May 11, 2003

You have just entered room "Sweethearts."
DIXC has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1 has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: hello
MamaLion27 has entered the room.
Dugan EK has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: hope all are well
SokorraK: :-)
JeanetteFan1: i made it!!
SokorraK: yep!
JeanetteFan1: thanks8-)
DIXC: Hi! Happy Mothers Day:-)
Dugan EK: Thanks, whoever fetched me.
JeanetteFan1: same from me
SokorraK: :-) Your welcome
MamaLion27: I will join you as soon as the dog and Jan are fed!
JeanetteFan1: wow look at everyone here
DIXC: Me too.
JeanetteFan1: :-):-)
SokorraK: The chat starts in about 9 minutes so it's general chat till then
JeanetteFan1: ok
Dugan EK: I know that "new people" ask to come along -- are they being fetched? Or have we established that their computers don't allow them to get in?
JeanetteFan1: happy moms day
MamaLion27: Go right ahead. I will catch up.
SokorraK: who? No one has told me anything
JeanetteFan1: is everyone ok with the weather?
JeanetteFan1: maybe some have troubles
JeanetteFan1: jessi my aim says you are offline
JeanetteFan1: hmmm
SokorraK: Thats odd
SokorraK: I am here
JeanetteFan1: yes i thought soooo too
JeanetteFan1: hmmm am i on your buddy list?
SokorraK: yes
SokorraK: that is how I was able to invite you
JeanetteFan1: ah thats good thanks
SokorraK: Btw, GInny said to say hi for her
JeanetteFan1: ah say hi from us!
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
MamaLion27: I love summer but three lawnmowers are going outside my door. Mowers to the left of me, mowers to the right of me...
JeanetteFan1: we have all the 21 year olds out
JeanetteFan1: blasting the boom boxes
JeanetteFan1: and live across from a school yard
JeanetteFan1: thats a mess
SokorraK: Mine's blasting...but no one lives near me but cars!
JeanetteFan1: never again
JeanetteFan1: cats are sweet
JeanetteFan1: oh cars
JeanetteFan1: i mean are ok
SokorraK: :-)
SokorraK: I have cats too
JeanetteFan1: are you playing jeanette and nelson?
JeanetteFan1: i am a cat person too
JeanetteFan1: hehe
SokorraK: no
JeanetteFan1: ithats ok
JeanetteFan1: i listen to a lot of stuff too
SokorraK: Various radio stations trying to find someone with talen
SokorraK: *t
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: ah like american idol
SokorraK: *shudders* I hate Simon!
JeanetteFan1: hehe he is mean
SokorraK: Yes
JeanetteFan1: grrrrr
JeanetteFan1: someone should rate HIM
JeanetteFan1: reminds me of the vandals in my hood
MamaLion27: I have been working on the next issue and nothing is going right. All I needed to make my day complete was 3 mowers!
JeanetteFan1: neighborhood
JeanetteFan1: oh my
SokorraK: I don't even know what he would say if Nelson and Jeanette tryed out on that show (pretending that they could be unknowns and alive right now)
JeanetteFan1: hmmm thats a thought
JeanetteFan1: ok
JeanetteFan1: cool
SokorraK: Alright Movie one: The love Parade
JeanetteFan1: its a great film
JeanetteFan1: i just watched it AGAIN
JeanetteFan1: lol
SokorraK: I have never seen it
JeanetteFan1: i like dream lovers and march of the grenadiers
JeanetteFan1: i recommend it highly
JeanetteFan1: its very operatta like
JeanetteFan1: 1929
MamaLion27: Jeanette made this film go..Chevalier should have been grateful.
JeanetteFan1: indeed
JeanetteFan1: i watch just her bits hehe
SokorraK: Isn't this the one where the Queen falls in love with her count?
JeanetteFan1: yep
JeanetteFan1: she has to marry 
SokorraK: She plays royalty/Nobility alot
JeanetteFan1: good for the outfits
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: jeanette is very regal
Dugan EK: The comedy roles played by Lupino Lane and Lillian Roth are superb.
