January 28, 2003 Back to Chat |
You have just entered room "Sweethearts." MamaLion27 has entered the room. KathrynGraysonFn has entered the room. KathrynGraysonFn : Hello MamaLion27 : Hi, Kayla. KathrynGraysonFn : I won't be able to stay long, I need to get ready to be somewhere at 8 Beth Kenobi : So far it's only us three this sunday Beth Kenobi : ok KathrynGraysonFn : Yes, Eleanor and Ginny both had to be away from their computers, correct? Beth Kenobi : Umm...I know Eleanor is but I'm not sure about Ginny KathrynGraysonFn : Well, Ginny went to Yuma,AZ for the weekend. Beth Kenobi : ok Kirifan2 has entered the room. Beth Kenobi : Hiya Kirifan2 : hi everyone MamaLion27 : If Kayla goes, the two of us will be talking to ourselves.EK said she may get on if the computer people get done. Kirifan2 : ah KathrynGraysonFn : Hello, Debbie Kirifan2 : hi kayla:-) MamaLion27 : Oh, good, Debbie is here. Kirifan2 : how is everyone Kirifan2 : its freezing here Beth Kenobi : Samehere MamaLion27 : Cold, cold,cold! Kirifan2 : and snowing again Kirifan2 : i am moving to florida KathrynGraysonFn : Well, don't have specific N&J news, but if I go to CA again, I may be able to meet with Kathryn Grayson again. Kirifan2 : :-) Beth Kenobi : cool Kirifan2 : oh cool MamaLion27 : Where are you, Debbie? Kirifan2 : wow Kirifan2 : in staten island KathrynGraysonFn : Oh my! It's been below zero here for days! Kirifan2 : ny Kirifan2 : um really from philly Alicefaye3 has entered the room. Kirifan2 : jeanette's town MamaLion27 : Oh, I think you are even colder than we are in PA. Kirifan2 : yep MamaLion27 : Hi, Maria. Kirifan2 : where are you from? Kirifan2 : hi maria MamaLion27 : Cuz! KathrynGraysonFn : Hello, Maria Alicefaye3 : Hi kids Alicefaye3 : Cuz! Alicefaye3 : Hi Kayla Alicefaye3 : What's going on? Kirifan2 : we are mad about tge cold Kirifan2 : the cold weather Kirifan2 : brrrrr Alicefaye3 : I totally understand.... KathrynGraysonFn : Incredibly... Oh, to be back in LA! Kirifan2 : ah Kirifan2 : warmth MamaLion27 : It won't go away no matter how mad we get! Alicefaye3 : Michigan is not my favorite place to be in winter... Kirifan2 : hmmm Alicefaye3 : Thankfully, I'll be in LA next month, so maybe that'll help...lol KathrynGraysonFn : Of course, when I went to LA, they got their first rain in a month... Kirifan2 : i thought we where bad in ny MamaLion27 : Yes, it can be very cold in Michigan. Kirifan2 : we will be cold a little while longer Alicefaye3 : I think PA is worse though....do you all have snow? KathrynGraysonFn : Are you going to visit Ginny, Maria? Kirifan2 : yep Kirifan2 : philly had more snow than ny MamaLion27 : We have continual snow! Kirifan2 : wow Alicefaye3 : I'll see Ginny, yes, but I'm going for the Jack Benny induction into the Comedy Hall of Fame.... KathrynGraysonFn : Oh, I'll bet that will be great! Kirifan2 : that sounds like fun MamaLion27 : I am envious! Alicefaye3 : Yeah, I'm excited....it should be very fun.... Kirifan2 : me too Alicefaye3 : Cuz, I'll let you know all about it... Alicefaye3 : Hey, you all can come if you'd like...lol MamaLion27 : What topic or topics are on the table? Kirifan2 : hmmm MamaLion27 : I would love to..but... KathrynGraysonFn : Hehe... I'm hoping to convinvce my mother to let me go back to LA in April, I *might* be able to meet Kathryn again... make up for my lack of questions last time, you know Kirifan2 : ah Beth Kenobi : Does anyone know if Nelson or Jeanette ever sang at the Super bowl or even the Hollywood Bowl? Kirifan2 : have a list of music questions for her KathrynGraysonFn : Always remember when meeting someone famous- BREATHE Alicefaye3 : Funny that you mention Kathryn....she was supposed to be invited...I don't know if she has been... Kirifan2 : i think jeanette did hollywood bowl Alicefaye3 : Yeah, I sometimes have trouble with the breathing part... MamaLion27 : I think the Hollywood Bowl was a yes for both of them Kirifan2 : nelson did robin hood dell in philly Kirifan2 : its sort of like hollywood bowl Beth Kenobi : interesting. I only knew of the HB because of the Beatles Kirifan2 : i like the beatles too Kirifan2 : i saw paul in 2002 Kirifan2 : :-) Alicefaye3 : Did you hear about the lost Beatles tracks (or something like that) that they found recently? MamaLion27 : There were 7500 people there at Robin Dell for one of his concerts. KathrynGraysonFn : They were thinking about tearing down the Hollywood Bowl a few years ago. I couldn't believe it! Kirifan2 : yep Beth Kenobi : no, but I know it is possible Alicefaye3 : I would think the HB would be a national landmark or something by this time... Beth Kenobi : Itshould be Kirifan2 : a friend i