can't see how
could critisize...
[Maria] Debbie....I think he was based on Nelson....
[debbie] i think sooo too
[debbie] and nelly has red hair
[Anna] John Marsh showed some Dudley Dooright at a meeting a
couple of years ago - sorry, I thought it was downright stupid
[debbie] lol
[debbie] the britcom that mentioned it was the good neigbors
[debbie] known in the uk has the good life
[Kayla] Oh, they say every mountie character is based on Nelson --
even if he's a she...
[Maria] I don't think it was supposed to be complimentary to Nelson, so
I'm not surprised Anna...
[Ginny] Is there any reason in particular why Nelson was linked to this
I've always wondered...
[debbie] thats true too
[debbie] what do they think of it in canada i wonder
[debbie] and the native americans in general
[Anna] actually they loved it in Canada - Nelson was given several
honors by the RCMP because of this role
[debbie] oh thats sooo cool:)
[Kayla] Well, the only reason I can think reviewers think Nelson is
wooden in this role is because of one instance in the Indial Love Call
[Kayla] He turns his whole body almost robot like, instead of just
his head away.
[Maria] When they retired the Mountie uniform in the 70's, I believe
even had pics of Nelson in the newspaper...
[Ginny] Yes, I also saw in the "Rose Marie" NEAS Journal that
a few Nelson
fans have Mountie Doll collections, I think that's neat ;)
[Maria] Kayla....I think with those costumes Nelson had a hard time
movie his neck...
[debbie] my thought is that folks keep stopping thay scene and so it
sort of came off that way
[Gio] let me ask this question?
[Gio] how many in here
[Kayla] I mean, I don't mind it, but the two people that have watched it
with me made that comment.
[Gio] believe in real life
[Gio] Mounties are stiff
[Gio] tall, and strong
[Gio] and made out of granite
[Gio] I do...
[Gio] have always had that impression of the Mounties
[Ginny] I would think so...
[Anna] well, we have a Mountie who is a member of the NEAS and has
attended our CS meetings several times
[Gio] Like the Marines
[debbie] hmmmmm
[debbie] sort of like in rosalie
[Gio] it is a stiff role
[Anna] He has demonstrated the uniform and told us the meaning of
the various emblems etc
[Gio] and he handles it wonderfully
[Anna] He is really very nice and has a wonderful sense of humor
[Gio] wonderful
[Gio] anna
[Gio] "Shall we say--Fishing?"
[Maria] Anna....is he cute? Only joking...
[debbie] nelson like wonderful in uniform
[debbie] i mean looks wonderful
[Anna] He is cute - married to the daughter of other members
[debbie] oh well
[Maria] Rats. Oh well!
[Maria] :)
[Kayla] Gio--- actually Jeanette say that line "Couldn't we just
fishing?" with this little grin on her face
[debbie] hehe
[Kayla] I think at one time you said Nelson said it
[Gio] I'll buy that
[debbie] well i better go
[debbie] it was nice meeting everyone
[Maria] Debbie you're leaving us already?
[Gio] i think the look is what starts the movie rolling
[Kayla] Lindsay says "Hi" to everyone, and sorry she couldn't
make it\[Gio] it is one of nelson's best shots
[Gio] i believe
[debbie] ii will hang on a little longer
[debbie] what does everyone think of the tosca bits in it
[Kayla] But what about Jeanette in her role? Many people use this as an
example that she was a bit of an "over actor"
[debbie] i think that was her intention
[Kayla] I love the Tosca bit, Debbie. My absolute favorite part of the
[debbie] has it is done by sooo many opera singers
[Ginny] Me too...
[Sun Jun 16 17:32:03 PDT 2002] Eleanor has no profile.
[Ginny] She's back! Horray!
[Anna] The Tosca was okay - - she did the part well, I thought
[Kayla] Welcome back, Eleanor!
[debbie] too bad they could not have put in nelson has scarpia
[Eleanor] Thanks -- I feel like I climbed Mt. Everest!!
