April 6, 2003 |
have just entered room "Sweethearts Chat 6 April 2003." Dugan
EK has entered the room. MamaLion27
has entered the room. LadyJoots
has entered the room. MamaLion27:
Hello there! Dugan
EK: Thank you for fetching me. DIXC
has entered the room. Kirifan2
has entered the room. Kirifan2:
hi everyone DIXC:
Hi!:-) Beth
Kenobi: Hi everyone Kirifan2:
i made it Kirifan2:
hooray! LadyJoots:
Hiya Kirifan2:
whew Beth
Kenobi: I know it's early but I decided to open it a few minutes early
to make sure I got kinks out and such DIXC:
Good to see so many here, today. Kirifan2:
i missed a fea chats Kirifan2:
i mean few Dugan
EK: May I start by saying about the opera topic, that a listing of most
of Nelson's opera performances plus reviews and Jeanette's opera
performances are on my website for anyone interested. DIXC:
They are great. Kirifan2:
indeed MamaLion27:
Just heard Diane is having snow..and it is headed this way! Kirifan2:
us too Kirifan2:
we will get the s word tomorrow Kirifan2:
in the big apple Dugan
EK: Helen Crawford in Covina photocopies the Nelson material and then
Anita McCreery culled it and prepared it for posting. Kirifan2:
brrrrrr DIXC:
He was in many operas Kirifan2:
oh he was indeed Dugan
EK: Many! The exact number is in dispute because sometimes he sang
several different roles in the same opera, so does it count as one or
two or three? Kirifan2:
and jeanette's french was lovely MamaLion27:
Jeanette's opera career was post films while Nelson's opera career was
pre-films. DIXC:
32 total is some times mentioned. Kirifan2:
wow Kirifan2:
its a pretty they did not film operas then Kirifan2:
or not much DIXC:
He sang with many great OTHER opera stars who respected his work Beth
Kenobi: Do any of you think she only resorted to doing Opera because the
movies had burned out for her? Beth
Kenobi: I don't but I was wondering Kirifan2:
not really MamaLion27:
But Jeanette only did two roles..Juliet in "Romeo and Juliet"
and Margueritwe in "Faust"! Kirifan2:
it was a dream of hers to always do operas DIXC:
It was timing for her Kirifan2:
i think it was ill health as well Dugan
EK: Don't forget that Jeanette sang opera in Oh, For a Man! 1931 -- the
Liebstod from Tristan und Isolde. Kirifan2:
she would have been great in lakme MamaLion27:
I don't think she had the stamina by then to do very much! Kirifan2:
even in her early days she jhad health troubles DIXC:
She did many opera numbers in movies and was waiting to get a chance to
do Opera. Kirifan2:
yes Kirifan2:
i read she had turned down monte carlo opera Kirifan2:
in the early 30s they wanted her Kirifan2:
it was in the turk book MamaLion27:
Oh, yes, she did parts of roles in film but only a few operatic
appearances. She never did opera until after "Cairo" Kirifan2:
yes Kirifan2:
with ezio pinza DIXC:
The depression was killing opera with bad times and no funds to pay well Kirifan2:
soooo true Dugan
EK: Trivia: Covent Garden Opera in London was converted to a roller rink
during part of the depression! Kirifan2:
i think the operatta form is very important too Kirifan2:
hmmmm Kirifan2:
late 1920s? Dugan
EK: I agree that the operetta form is distinct and very valuable!! DIXC:
It may have kept our singers in movies more than we know MamaLion27:
Nelson's last opera role was in Aida just after he did
"Naughty.." Dugan
EK: The depression didn't start until early 1930 -- Black Friday was in
late 1929. Kirifan2:
i did forget Kirifan2:
wasnt it oct? Dugan
EK: Yes, I think so – Kirifan2
(8:06:29 PM): a lot of opera stars did films Kirifan2
(8:06:34 PM): like lily pons MamaLion27
(8:06:35 PM): Revolvng door, Jessi? Dugan
EK (8:06:40 PM): And, no, I wasn't there and so haven't memorized the
date! Beth
Kenobi (8:06:44 PM): Chat room wouldn't allow me to talk Kirifan2
(8:06:48 PM): ah Dugan
EK (8:07:02 PM): BAD chat room! Kirifan2
(8:07:04 PM): i have trouble with chatroms Kirifan2