knew went to see nelson at the rovin hood dell KathrynGraysonFn : I think the commission against it got it put on a national registry, so it can't be touched MamaLion27 : Why is we always are so ready to demolish landmarks and historic places? Alicefaye3 : Oh...if I could have only seen Nelson ONCE! KathrynGraysonFn : *against demolishing it Kirifan2 : loved him of course Kirifan2 : :-) Alicefaye3 : Because, my dear cuz, we have to make way for progress. Who cares about old, decrepit buildings, when we can have modern, new ones? Kirifan2 : sadly here in ny they tear down any old buildings these days MamaLion27 : Yep! Lookalike boxes everywhere, cuz. Kirifan2 : thstd the truth Kirifan2 : like where i live now Alicefaye3 : I almost cried when they imploded the Hudson's building in Detroit...it was beautiful... Alicefaye3 : It's like that everywhere... Kirifan2 : in staten island KathrynGraysonFn : Grrrr... the only places that Jeanette or Nelson performed here are gone. They tore down the Orpheum Theatre to make a bank, and the Lake Club was burned down because the owner wanted the insurance money Kirifan2 : 1,000 new homes in a tiny spot MamaLion27 : I live next to my daughters house that was built in the 1840's! KathrynGraysonFn : My house was built in 1857 Alicefaye3 : I went to a meeting for work a month or so ago, and the mayor of Detroit spoke about how we had to get rid of the old buildings that were hindering Detroit's chances of progressing. MamaLion27 : That's the kind of houses I love..the kind with history. Kirifan2 : the best house i lived in philly was from 1898 Kirifan2 : it had plenty of room! KathrynGraysonFn : hehe MamaLion27 : I often think how great it is that we can walk where our idols walked1 Alicefaye3 : I don't know where N&J performed in Detroit, but I think thankfully that those venues are for the most part still around... KathrynGraysonFn : Well, it's been fun- I need to go now Kirifan2 : they still jave the academy of music with j and n's stars in front Alicefaye3 : I have to go too....I've got Jack Benny radio show rehearsal to go to! KathrynGraysonFn : Bye, everyone! Kirifan2 : see you kayla good luck with the kathryn project KathrynGraysonFn : Hehe, 'll try! Alicefaye3 : Goodbye Kayla Kirifan2 : bye maria KathrynGraysonFn has left the room. MamaLion27 : Yes, I saw that when we were in Philly for Nelson's 100th birthday. Bye, kayla. Alicefaye3 : See you later! Kirifan2 : :-) MamaLion27 : Not fast enough! Alicefaye3 : Have fun kids! Kirifan2 : my poor home town Alicefaye3 has left the room. Kirifan2 : ah well Kirifan2 : ny is no prize sadly Kirifan2 : either MamaLion27 : I better learn to type faster so I can say goodbye before everyone is gone. Beth Kenobi : Same here Kirifan2 : i dont type fast either Kirifan2 : soooo Kirifan2 : :-) MamaLion27 : Well, does anyone want to offer ideas for Jeanette's 100th? Kirifan2 : i think we sound said a mass email to tcm Beth Kenobi : maybe Kirifan2 : a 24 hour jeanette festicval Kirifan2 : or Kirifan2 : email the biography thingy Kirifan2 : and have them do a jeanette bio Kirifan2 : O:-) MamaLion27 : That's a good idea. They should have gotten the idea themselves. Osbourne is usually quick enough for the other stars. Kirifan2 : yea Kirifan2 : i will pester them Kirifan2 : they should do something over at amc too Kirifan2 : they have here other rare films Kirifan2 : i have most of her films:-) MamaLion27 : Good. I am busy right now with Arabella and won't get to that early enough. What about Jessi's idea? Kirifan2 : but would still love to see them Kirifan2 : ? MamaLion27 : By the way, Naughty Marietta is scheduled for February as well as Cairo the first week. Kirifan2 : oh cool Kirifan2 : the merry widow is on the tuesday Kirifan2 : they are ALL classics MamaLion27 : Jessi, give us your idea again! Kirifan2 : yes please MamaLion27 : It is just something personal we can do among ourselves, right, Jessi? Beth Kenobi : You mean the Creative Writing Project? Kirifan2 : ah MamaLion27 : YES!. Beth Kenobi : Oh, well you take a song that Nelson or Jeanette Sang and write a short story or poem about that song. Beth Kenobi : For example, one could write a short story about the story behind Wanting You. Kirifan2 : or we can always do what if types Kirifan2 : hmmm everyone loves wanting you MamaLion27 : Or even a script idea from the song with roles that our two sweethearts could have played? Beth Kenobi : yeah Kirifan2 : how about what happend to the charaters after the film ended MamaLion27 : Another great idea. Kirifan2 : like what happened after sweethearts films etc Kirifan2 : ior change the endings in maytime and bittersweet