[Anna] Loved the way her eyes sort of "rolled" when she was
about to
[Maria] Hi Eleanor!
[debbie] but i think nelson is sooo nice to play scarpia
[Anna] She was good at that
[debbie] hi eleanor
[Anna] Glad you're back Eleanor
[Eleanor] Yes, Nelson as Scarpia would have been something!!
[Kayla] Oh yeah, Anna... And the hand goes to the head, the eyes roll
back...[debbie] i thought sooo
[Kayla] Yes, he was
[debbie] and alaaen jones as mario in rose marie
[Anna] Shall we all lament together - where or where has that footage
[Gio] But, Scarpia was evil
[debbie] yes very much so
[Anna] well, we wouldn't want Nelson to be goody-two-shoes in
[Anna] He had to have some character to make him more human
[debbie] thats true
[Ginny] It would be interesting to see him play a really evil role, just
to see if he
could really take a crack at it ;)
[Maria] I think it would be cool to see Nelson in a really nasty role...
[Gio] eleanor
[Kayla] I think he'd pull it off
[Gio] when you answered me
[Anna] In fact, he was trying to steal from Jeanette in Rose Marie
[Kayla] Very well, too.
[Gio] you temporarily brought up the aol screen
[Gio] that is all
[Gio] you are okay now
[Gio] Okay, now that we have Eleanor back with us,
[Eleanor] But Nelson as Scarpia doesn't make Nelson evil -- it shows
that Paul Allison is a brilliant baritone, since the vast majority of
baritone roles are "the heavy" -- Don Giovanni, etc.
[Gio] true
[debbie] even in strauss like der rosenkavlier
[Gio] but she could never put her hands around Scarpia's head
[Gio] and kiss him
[debbie] but arabella has a nice baritone part
[Eleanor] Baron Ochs is a bass-baritone -- as is Mephistopheles -- but
[Gio] Having sung Mario...i don't think it works that way in the opera
[debbie] oh yes
[Gio] another point...
[Gio] Tosca eyes are Nero
[Eleanor] Huh?
[Anna] you lost me on that one
[Gio] Mario sings
[Kayla] How is the role of Faust sung?
[Eleanor] Faust is a tenor.
[Kayla] Thought so, btu couldn't remember
[debbie] most heros are tenors though there are excetions
[Gio] faust is okay...
[Gio] but it does not have the great romance
[Kayla] Well, how about we go back to Rose Marie?
[Ginny] Just going to say that...
[debbie] i just love rose marie
[Gio] me too
[Gio] or is it i love Jeanette
[Kayla] OK, so how about we talk abot the little goofs that happened
[Anna] The Indian Corn Dance was fantastic
[Ginny] Maria and I both saw Rose Marie first before we saw any other
[Anna] Can you imagine dancing those fast steps on a revolving drum!
[debbie] me too when i was around 5 or6
[Gio] unbelievable
[Ginny] I love the close-ups of Nelson and Jeanette during that...
[Kayla] I can't imagine dancing at all, Anna!
[Gio] talking about bloopers
[Gio] did anyone pay attention
[Eleanor] Ginny, you are lucky. From 1954 and the remake until very
recently NO ONE could see Rose Marie. I never saw it until a few
years ago.
[Gio] to Jeanettes Handkerchief in her pocket
] Oh my gosh! Really? I didn't know that!
[Gio] it keeps appearing and disappearing
[Anna] yes, we noticed the handkerchief blooper before
[debbie] hmmm
[Eleanor] Gio, did you submit that to my Goofs page?
[Gio] then you see a little peek of it
[Anna] I think that's one of the things Eleanor has on her website
[Gio] i will
[debbie] i missed the handerchief
[Kayla] Yes, I did notice that. And the innkeeper magically changing
[Ginny] That makes me wonder even more than, how come Nelson was
known for this role??? Was it just that memorable in the theatres
singing "ILC" and "Call of the Mounties"?
[Gio] how about her suitcase
[Eleanor] And the bar keeper becoming the inn keeper!