(8:07:45 PM): i mean chatrooms Beth
Kenobi (8:07:53 PM): My sister would say they were llamas but you
wouldn't understand that. Beth
Kenobi (8:08:12 PM): Someone was talking about Depression era stuff... Dugan
EK (8:08:15 PM): Roberta Peters is at this moment on the Arts Channel
singing the Bell Song from Lakmé, wearing an Indian ari and a Siamese
temple headdress! Totally incongruous. Dugan
EK (8:08:27 PM): sari! Kirifan2
(8:08:43 PM): hmmmmm Beth
Kenobi (8:08:44 PM): We recently learned about that in my AP History
class and how despite the hard time, people still went to the movies. MamaLion27
(8:08:57 PM): But not to the opera! Beth
Kenobi (8:09:14 PM): Yes, but wasn't there opera in some of the movies? Dugan
EK (8:09:28 PM): Yes, but they couldn't afford to go to the opera -- and
the fat cats who paid the cost overruns (because casts of hundreds are
fearfully expensive) had no money -- so opera suffered terribly during
the 1930s. Dugan
EK (8:10:06 PM): LOTS of opera in the movies because so many of the
musicians and arrangers at the movie studios were Europeans with a rich
tradition of opera as a daily environment. Beth
Kenobi (8:10:55 PM): Did it improve during the 40's? MamaLion27
(8:11:04 PM): Yes, and many directors and studio heads were expatriates
from Europe with that kind of background. DIXC
(8:11:08 PM): Opera appears in many spots of their pictures ( N. E &
J. M. ) Kirifan2
(8:11:19 PM): yes maytime Kirifan2
(8:11:29 PM): for one Dugan
EK (8:11:30 PM): More money during the 1940s -- I don't know about opera
house budgets. I think I attended my first opera in about 1951 at the
Chicago Lyric Opera. MamaLion27
(8:11:32 PM): And Rose Marie! DIXC
(8:11:52 PM): Phantom DIXC
(8:12:24 PM): Make Mine Music Dugan
EK (8:12:33 PM): Right now, with the recession and the collapse of
Silicon Valley, the SF Opera is cutting way back on scheduling. I think
the Met is too in NYC Beth
Kenobi (8:12:48 PM): I always wondered why Opera got its bad rep.
Most people today will tell you it is boring. DIXC
(8:12:50 PM): Sad MamaLion27
(8:12:59 PM): So while Jeanette could sing many operatic roles in films
I don't think she had the stamina to do opera as a career, LadyJoots
(8:13:17 PM): San Jose Opera, too LadyJoots
(8:13:19 PM): :-( Kirifan2
(8:13:29 PM): i think folks dont like the laguages Kirifan2
(8:13:39 PM): i spelled that wrong Dugan
EK (8:13:47 PM): Yes, opera requires the stamina of long-distance
running. One reason so many opera stars are so massive. Kirifan2
(8:13:57 PM): like luciano Dugan
EK (8:14:27 PM): Yes, Americans are peculiarly monolingual -- MamaLion27
(8:14:28 PM): Oh, I love the French and Italian operas but I am not a
Wagnerian devotee Kirifan2
(8:14:29 PM): sometimes the orchestras drown out the singers Dugan
EK (8:15:00 PM): That's a famous line of Wagner's to the orchestra:
"Louder, louder, I can still hear the singers." Kirifan2
(8:15:00 PM): i speak some french and know italian Kirifan2
(8:15:11 PM): hehe Beth
Kenobi (8:15:14 PM): I like Latin and Spanish (Although it sounds funny
when they do American singers singing in spanish.
I laughed so heard listening to the Spanish single of Quit
Playing Games by BSB) Beth
Kenobi (8:15:28 PM): I doubt many operas are in latin though Dugan
EK (8:15:38 PM): I think the supertitles now are very helpful,
especially with the lesser known operas in Czech or Russian which even
an opera buff is less likely to understand. Kirifan2
(8:15:41 PM): mozart wrote motets in latin MamaLion27
(8:15:56 PM): Haven't you heard? Latin is a dead language! Dugan
EK (8:16:09 PM): Latin lives in half the words we speak!!! Kirifan2
(8:16:15 PM): yep Beth
Kenobi (8:16:15 PM): yep! MamaLion27
(8:16:23 PM): But listen to Gregorian Chant and it is beautiful! Kirifan2
(8:16:26 PM): how about jenufa eleonor? Beth
Kenobi (8:16:39 PM): I happen to be in latin and doing well in it.
