March 30, 2003                              Back to the Chat

You have just entered room "Sweethearts."

LadyJoots has entered the room.

LadyJoots has left the room.

MamaLion27 has entered the room.

Beth Kenobi: :-)

MamaLion27: You are early!

Beth Kenobi: yep

LadyJoots has entered the room.

LadyJoots: Wahoo!

LadyJoots: Hello :-D

MamaLion27: Hi, Ginny!

Beth Kenobi: no one else is on

LadyJoots: Hmm...

MamaLion27: It is early yet!

LadyJoots: Yeah :-)

LadyJoots: I usually hear a lot of doors opening at 5:00 (8:00)

LadyJoots: LOL

MamaLion27: But while we have time, can I ask a question about New Moon?

LadyJoots: Yeah ;-)

MamaLion27: What was with that bobbi pin?

LadyJoots: You've got me

MamaLion27: In the scene where Nelson is hit with the water, there's a bobbi pin showing in his hair!

LadyJoots: ROFL

LadyJoots: I've never noticed that

MamaLion27: They must just pinned that queue on the back with pins.

LadyJoots: I guess!  I'll have to check that out!

LadyJoots: LOL

MamaLion27: Little things seem to nag me!

LadyJoots: Yeah :-)  It's all good!

Beth Kenobi: OH...Ginny, I finaly dyed my hair

MamaLion27: I see EK and Dick out there!

LadyJoots: I'm hoping this week I'll be able to do research on IMAA for Eleanor, keep your fingers crossed for me that they let me into special collections :-D

LadyJoots: Awwww

Beth Kenobi: It's Dark Auburn

LadyJoots: How does it look?

Beth Kenobi: ok...I'll invite them

Beth Kenobi: good

LadyJoots: Yay!

DIXC has entered the room.

Dugan EK has entered the room.

DIXC: Hi!:-)

Beth Kenobi: hi all

Beth Kenobi: Tonight'

LadyJoots: Hello Dick! Hello Eleanor ;-)

MamaLion27: Hi, Dick! Hi, EK!

DIXC: Hope all are fine

Beth Kenobi: s topic is Nelson's female leads in Radio

Beth Kenobi: Irr..did that sound right?

LadyJoots: Yeah, sounds good to me... :-D 

Beth Kenobi: k

MamaLion27: Nadine Conner was one of them. She died not long ago.

Dugan EK: This is a topic I know very little about. I will probably just sit and bask in your knowledge. I have radio lists in my book with lots of names like Francia White, Nadine Connor, etc. But no direct knowledge of them beyond which son

Dugan EK: songs he sant.

MamaLion27: He had so many.

LadyJoots: If I'm quiet again, I'm sorry... multi-tasking here with two chatrooms and an essay...

MamaLion27: He did record with Nadine and several others.

Dugan EK: Ginny, I expect that your essay will contain references to Francis and Shortnin' Bread while we will hear about the fall of the Roman Empire.

DIXC: Kiner says he did over 600 radio shows.

Dugan EK: "Prolific" is the word!!

Beth Kenobi: I'm don't know what ladies he sang with

Beth Kenobi: thats alot of shows

LadyJoots: Seriously!!  :-D  I'm doing my paper on Tennyson... it's all about "The Lady of Shalott" for me...

MamaLion27: At least. He was on the radio at least once a week for about 30 years or more.

DIXC: In 1924 was his first radio show.

LadyJoots: Well, not just "The Lady of Shalott," but I love that one

LadyJoots: :-D

Beth Kenobi: Don't worry...I am typing my sister's outline while I do this so you might accidently get something about Media's effect on self image

LadyJoots: LOL

MamaLion27: Let's see: The Voice of Firestone, The Chase and Sanborn Hour, earlier the Newton Coal hour, the Electric Hour...

DIXC: He did several with J; including N. M. and R. M. &and I Maried an Angel.

MamaLion27: Kraft, too.

MamaLion27: Yes, those were Lux Theater..he also did Sweethearts and Maytime.

MamaLion27: Another singer was Pat Friday but I don't know anything at all about her.

DIXC: He sand with Rose Bampton and did Phantom with  SA. Foster on radio.

DIXC: "Spelling?"

DIXC: Sang with Gloria Scott and Frances McCann.

MamaLion27: I have recordings from most of those and was surprised to find that when he did them, they used original scripts not the movie scripts.

MamaLion27: The record collection I got from Bea Musick had most of those shows.

MamaLion27: Naughty Marietta was so different from the movie!

DIXC: Sang with young Lois Butler  1/28/45

MamaLion27: Oops, forgot the Telephone Hour!