DIXC: Never saw it. Sorry. Read about it in EKD book.:-$
JeanetteFan1: ihe has a famous relative
JeanetteFan1: right eleonor?
JeanetteFan1: lillian roth is also in vagabond king i think
MamaLion27: So did Nelson but they still had to make on their own. And oh, how they did. But Jeanette was already a star on Broadway when she made this film.
JeanetteFan1: and became very big in around the world
JeanetteFan1: before her mgm days
Dugan EK: WHO had a famous relative?
MamaLion27: Yes. She came to the screen with a ton of credits.
SokorraK: The Count
JeanetteFan1: lupino lane
JeanetteFan1: ida lupino
JeanetteFan1: i think i spelled her name wrong
MamaLion27: Oh, I thought you meant she had a famous relative personally.
Dugan EK: In my book, I say tthat while it may seem an honor to be chosen as Chevalier's leading lady, very little was expected of her. After all, who can name his leading lady in his first American film, Innocents of Paris?
JeanetteFan1: hmmmm
JeanetteFan1: who was she?
MamaLion27: Not I, Eleanor!
Dugan EK: Aha! Sylvia Beecher. Not a name to conjure with. Chevalier was THE STAR and didn't want competitive leading ladies. He undoubtedly was uneasy about the success Jeanette achieved, feeling that somehow it diminished his own. A sad way
Dugan EK: sad way to think.
JeanetteFan1: indeed
SokorraK: Very insecure if you ask me
Dugan EK: Josephine Baker said of Chevalier, "He was a very great talent but a very small human being."
JeanetteFan1: i was thinking the same thing
MamaLion27: But later wasn't Jeanette just as uneasy when her leading man was not as prominent as she was?
JeanetteFan1: i dont know i mean she gave nelson the im falling in love song
JeanetteFan1: from naughty marietta
Dugan EK: I don't know. Some of her films certainly suffered because she did not have a leading man with exciting chemistry. But remember, Nelson was just as much an "experiment" as some of the others!!
JeanetteFan1: and lew ayres liked working with her
MamaLion27: It was said that she wasn't too sure of Nelson at first.
JeanetteFan1: she took a pay cut to work with clark
JeanetteFan1: hmmmm
Dugan EK: Reginald Denny (Oh, for a Man!) had been a tremendously exciting and talented silent star, sexier than Cary Grant! Who would imagine that his sound film work would be so ordinary?!
MamaLion27: But of course, Love Parade had Lubitsch! 
JeanetteFan1: :-)
JeanetteFan1: that touch
MamaLion27: He got the lion's share of the publicity.
Dugan EK: Yes, Lubitsch! Though he occasionally had a misfire. But his batting average outweighed nearly every other director with power over his own pictures.
JeanetteFan1: jean harlow had a bit part too
Dugan EK: Has anyone (everyone?) seen the restored Technicolor print of The Vagabond King at UCLA or an archive screening elsewhere? (Oh, golly, Jeanette is singing right now on Classic Arts channel -- "Will You Remember" !!!
Dugan EK: Voice of Firestone clip.
MamaLion27: Oh, yes she was an extra in the audience.
Dugan EK: Jean Harlow is not only an extra in the audience, but also in a box!
JeanetteFan1: wow
MamaLion27: No, I haven't seen it even in the unrestored form.
JeanetteFan1: jeanette sang march of the granadiers in the voice of firestone i thnk
JeanetteFan1: i would love to see it
JeanetteFan1: i adore friml
JeanetteFan1: only a rose is a classic
Dugan EK: The color takes VK from a murky b&w curiosity to a very exciting and beautiful film.
JeanetteFan1: wow they offered it at ebay once but it was a small fortune
Dugan EK: The shadows in the background in some scenes turn out to be dozens of exquisitively costumed chorus ladies -- Gothic windows, etc.
JeanetteFan1: i like dennis king
JeanetteFan1: thats cool
Dugan EK: Yes, I LOVE Dennis King -- although he is giving a stage performance. The closest we can get to being in the audience on Bway in 1925.