My only downfall are those thousand differant endings. Dugan
EK (8:16:47 PM): Yes, that would benefit from supertitles! MamaLion27
(8:17:05 PM): I have had some practice, Jessi! Beth
Kenobi (8:17:15 PM): My Music teacher had us listen to an opera in
Chorus class once. That was
before I was a fan of any of the good stuff. Beth
Kenobi (8:17:38 PM): It was boring then, but I would probally like it
now Beth
Kenobi (8:17:52 PM): I like the rhythm of the romantic languages Kirifan2
(8:17:58 PM): sometimes its the teachers not the music Dugan
EK (8:18:05 PM): One of the great things that J&N did was to expose
young people to opera!! Kirifan2
(8:18:19 PM): yes DIXC
(8:18:25 PM): Agreed Kirifan2
(8:18:26 PM): joan sutherland was a jeanette fan LadyJoots
(8:18:31 PM): They still are ;-)... it's present tense... :-D Kirifan2
(8:18:33 PM): and met her once! MamaLion27
(8:18:36 PM): Both Nelson and Jeanette had great command of the
languages. Dugan
EK (8:18:40 PM): And Beverly Sills also a fan. Kirifan2
(8:18:45 PM): yes Beth
Kenobi (8:18:47 PM): True. Mrs.
K was boring and drove us hard because she did not want to loose the
awards she had gotten for the last twenty years Dugan
EK (8:19:48 PM): I had a boyfriend once who would spend rainy Sunday
afternoons translating Wagner operas for me as we listened to the
recordings -- VERY romantic! Kirifan2
(8:19:57 PM): oh that is Kirifan2
(8:20:02 PM): i like wagner too Kirifan2
(8:20:12 PM): and of course strauss Dugan
EK (8:20:20 PM): Obviously, the environment one associates with music
colors how you feel about it. Dugan
EK (8:20:39 PM): Ah, Der Rosenkavalier!
SIGH-- Beth
Kenobi (8:20:42 PM): I think so Kirifan2
(8:21:01 PM): i hate to see nelson playing the villains Kirifan2
(8:21:06 PM): in opera Dugan
EK (8:21:07 PM): When I was young, I associated myself with Sophie, but
now it's the Marshalin -- Beth
Kenobi (8:21:09 PM): Music has always been important to me so I think
that was half the appeal of Nleson was that he could sinc Beth
Kenobi (8:21:23 PM): *Sing Dugan
EK (8:21:24 PM): But baritones are ALWAYS villains!!
Except in Rigoletto Kirifan2
(8:21:24 PM): yes Kirifan2
(8:21:35 PM): don giovanni comes to mind Dugan
EK (8:21:50 PM): Well, Leporello isn't a villain exactly -- Kirifan2
(8:21:58 PM): true MamaLion27
(8:22:08 PM): Sorry. I just can't get romantic with Wagner..but I guess
with Nelson singing..anything is possible.I loved his Volga Boatman in
Russian! Kirifan2
(8:22:28 PM): boris godunov DIXC
(8:22:33 PM): Nelson sang Tenor, Base and in several operas besides his
rich baritone. Kirifan2
(8:22:44 PM): hmmmm i cant spell tonight DIXC
(8:23:36 PM): Tenors win the ladies in most operas. (8:23:55
PM) KathrynGraysonFn has entered the room. Kirifan2
(8:24:02 PM): hi kayla! Kirifan2
(8:24:07 PM): :-) LadyJoots
(8:24:08 PM): ;-) DIXC
(8:24:14 PM): :-) MamaLion27
(8:24:39 PM): Hi, Kayla! Dugan
EK (8:25:07 PM): Shall we suggest opera roles that we'd like to have
seen Jeanette or Nelson do? Kirifan2
(8:25:18 PM): the daughter of the reigment Kirifan2
(8:25:27 PM): for jeanette? Kirifan2
(8:25:34 PM): lakme? LadyJoots
(8:25:38 PM): There aren't any like special recordings that someone did
during when say Jeanette did an opera and are only shared among fans are
there? Beth
Kenobi (8:25:57 PM): About Wagner...It's not that romantic to me....Everytime
I hear it I just t hink of the incest that goes on in the "The
Ring". That ruins it
for. Kirifan2
(8:25:58 PM): like pirate recordings? Dugan
EK (8:26:01 PM): Not that I know of!