[Gio] as she is leaving the room
[Anna] one that interested me was tipping the drum over the hot fire!
[Gio] they cut the scene
[debbie] lol
[Gio] and spliced it
[Kayla] Maybe from the records he made, Ginny
[Gio] the "R" was on the outside when she was leaving
[Gio] and moments later the suitcase is turned around
[Gio] and no "R"
[Gio] also her cloves where in a different position
[Maria] It's not a goof, but what about when Nelson falls off the
(or whatever) it's so OBVIOUSLY a mannequin...
[Kayla] I know!
[Kayla] That's so funny, too
[debbie] hehe
[Anna] loved that song, though, Just For You
[Ginny] It's so cute! It's the best! And the close-ups of Jeanette in
"Just for
You" are great too...
[debbie] yes
[Maria] Maybe THAT'S why people think he's stiff. Yes Anna...i think
[Anna] Should have been given more prominence by him in recording
songs from the picture
[Gio] Did anyone notice how Jeanette seemed to get smaller
[Gio] thinner
[Gio] ?
[Kayla] Hehe, Ginny, aren't all of Jeanette's close ups great? hehehe
[debbie] is the end?
[Ginny] Yeah ;) She never takes a bad picture really :)
[Kayla] Not really, Gio... Well, she was smaller in Rose Marie than in
Naughty Mariette
[Gio] i understand she lost weight in this movie...but she said that
took the bacon and beans scene
[Anna] well, I thought J was pretty thin throughout the whole picture
[Kayla] *Marietta
[Gio] and shot it three times
[Gio] just before lunch too
[Kayla] Well, being out in the wilderness and probably suffering from
her allergies....
[debbie] thats what i was thinking
[Anna] I think the bean scene was another of Woody's jokes on J
[debbie] that woody bugs me
[Anna] Like having them sing to Herman Bing in Bittersweet just to keep
him ranting at them
[Kayla] I think he was just aving fun. He did that with all the stars he
worked with
[Gio] question about the run time...
[Eleanor] In one of the early scripts, she tries to cook for HIM and
makes a big botch of it. Supposed to be funny that a woman can't
cook. Hrmmph!
[Gio] i have read someplace 113minutes
[Gio] another place 150 minutes
[Anna] sexist pigs
[Kayla] Haha, Eleanor... times have definitely changed
[Gio] hour and 50 minutes
[Gio] sorry
[debbie] yes
[Eleanor] I thoroughly doubt 150 minutes. That would have been a
record for the time, but no reviewer commented on it.
[Gio] can there be more to this movie that they cut
[Kayla] My specialty is Mac n Cheese
[Eleanor] Oh, 110 minutes -- okay.
[Gio] like 7 minutes
[Eleanor] Differences of a few minutes in running time can be caused
by different projector speeds. Also, the issuing "
[Gio] because, if there is even one more minute to the movie...
[Eleanor] official time" is often an estimate!!
[Gio] i would love to see it
[debbie] i always wonder about the bits that are cut
[Gio] ah
[Gio] well, eleanor
[Gio] wait
[Gio] Did they not cut out
[Anna] I could have sworn that when I saw the picture in 1936, Nelson
shot and killed the brother
[Eleanor] "Girl of the Golden West," the opera, is on the Arts
right now.
[Kayla] Yes, when you read the boxes on videos, they include the
amount of time it take for the warning to run, the turner intro to
[Gio] parts of the last Tosca
[Gio] with Jones
[Gio] and this is why it could be a couple minutes shorter
[Anna] Everyone tells me I'm wrong
[Eleanor] I didn't see Rose Marie in 1936 -- wasn't born yet.
[Gio] neither was I
[debbie] i saw it first in the 60s
[Eleanor] Often the imagination is very powerful. Many people have told
me they originally saw Maytime in color!!