MamaLion27: That sounds marvelous. It must be worth the money to find one,.
JeanetteFan1: they should over it to the public on dvd
JeanetteFan1: it was several hundred dollars
JeanetteFan1: and never offered again
JeanetteFan1: ah to be wealthy
MamaLion27: Oooh, now that's a pretty penny for a film.
Dugan EK: UCLA says they have no money for lawyers to clear the rights for issuing videos or DVDs -- they must spend their limited funds saving films that would otherwise destruct -- but then the films go into a vault and no one sees them! (O
SokorraK: THey should make a box set for J and N.
Dugan EK: (Oh, to be vastly rich instead of beautiful!!)
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
Dugan EK: WHAT was several hundred dollars?
JeanetteFan1: like they did with the bealtles
JeanetteFan1: i cant remember i think$300
JeanetteFan1: if they over it again i will let you know eleonor
Dugan EK: UCLA has no distribution rights -- can't put out anything in their vaults.
JeanetteFan1: maybe we can all go in on it?
JeanetteFan1: hmmmm
Dugan EK: I'm lost -- what is/was $300?
MamaLion27: Yes, and share it!
JeanetteFan1: vavabond king in color
JeanetteFan1: with jeanette
JeanetteFan1: i thought of that too
Dugan EK: Do you mean to hire lawyers to clear the rights to this one film?
JeanetteFan1: ebay could have been wrong
JeanetteFan1: they are sometimes
JeanetteFan1: another thing maybe we can look into?
Dugan EK: The Vagabond King in color is not for sale anywhere. There was a bootleg reduction of some color clips from the Museum of Modern Art nitrate print, but they are many generations from the original, barely viewable.
JeanetteFan1: that could be it then
Dugan EK: I saw the original nitrate clips at the MOMA back in the 1960s -- gorgeous. You could eat Jeanette with a spoon.
SokorraK: Too bad so many films were lost because of thier storage
JeanetteFan1: does ucla allow folkd to view it?
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
JeanetteFan1: that is sad
JeanetteFan1: i am mad tcm is changing too
JeanetteFan1: they seem to sneak in other films now
MamaLion27: These films are priceless only when they are available for viewing. Hidden in cellars, they are worthless.
JeanetteFan1: like amc
Dugan EK: At that time UCLA said a safety print could be made of their copy for $800. I asked Clara Rhoades to raise the money by assessing each JMIFC member $1 -- but she said they had no interest in any film before Naughty Marietta. When th
Dugan EK: the final saving was done, they had to reshoot every frame of the shrunken nitrate film individually and put them together -- fabulously expensive.
JeanetteFan1: wow
JeanetteFan1: that is work indeed but worth it
JeanetteFan1: i like jeanette;s early work too
Dugan EK: But I'm so glad they did. It is a lovely film.
MamaLion27: Goodness that can't be so. Any film of that caliber is worth a dollar a person.
JeanetteFan1: do they show it for the public?
JeanetteFan1: here here
JeanetteFan1: vagabond king is classic friml and classic jeanette
Dugan EK: They offered to screen it for a Clanclave audience -- but Clara said people would rather see Maytime or Naughty Marietta for the 50th time.
JeanetteFan1: i would love to see it
JeanetteFan1: :-)
MamaLion27: Me, too!
JeanetteFan1: maybe folks should vote of their films
Dugan EK: Go to L.A. and ask for a private screening at UCLA as a scholar writing a book.
JeanetteFan1: ah good idea eleonor
JeanetteFan1: i was out there a few years ago i wish i thought of it
MamaLion27: I really must get to LA soon!
Dugan EK: Write well ahead, of course! That's how I got to see the censored print of Angel at the British Film Institute.
JeanetteFan1: how was it??
MamaLion27: My plan is to go in September. Can I write now?
Dugan EK: Mind-blowing. It's written up on my website. The EVIL minds of censors are just amazing -- the things they find that are "naughty." Incidentally --
JeanetteFan1: hmmm
Dugan EK: Ginny has been getting pure gems about the cuts in the American version. For example, the wedding supper couldn't be champagne and oysters -- too wicked. And Nelson couldn't turn out the light before he and his bride went to bed!!