Wouldn't that be thrilling! LadyJoots
(8:26:08 PM): Mmm hmm Beth
Kenobi (8:26:10 PM): Me LadyJoots
(8:26:12 PM): Yeah! I want one... :-D LadyJoots
(8:26:14 PM): LOL KathrynGraysonFn
(8:26:14 PM): I would have liked to hear Jeanette sing The Bell Song
from Lakme Kirifan2
(8:26:29 PM): i think i might look into that Dugan
EK (8:26:33 PM): I've heard of a pirated recording of J in Bitter Sweet,
but have never heard it. Beth
Kenobi (8:26:41 PM): I would love to have seen her do Aida Kirifan2
(8:26:41 PM): hmmmm Kirifan2
(8:26:48 PM): i have her in irene Kirifan2
(8:26:53 PM): its a lovely musical Kirifan2
(8:26:59 PM): and apple blossoms KathrynGraysonFn
(8:27:05 PM): What am I saying? I would have liked to *see* Jeanette in
any opera. LadyJoots
(8:27:06 PM): Awwww... you mean the Lux show, right? Kirifan2
(8:27:19 PM): yep:-) MamaLion27
(8:27:30 PM): I will have to check these tapes and records and see if
something is hidden in them LadyJoots
(8:27:46 PM): I'm shocked. I
thought Nelson and Jeanette fans were obsessive.
:-D You'd think
there would be more recordings like the nightclub ones somewhere out
there Dugan
EK (8:28:02 PM): Oh, I don't think J's voice would be right for Aida --
or Amneris. Dugan
EK (8:28:23 PM): Ginny, you forget that recording devices in the
"old days" were the size of suitcases. MamaLion27
(8:28:40 PM): I would have just liked to hear her do Juliet. Beth
Kenobi (8:29:03 PM): This is what I wish Time Travel existed for. SO we
could co back with our CD Recorders and record Kirifan2
(8:29:05 PM): that is a lovely opera LadyJoots
(8:29:16 PM): That's true... yeah Jessi, time travel :-D Kirifan2
(8:29:18 PM): and video tape them Dugan
EK (8:29:26 PM): She could certainly have done Gilda in Rigoletto. Kirifan2
(8:29:32 PM): they cold have done caro nome Kirifan2
(8:30:18 PM): bartered bride Beth
Kenobi (8:30:22 PM): Do you think they could have done Phantom together Kirifan2
(8:30:32 PM): oh yes Dugan
EK (8:30:35 PM): Of course -- any version. Kirifan2
(8:30:39 PM): and der rosenkvalier Dugan
EK (8:30:57 PM): No baritone role in Rosenkavalier -- just a basso. Kirifan2
(8:31:06 PM): ochs Kirifan2
(8:31:14 PM): oh yes i foregt Kirifan2
(8:31:24 PM): how about hamlet and thais? Beth
Kenobi (8:31:30 PM): Are there any recordings of thier Opera
Performances? Beth
Kenobi (8:31:41 PM): Romeo and Juliet Beth
Kenobi (8:31:44 PM): ? Beth
Kenobi (8:31:51 PM): Or is that just a play? MamaLion27
(8:31:52 PM): They could have done Faust together. Dugan
EK (8:32:17 PM): In Magic Flute he could have been Papageno and she
could have been Pamina -- though I think Queen of the Night would have
taxed her. DIXC
(8:32:22 PM): S Rich sells 3 Opera CD's of Nelson singing from many
operas. MamaLion27
(8:32:50 PM): Yes, but does she have any of Jeanette's? DIXC
(8:33:08 PM): Don't know of that MamaLion27
(8:33:29 PM): The tv behind me keeps sending winter advisory warnings.
Brrr! Kirifan2
(8:33:32 PM): hamlet is a baritone Kirifan2
(8:33:35 PM): yea Kirifan2
(8:33:45 PM): we get the s
word tomorrow Kirifan2
(8:34:03 PM): thats what i call snow LadyJoots
(8:34:32 PM): Just save some of it for when I get back east, k?