MamaLion27: yes, I heard of her but again I have no information about her in my files.

DIXC: Sang with Florence George in 1945 on radio.

MamaLion27: We are going to have to dig in the archives of some dusty library and find out more about these ladies.

DIXC: Anne Jamison sang with him on the Electric Hour in the second season of that show

DIXC: All 9f his singer are listed in  37 pages of EKD web site.

MamaLion27: What luck for these gals to be able to sing with Nelson Eddy!

DIXC:  "of his"

DIXC: "singers"

DIXC: Can"

DIXC: can't spell

Dugan EK: Okay, I just went through all my radio listings. Here's a list of who he sang duets with (I'll have to do it in several increments.):

Beth Kenobi: I wish I could have sang with him...but then I would have to be older and be able to sing

MamaLion27: Small potatoes!

MamaLion27: You could have also met him!

Dugan EK: Oh, blast -- my computer won't let me copy the list into this chat. I'll have to retype the names.

MamaLion27: Oh, goodness. That is a job!

Dugan EK: Grace Moore, Margaret Speaks, Francia White, Nadine Conner, John Carter, Jeanette MacDonald, Susanna Foster, Gloria Scott, Frances McCann, Lois Butler, Florence George

LadyJoots: Okay, Grandpa... ;-)  My Grandpa always says "blast"... :-D  I had to do a double take...

Dugan EK: Rece Saxon, Judy Splinters (I wonder if this was a real singer or an Edgar Bergen character?), Harold Hansen, Inez Gorman, Jane Powell

MamaLion27: He recorded with several of those ladies.

Dugan EK: Mrs. Isabel Eddy (his mum), Corinna Mura, Anne Jamison, Kathryn Grayson, Risė Stevens, Marion Bell, Dorothy Kirsten

DIXC: One of Bergen's

MamaLion27: I promise faithfully to search out all of them for a future issue. I haven't been doing my homework!

Dugan EK: These singers all sang duets with Nelson.

DIXC: Many many great singers

LadyJoots: Janie *sniff*  I haven't heard that...

Dugan EK: Going back and reading your chat while I was off making a list, I see I missed Rose Bampton --

DIXC: Nelson was BIG in radio.

DIXC: Had many shows.

LadyJoots: Actually, I have Jane Powell on repeat on my playlist... I think it's time to switch to Nelson and Jeanette...

DIXC: And many guests

MamaLion27: Yes. On his early shows he sang alone for the whole program. Later he had guest singers, and of course, the shows then became a spot for introducing Hollywood stars as well as singers.

DIXC: He was doing Radio for 29 years.

DIXC: 1924 till 1953.

MamaLion27: Yes, radio was a constant. Whether he was making movies or on concert tours, he stopped to do radio.

MamaLion27: And he seemed much more at home there.

LadyJoots: And he had a chance to do more comedy.... and he was cute.

LadyJoots: :-D

DIXC: Where was he not "at home?"

MamaLion27: He was not as comfortable with films and didn't like television at all.

MamaLion27: He loved concerts best and radio second.

DIXC: Not true.

LadyJoots: *inserts another random remark - I really love his duet with Rise Stevens of "Deep In My Heart, Dear*

MamaLion27: That's the way I heard it. I could be wrong!

DIXC: He loved to sing and was comfortable at any oportunity. Doing it free at times

DIXC: Critics write odd things at times.

MamaLion27: Yes, I agree. I wasn't speaking of his singing. He loved to do that. But the medium he liked best was concerts and radio.

MamaLion27: Again, I could be wrong.

DIXC: Hewould even sing "in Night clubs", ha, ha.

MamaLion27: He preferred being before live audiences!

DIXC: "comfortable" is the word I would argue with.

MamaLion27: I will change it! What word would you use?

LadyJoots: *giggles*

DIXC: As long as he had the oportunity to sing, he was  "Comfortable" and above the rest.

MamaLion27: I'm convinced!

MamaLion27: By the way, off the subject, I have now been dubbed "Cyber-Granny" by one of my granddaughters' college pals.

LadyJoots: Awwwww

LadyJoots: :-D

LadyJoots: My Grandpa sang a duet of Stouthearted Men with me on the phone today...

LadyJoots: That was special 8-)

MamaLion27: Yep. I agree.

LadyJoots: Nelson is 10 times better than the two of us though... I'm really not in voice today... LOL

DIXC: Be sure to get to Eleanors GREAT home page for wonderful info on this and many topics. But it ha not been "edited" since 9/4/02 ? How come. No new items since then?