JeanetteFan1: lol
MamaLion27: Now nothing is hidden!
JeanetteFan1: true true
Dugan EK: Yes, write now or anytime before July if you are going in September. Offer some "credentials" as a researcher.
DIXC: TCM tis week ran an hour show narrated by Jane Fonda concerning the "naughty" ladies of moveis from 29 to 1934. Jeanette was not mentioned; but all the other girls were.
JeanetteFan1: i thought they would not mention her
JeanetteFan1: naughty seems to be in
Dugan EK: Oh, Jeanette was quite "naughty" in her Paramount films -- lots of lingerie and baths.
JeanetteFan1: they had a bath scene in love parade
MamaLion27: And yet Jeanette was known as the lingerie girl because she did so many bedroom scenes in her films.
MamaLion27: Yep..and baths!
DIXC: That's one reason I watched; wondering if J. would be mentioned.
Dugan EK: She never had any really risqué scenes or dialogue. All gently suggestive in the Lubitsch manner.
DIXC: Yes.
Dugan EK: J is in The Love Goddesses -- the bedroom scene from Love Me Tonight with the doctor, who decides she is always fainting from sexual frustration.
KathrynGraysonFn has entered the room.
MamaLion27: That was the change from Paramount to MGM where Mayer wanted virginal girls and "family" scripts.
Dugan EK: It wasn't Mayer -- it was the Hayes Office -- The Code. Before The Code, MGM did some pretty racy stuff.
SokorraK: The code has been erased
DIXC: Legion of Decency and the Hays office came up often on the TCM program.
KathrynGraysonFn: Clean As A Whistle comes to mind...
SokorraK: Wish sometimes they still had one
SokorraK: an modified one
JeanetteFan1: hi kayla!
MamaLion27: Oh, the Hays Office went to extremes but now anything goes. From one end of the spectrum to the other.
Dugan EK: Ah, yes, censorship is a double-edged sword. I recall when they ran Queen Christina on TV. They cut the scene where John Gilbert finds out Garbo is a girl, not a boy because she wasn't wearing a bra. Instead he starts kissing her an
MamaLion27: Hi, Kayla!
Dugan EK: and the TV viewers assume he is kissing someone he thinks is a boy! Much worse than unbrassiered bosoms.
MamaLion27: I heartily agree.
Dugan EK: And Nelson NOT turning out the light before making love to the Angel is MUCH kinkier than turning it off!!
Dugan EK: Censors usually just make things worse --
DIXC: N & J movies did not need sensors and the movies were great.
MamaLion27: Well, things are pretty bad now even without them.
Dugan EK: N&J films had LOTS of censoring -- as the files at the Motion Picture Academy show --
DIXC: They were still good films and great singing.
Dugan EK: That's a given -- we wouldn't be here today together if they weren't.
MamaLion27: What about "Let' Go Native"?
DIXC: And sold without need of any trash parts
JeanetteFan1: yep and to think the love parade started it
JeanetteFan1: lets go natvie is funny
JeanetteFan1: native
JeanetteFan1: i like jeanette's character in it
JeanetteFan1: :-D
MamaLion27: I'm afraid I haven't a copy of that one.
JeanetteFan1: it has kay francis singing
JeanetteFan1: in her own voice!!
Dugan EK: The lyrics by George Marion Jr. are hysterical -- my favorites. "Upon some archipelago, put me and watch this fella go."
JeanetteFan1: lol
KathrynGraysonFn: Jeanette's Let's Go Native hair is quite disturbing...
JeanetteFan1: i like my mad moment
JeanetteFan1: hehe
Dugan EK: That's when she gets to the island -- hair --
MamaLion27: It was called the disheveled look!