:-D LadyJoots
(8:34:44 PM): I'll save you sunshine here in return MamaLion27
(8:34:57 PM): I would like to send it to you now priority mail! LadyJoots
(8:35:03 PM): LOL ;-) Kirifan2
(8:35:38 PM): i wonder why the opera season is in winter MamaLion27
(8:35:52 PM): By the way, my LA visit has to wait until September! Dugan
EK (8:36:06 PM): Because theatres had to close in the summer -- no air
conditioning! But they could heat theatres for the winter. Beth
Kenobi (8:36:12 PM): Do you think they would have done Broadway
Musicals? Kirifan2
(8:36:15 PM): ah Kirifan2
(8:36:42 PM): i think more operattas would have ben lovely MamaLion27
(8:36:56 PM): I'm not sure Jeanette could have lasted through the run of
a hit show! Kirifan2
(8:37:25 PM): she did great recitals and concerts though Kirifan2
(8:37:39 PM): maybe they should have done a concert series together Dugan
EK (8:37:50 PM): Hugh Martin wanted Jeanette for his musical about
has-been film folk living on a movie set.
He wrote the fabulous song "Wasn't It Romantic?" which
Jeanette was to sing contrapuntally with herself on screen in Love Me
Tonight singin Dugan
EK (8:38:10 PM): singing "Isn't It Romantic?" -- Michael
Feinstein has recorded it. Dugan
EK (8:38:42 PM): But she wasn't up to it physically. Beth
Kenobi (8:38:55 PM): What about Nelson? Dugan
EK (8:39:09 PM): And show was never produced. Songs mostly fabulous but
script needed lots of work. (8:39:25
PM) KathrynGraysonFn has left the room. LadyJoots
(8:39:29 PM): Awwwww MamaLion27
(8:39:58 PM): Nelson was stronger and could have done it but it wouldn't
have been as good with another leading lady. Kirifan2
(8:40:08 PM): :-) Dugan
EK (8:40:16 PM): When Nelson was more or less finished in Hollywood, he
could easily have gone back to opera, but he chose not to. Obviously,
there was something about the process that he didn't care for. Beth
Kenobi (8:40:27 PM): They could have done Musicals on Film...Like they
did with cats and JATTDC MamaLion27
(8:41:09 PM): By then, musicals were becoming more song and dance than
operetta. MamaLion27
(8:42:13 PM): However, I would have loved to see them in vehicles like
Oklahoma and Carousel! Dugan
EK (8:42:56 PM): Well -- probably the leads in both would have been too
young for them to play in the 1940s. DIXC
(8:43:14 PM): Hollywood wanted ypunger looking stars then Beth
Kenobi (8:43:16 PM): That would have been cool. I couldn't see her in
The King and I or Sound of Music (whihc come to mind when I think of the
other two) MamaLion27
(8:43:29 PM): Yes, but Nelson would have been a great Music Man! LadyJoots
(8:43:39 PM): At least to do the songs, they did record some of them...
and Nelson did that Oklahoma recording.
I can't see Nelson playing either male lead really.
Jeanette could play the ladies Beth
Kenobi (8:43:40 PM): He could have played Captian Van Trap. Dugan
EK (8:43:43 PM): She DID do the King and I -- I think she would have
been perfect for it. Beth
Kenobi (8:43:51 PM): I think I spelled that wrong MamaLion27
(8:44:03 PM): YEP! Beth
Kenobi (8:44:09 PM): I was talking about The version they made with Yule
Brinner Dugan
EK (8:44:09 PM): Did Von Trapp sing??? Beth
Kenobi (8:44:13 PM): Yeah Kirifan2
(8:44:20 PM): he sang edlelwiess Beth
Kenobi (8:44:37 PM): and then there was the song at the concert, as well
as the duet with Maria Dugan
EK (8:44:39 PM): Oh, okay -- MamaLion27
(8:44:41 PM): And a duet with Maria! LadyJoots
(8:44:48 PM): And "So long, Farewell..." LadyJoots
(8:44:59 PM): "Something Good" Dugan
EK (8:45:06 PM): Obviously, if they had cast Nelson in the film version,
they would have given him lots more songs -- MamaLion27
(8:45:29 PM): Yes. Oh, the thought of it! Beth
Kenobi (8:47:02 PM): Gail would have done well as Maria, I think.