[Gio] but i remember reading that they cut Jones part
[Anna] So many of you don't know what you missed - not being among
those of us tramping this planet in the olden days
[debbie] my dad saw it when it firsy came out
[Gio] i am one of those people
[Gio] eleanor
[Kayla] I know what I missed, and wish I could have it, Anna
[Gio] I swear to this day i saw it in color
[Ginny] I thought there were scenes in Little Mermaid"
[Eleanor] Mary Truesdell would be a good one to ask -- she's read the
various script drafts at the Motion Picture Academy library.
[Ginny] *The
[Gio] cross my fingers and hope to swear
[Ginny] That were cut out ;)
[Anna] Well, it was released in 1936 - I was 11 years old -
[debbie] they have the vagabond king in color on ebay
[Gio] but it was colorized
[Eleanor] You're kidding -- not OUR VK?! Probably the Kathryn
Grayson version.
[Gio] the version i saw
[debbie] nope the jeanette one
[Kayla] Kathryn Grayson version is supposedly lost
[Ginny] No it wasn't, right Eleanor.. we saw it! 2 strip technicolor...
[debbie] they are selling it for $499
[Eleanor] UCLA won't let their color restoration of VK out of their
clutches -- EVERYONE wants to borrow it and make a video copy!!
[Kayla] But some people think they saw it on AMC a few years back
[Maria] Was it on really?
[Eleanor] No, VK was never on AMC. Several other Paramounts with
Jeanette were, but not VK.
[Anna] The Kathryn Grayson version was put on video tape a few years
back - I have it but it was one of her absolutely worst films
[debbie] i am not a big fan of hers
[Kayla] It IS her worst film
[debbie] sorry
[Gio] who was the male lead in this version Deb
[Gio] with Kathryn
[Kayla] Oreste
[debbie] dennis king with jeanette
[Gio] ah...
[Gio] the hog
[Kayla] Who didn't speak a word of English
[Eleanor] The 1950s VK is hilarious. Outside Notre Dame in the 13th C.
is am 1890s street, cobbled, and an 18th C. carriage pulls up.
[debbie] yep that hime only a nose
[debbie] hehe[Gio] I don't buy that Eleanor
[debbie] jerry hadley recorded song of the vagabonds
[Gio] a ham is a ham
[Anna] The acting in that one is so stilted - I guess typical of the
[debbie] thats true
[Gio] Jan Capura use to do this with Grace Moore all the time at the
[debbie] the music is lovely
[Eleanor] A friend who worked on the Grayson version says that Oreste
was so terrified of trying to perform in English that he was somewhat
frozen and standoffish. So the people on the set took to joking that his
last name was "In-Peace."
[Gio] this is why Jeanette and Nelson work so well
[Ginny] I've gotta go guys! I almost made it... Kayla is going to copy
rest of the transcript for me! THANKS Kayla!! Bye all! :-D
[Gio] they never tried hogging the camera
[debbie] the music is lovely
[Eleanor] A friend who worked on the Grayson version says that Oreste
was so terrified of trying to perform in English that he was somewhat
frozen and standoffish. So the people on the set took to joking that his
last name was "In-Peace."
[Gio] this is why Jeanette and Nelson work so well
[Ginny] I've gotta go guys! I almost made it... Kayla is going to copy
rest of the transcript for me! THANKS Kayla!! Bye all! :-D
[Gio] they never tried hogging the camera
[debbie] oh yes
[debbie] they where stunning
[Gio] yes, ginny big ben is about to gong
[Gio] in 2 minutes
[debbie] and jeanette and nelson had such character
[Anna] By Ginny - see you next time
[debbie] oh dear it was fun
[Eleanor] Actors can try to hog the camera, but they are at the mercy of
the cameraman and the film editor. It doesn't work.
[debbie] by ginny
[debbie] thats true too
[Gio] true
[Gio] but if they could
[Gio] they would
[Gio] lol
[Eleanor] We haven't resolved how much we all hate the ending of
Rose Marie. No calling to each other through the woods!!
OK, right before I was going to copy the next few lines, the screen
cleared and it got lost! But I'll try to remember what they said!