JeanetteFan1: they have a bit oabout it in a book
KathrynGraysonFn: Disheveled? I always called it the J-Fro
JeanetteFan1: calle those glorius glamour years
DIXC: Like Clara Roades, I don't have a wish to have earlier films in my place before their Naughty Marrietta
MamaLion27: i like that better, Kayla!
Dugan EK: I have a song that was cut from the film -- that is, the sheet music. I'm trying to remember the name. It's a Spanish dance. You can see her in the Spanish costume in the release print, but no dance.
JeanetteFan1: hmmm
Dugan EK: "Pampa Rose" -- !!
JeanetteFan1: ah
MamaLion27: Ricard Whiting wrote the music for that one.
Dugan EK: But in her early films, Jeanette is SO exciting, fresh, young -- and most important, she is singing LIVE, not prerecorded and then lip-synching.
DIXC: On Tcm I have seen some of the pre- N.M. films. 
MamaLion27: *Richard!
MamaLion27: But i would to get a copy just to hear Oakie and Francis sing a duet!
DIXC: Did not buy any, but I have all the rest from N. M. on.
Dugan EK: Richard Whiting also wrote the music for Monte Carlo including Beyond the Blue Horizon, a song Jeanette sang in 3 different films and recorded twice.
JeanetteFan1: ah thats my fav of her early films
JeanetteFan1: monte carlo
MamaLion27: Right on, Eleanor. He wrote beautiful music.
DIXC: Saw Margaret Whiting in person. Quite a good entertainer.
MamaLion27: So was Barbara.
Dugan EK: We have not touched on Lottery Bride (shudder) --
JeanetteFan1: ah i have not seen it
JeanetteFan1: that bad eleonor?
MamaLion27: Goodness. Well, we can give it a light touch or leave it until next time.
DIXC: Sounds lucky that I missed it.
Dugan EK: I show a clip of it at my Elderhostels, comparing it to a similar scene from a European musical of the same year. The European film is very sophisticated, amusing. L.B. is dreary and silly.
Dugan EK: Musicals died in the U.S. due to films like L.B., but they never died in Europe --
JeanetteFan1: hmmm is it jeanette's fault or just the story?
Dugan EK: Dreadful story, horrible music --
MamaLion27: The script is usually the cuprit
MamaLion27: *culprit. excuse my typing.
JeanetteFan1: ah i thought soooo
Dugan EK: And even good scripts can have deadly direction and editing --
JeanetteFan1: very true
JeanetteFan1: i hate to run
Dugan EK: This script had whiskers -- and the music was totally unmemorable -- except the cloying "Your eyes are like the glory of the northern lights at play" -- ugh!
JeanetteFan1: but it was fun chatting
DIXC: What's next week CHAT?
JeanetteFan1: keep chatting everyone!
MamaLion27: Bye Debbie Glad you could be here
JeanetteFan1: have a great week
JeanetteFan1: thanks
Dugan EK: We got the huge list through October!
JeanetteFan1: chat with me anytime you see me online oremail
KathrynGraysonFn has left the room.
DIXC: Great.
JeanetteFan1: i love ANYTHING n and j
JeanetteFan1: bye for now
JeanetteFan1: :-)
MamaLion27: Bye
JeanetteFan1 has left the room.
MamaLion27: We have four for next week, don't we?
SokorraK: I believe so
Dugan EK: Jeanette: One Hour With You (1932) Love Me Tonight (1932) Hollywood on Parade (1933) The Cat and the Fiddle (1934)
SokorraK: I'm going to be sending this out as well as posting it online. will be the url
MamaLion27: Okay. I have it in my notebook.
SokorraK: yes
SokorraK: Ok
DIXC: OK. Have to go also, now. Thanks for the enjoyable eve. Take Care. Bye:-)
Dugan EK: I notice "Handlebars" isn't on the list -- Nelson's just-discovered film. Although what is there to say about 30 seconds of singing off camera?
DIXC has left the room.
Dugan EK: Ah, time to go start dinner -- ??
MamaLion27: i have to walk the dog. Bye all.
MamaLion27 has left the room.
Dugan EK: Bye, everyone. Have a great week!
Dugan EK has left the room

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