Dugan EK: No, I'm just incapable of adding stuff myself, despite careful lessons by dear Ginny. I am a total techno-klutz.

LadyJoots: LOL

MamaLion27: Did EK mention Eleanor Steber? I know Nelson recorded with her but I am not sure she guested on his radio shows.

DIXC: I can't even spell TONIGHT! or do any such work as you

LadyJoots: You know, I'll be your poster if you want... it's so much quicker to post someone else's work and just be in charge of the graphics.  If I remain at home during the summer... we'll have to talk about that O:-)

Dugan EK: I'm not sure if I listed Steber -- I can't scroll back that far in our chat. If I didn't, whe wasn't in the lists I was checking, but she could well have sung duets with him on the radio!

MamaLion27: I don't do the tech work on my website. I leave that to the experts.

Dugan EK: Oh, send me an expert!!

MamaLion27: I write and design and then throw the stuff to Glenny..

Dugan EK: If Glenny will work for lasagna and chocolate icebox cake, send him over!

MamaLion27: It's a she! I am still doing layouts on PAPER!

Dugan EK: If SHE will work for fattening food --

LadyJoots: LOL

MamaLion27: Now back to Nelson's ladies..!

Beth Kenobi has left the room.

MamaLion27: Something I said!

Dugan EK: And a quilter came to my house to spend the day working together and brought her lunch -- GOAT STEW with very recognizable parts of the poor goat. I politely told her I had already prepared a tuna sandwich.

Beth Kenobi: Got kicked

Dugan EK: None of Nelson's duet partners were goats!

MamaLion27: Glenny would hate that!

LadyJoots: Oh dear!

LadyJoots: LOL

MamaLion27: Not by a goat, I hope, Jessi!

DIXC: Kenny Baker and Richard Bonelli sang for Nelson when he was sick but they don't qualify for this discussion.O:-)

Beth Kenobi: nope

Beth Kenobi: ALthough aim could be considered a animal...

MamaLion27: No, we are only discussing the distaff side.

LadyJoots: Kenny Baker is cool... *hides*

LadyJoots: LOL

LadyJoots: I didn't know that though

LadyJoots: ;-)

MamaLion27: But time has almost run out. I am going to spend some time looking up these singers, though. I feel stupid.

DIXC: Dorothy Kirsten was his best RADIO partner (?).

MamaLion27: I guess she spent more time at it.

Dugan EK: Nelson DID do duets with some men -- I found them on my list.

MamaLion27: Wasn't Sinatra one of them?

Dugan EK: I didn't find Sinatra -- but my lists aren't complete -- only 19 pages.

DIXC: That is very interesting

MamaLion27: He also sang with groups like the Sons of the Pioneers.

MamaLion27: And Tennessee Ernie Ford

Beth Kenobi: wow...I just copied part of the chat and we are about 5 pages now

DIXC: They were often on one of Shows to the troops.

LadyJoots: Woah, Jessi

MamaLion27: Why is it I can always remember the men?

DIXC: On that I will have to leave. Bye now

MamaLion27: Bye Dick!

Beth Kenobi: bye

DIXC: Take care. Had a good time. Will try to learn how to type by next week

LadyJoots: Byeeee!

Beth Kenobi: :-)

LadyJoots: LOL

DIXC: :-)

LadyJoots: You're fine, Dick!  ;-)

DIXC has left the room.

Dugan EK: So next week is opera?

MamaLion27: I better go, too, and watch the snow fall!

Beth Kenobi: yes

MamaLion27: Bye everyone!

LadyJoots: Tennyson is calling me, I wish I could see snow!

LadyJoots: Byeeeeee ;-)  Take care!  And keep your fingers crossed, Eleanor... I haven't heard anything yet :-(

MamaLion27: I'll send it to you!

LadyJoots: Thanks!!

MamaLion27: :'(

LadyJoots: It'll melt though

MamaLion27: Bye

LadyJoots: Byeeeee!

MamaLion27 has left the room.

Beth Kenobi: 6 pages now at Ariel Narrow 12pt

LadyJoots: Oh my!

Dugan EK: Snow? My daughter says it's snowing in D.C. Here balmy and clear. SIGH.

Beth Kenobi: LUCKY!

Beth Kenobi: It's "flurrying" here

LadyJoots: I think it's 80 here... :'(  Too hot for me

Dugan EK: Well, have a lovely week, ladies. Bye for now.

LadyJoots: Byeeee!

Beth Kenobi: and it was in the 70s last week!

Beth Kenobi: bye


Posted May 24,2003