Maria commented that Jeanette's breakdown didn't fit
Anna said that Nelson didn't look right walking into the door at the
end. He was knelt down before he got to Jeanette.
(And I think that's all the main stuff. everything else was just off
topic, but it wasn't very much anyway. Just a few lines.) Eleanor said
she didn't care for Merry Widow's end either. Debbie said she didn't
like the end, but the rest was ok. I'll try to remember more, but I
think that's all!
[Eleanor] Lubitsch always "second-acted" his films, got to a
great 2nd
act curtain, than lost interest in resolving plot during 3rd act.
[Kayla] Maria, why don't you think Jeanette's breakdown fits?
[Anna] as Nelson comes through the door and is answering her call, he
starts to bend his knees long before he reaches her
[debbie] hmmm
[Gio] Eleanor might be a help here
[Gio] but i think it was because of the low camera angle
[Gio] of jeanette
[Gio] and the breakdown is perfect
[Anna] if it had been a few more feet, he would have been crawling
[Eleanor] Kayla, Rose Marie should be more proactive -- okay to have
breakdown, but then to lie about like a damp rag and wait for Nelson to
walk in. NO! She should rise up and go hunting for him in the woods,
willing to beg for him to take her back.
[Maria] Kayla, I think it's because she's such a strong character
throughout the whole thing....
[Gio] oh, my goodness...
[Gio] Well, i am glad we could all make it tonight
[Gio] and look forward to seeing you all next week
[Maria] Time's up already?
[Gio] when Ginny will give us our next class
[Anna] nine pm already. interesting chat. what is the topic for next
[Eleanor] I'll be gone 2 weeks -- with Nelson in Cambridge Springs --
[Gio] in Jen-Nel 101
[Maria] I'll assume Maytime?
[Maria] lol
[Gio] I hope so
[Gio] buy the way
[Gio] that was my vote
[Gio] in the poll
[Gio] Maytime
[Sun Jun 16 20:01:52 PDT 2002] debbie has no profile.
[Eleanor] Original plot of Maytime about 3 generations of Dutch settlers
in New Amsterdam--
[Kayla] Ginny will have the topic to the group soon.
[Maria] Eleanor....I'm so jealous. I'll be in Palm Spring then.....but I
would like to go to Cambridge Springs...ONE time...
[Gio] and it should have been number one on AFI
[Gio] 100 romantic movies
[debbie] got lost a min
[Maria] See Debbie? You were ready to leave a while ago and now you
can't tear yourself away! Lol
[Maria] *s
[debbie] yes lol
[debbie] this is sooo interesting
[debbie] feel free to email me anytime
[Eleanor] Oh, speaking of romance, a young lady IMed me today and
says she hopes to marry my son!
[Maria] Debbie...I hope you'll come back next week!
[Kayla] Well, all... It's Eight on the dot. So I guess it's time to call
it a night!
[debbie] ill try
[debbie] :)
[Maria] Wow Eleanor! That's great! As long as he's not already
[Gio] good night all, and "Luck in your Dreams"
[Eleanor] She was using his computer at the time, which lends some
credence to her claim.
[Eleanor] No, he's not married!
[debbie] whatll we chat about next?
[Kayla] Well, that a good
[Maria] Probably Maytime Debbie....
[Eleanor] I'll be back in 2 weeks --
[Maria] In keeping with the chronological thing..
[debbie] oh a sad one but thats ok
[Kayla] Ginny will decide, I'm guessing. I think it'll be Maytime,
[Maria] Eleanor have fun in PA....
[debbie] that my old state
[Maria] Really? What part?
[debbie] im really from philly
[Anna] goodnight all - will try to get on next week but no promise -
be getting things ready to pack for CS
[Eleanor] There's the awful first Maytime plot -- Nelson as adulterer,
abandoning wife and child.
[Maria] Have fun then....EVERYONE who is going to PA.
[Maria] :)
[debbie] oh dear
[Eleanor] Bye all.
[debbie] yes have in pa
[debbie] bye for now
[Maria] Night! :)