She was younger enough, and it had alot of songs for the female
lead. Beth
Kenobi (8:47:17 PM): Of course one of my favorites was 16 going on 17 LadyJoots
(8:47:20 PM): That's true :-) Dugan
EK (8:47:50 PM): Now, NEITHER J nor N could have sung that! Beth
Kenobi (8:48:08 PM): No, that was for the teenage daughter and her
boyfriend Dugan
EK (8:48:21 PM): :-) MamaLion27
(8:48:37 PM): Gale may have had a bit of trouble being a nun though! LadyJoots
(8:48:50 PM): Maria was supposed to ;-) Beth
Kenobi (8:50:34 PM): The movie is sorta sad, especially when Franz (Is
that it?) rejects the daughter for Nazism. Beth
Kenobi (8:51:05 PM): And then later almost kills her father but doesn't
have the courage to do so and runs for his superior officer. Dugan
EK (8:53:09 PM): A little known (today) operetta that they could have
done well is Maid of the Mountain -- a gorgeous score. She is the Maid
and he is a bandit who fell in love with her when he robbed her -- a
plot device similar to Girl of the Gold Dugan
EK (8:53:14 PM): Golden West. Kirifan2
(8:54:07 PM): how wbout robin hood? Kirifan2
(8:54:16 PM): is that a baritone? Dugan
EK (8:54:17 PM): I don't know that score. Kirifan2
(8:54:28 PM): they mentioned it in sweethearts Kirifan2
(8:55:00 PM): ill have to look up the maid of the mountain Dugan
EK (8:55:27 PM): There are two recordings -- one superb, one just
dreadful, sort of modernized with a 1950s sound. DIXC
(8:55:27 PM): Who wrote the music? MamaLion27
(8:56:06 PM): Sorry got called to the phone. I have to do a program on
Nelson for a ladies group! Dugan
EK (8:56:14 PM): I'd have to look it up -- but some gorgeous arias. It
had two composers, one for the "pop" songs, some of which
became standards, and one for
the operatic stuff which produced several memorable arias. Dugan
EK (8:56:44 PM): Lucky ladies!! DIXC
(8:57:05 PM): Will have to leave now. Thanks for the nice visit. Take
care.:-) (8:57:18
PM) DIXC has left the room. Kirifan2
(8:57:18 PM): have a great week rich Kirifan2
(8:57:32 PM): i like ivor novello too MamaLion27
(8:57:39 PM): They needed something to spark attendance after this bad
winter. I told them he could do it! Dugan
EK (8:57:47 PM): Who, despite Gosford Park, never sang!! Dugan
EK (8:58:02 PM): Will you show videos or just lecture? MamaLion27
(8:58:39 PM): Both! Dugan
EK (8:58:59 PM): Well, shouldn't take more than 50 hours to show the
best of the highlights! MamaLion27
(8:59:13 PM): Or lecture and play recordings. I haven't decided. MamaLion27
(8:59:44 PM): I coul;dn't show the whole thing ..just enough clips to
spark interest! Dugan
EK (8:59:47 PM): What fun! MamaLion27
(9:00:27 PM): Well, I guess it is bye bye time MamaLion27
(9:00:37 PM): What's for next week? Dugan
EK (9:00:41 PM): Yes, back to doing my income taxes -- MamaLion27
(9:02:50 PM): Bye all! Beth
Kenobi (9:02:53 PM): I'll send the transcript as soon as I can Dugan
EK (9:03:04 PM): Bye -- have a great week. (9:03:07
PM) Dugan EK has left the room. (9:03:08
PM) MamaLion27 has left the room. Kirifan2
(9:03:19 PM): have a great week everyone Beth
Kenobi (9:03:23 PM): bye Kirifan2
(9:03:24 PM): :-) LadyJoots
(9:03:28 PM): Byeee! You
too! (9:03:34
PM) LadyJoots has left the room. Beth
Kenobi (9:03:38 PM): Oh, we have 10 pages of transcript Kirifan2
(9:03:57 PM): wow Beth
Kenobi (9:04:06 PM): Wait...More like 9 but close enough Kirifan2
(9:04:10 PM): i am glad i got in this time Kirifan2
(9:04:21 PM): i might be changing my screeen name Kirifan2
(9:04:35 PM): some might be confused lol Beth
Kenobi (9:04:50 PM): Just tell me and I'll try my best to get you back
in Beth
Kenobi (9:04:55 PM): next time Kirifan2
(9:05:00 PM): ok i might try a j and n name Beth
Kenobi (9:05:11 PM): ok Kirifan2
(9:05:23 PM): i like everyone Kirifan2
(9:05:26 PM): ah well Kirifan2
(9:05:36 PM): :-) Beth
Kenobi (9:05:37 PM): Well I'm going to send the transcript now Kirifan2 (9:05:41 PM): ok
Posted May 17, 2003 |