MamaLion27 : Yes.We have from now to June to work on it. Kirifan2 : :-) MamaLion27 : Even two or more could work together on an idea if they want to do that. Kirifan2 : this is true Kirifan2 : i always wonder of we could build more around the charcters in the films MamaLion27 : I think those scripts were often very sparse. Kirifan2 : yes indeed Kirifan2 : like in sweethearts he tried to wreck their marriage Kirifan2 : it was a comedy i know but i think the forgive him too fast MamaLion27 : I think it would have taken something a bit more conclusive than what they used to do that. Kirifan2 : like what happend at the end of bittersweet to jeanettes character after he passed away Kirifan2 : they sort of left one hanging MamaLion27 : Yes, they did. I also want so much to work on that ending of Rose Marie! Kirifan2 : yes thats another one! Kirifan2 : i mean her brother was a murderer and what happened to her opera Kirifan2 : did she keep singing? Kirifan2 : just some thoughts MamaLion27 : Yes. And i think a meeting in the mountains outside would have been much more romantic. Kirifan2 : oh yes to be sure Kirifan2 : :-* MamaLion27 : I always envision her running out into the snow and Nelson would have to search for her. Kirifan2 : well snow is not my word de jour at the moment Kirifan2 : hehe MamaLion27 : On dog sled! Kirifan2 : maybe they should have an operatta in florida Beth Kenobi : yeah Kirifan2 : hehe MamaLion27 : Yes, or even Pennsylvania..Philadelphia even! Beth Kenobi : ok...BRB Kirifan2 : i like that one! MamaLion27 : You're right..it is warmer in Florida. Kirifan2 : maybe a what if j and n met in philly story Kirifan2 : mom and i think we should have moved to florida instead of ny Kirifan2 : and i get stuck at ground zero 5 hours! Kirifan2 : oh well MamaLion27 : Yes, something similar to their stories..two opera stars meeting in the city of Brotherly Love! Kirifan2 : that would be cute Kirifan2 : after all mario is from there and sooo is marian anderson Kirifan2 : O:-) MamaLion27 : I went to Florida, Debbie and gladly came back to Pittsburgh! Kirifan2 : really? Beth Kenobi : ok back Kirifan2 : did not like it? Kirifan2 : hi jessi Kirifan2 : we moved here 3 years ago Kirifan2 : to ny from philly MamaLion27 : Yep. I had to stay there ten years and I was so homesick. After all, my seven children were all back here. Kirifan2 : ah Kirifan2 : i have fam in florida Kirifan2 : and ny Kirifan2 : i work in manhatten Kirifan2 : did you like florida? MamaLion27 : I would love to visit NY one of these days. I have never been there. Kirifan2 : its busy lol Kirifan2 : its not my fav place at the moment Kirifan2 : oh well its just me MamaLion27 : No, I didn't. It is great to visit though but living ther is not so good. Kirifan2 : hmmm i cant seem to find a good place to live MamaLion27 : At least it wasn't for me. Kirifan2 : i am still recovering from 11 sept Kirifan2 : i was there 5 hours Beth Kenobi : Should I save this or just keep it here MamaLion27 : Yes, that must have been traumatic. Kirifan2 : oh back to j and n Kirifan2 : it sure was MamaLion27 : What do you mean? Kirifan2 : the worst Kirifan2 : i was trying to get home and couldnt Kirifan2 : and the dust was all over me Kirifan2 : i was one of the folks running MamaLion27 : You are going to save a transcript aren't you. Jessi? Kirifan2 : oh back to j and n Kirifan2 : i forget Kirifan2 : sorry Kirifan2 : i like your writing idea jessi Kirifan2 : :-) Kirifan2 : we need to keep things upbeat MamaLion27 : Well, I think the creative writing idea is great. And maybe we can get other ideas online as well. Kirifan2 : yes Kirifan2 : i would love a bio of then on a and e Kirifan2 : diffferent form the one with powell Kirifan2 : with home movies from their families MamaLion27 : I have to finish the next issue of Arabella before I can start on anything new, though. Kirifan2 : i will start emailing tv stations MamaLion27 : That's a good idea, Debbie Kirifan2 : thanks Kirifan2 : i have done it with my other fav kiri te kanawa Kirifan2 : i did get a nice answer from a and e once Kirifan2 : sooo i will try it with j and n Kirifan2 : or n and j MamaLion27 : I may just talk to our local entertainment people about getting something in the local paper, too. Beth Kenobi : I'm going to put all the writing projects on my site Kirifan2 : ;-) Beth Kenobi : that would be cool Kirifan2 : feel free to chat with me anytime MamaLion27 : That sounds good, Jessi. Was that what you meant? Kirifan2 : i love chatting at yaoo too Kirifan2 : i mean yahoo Kirifan2 : my typing lol Beth Kenobi : :-) Beth Kenobi : yeah GarlandGrl has entered the room. Beth Kenobi : Hi Ginny Kirifan2 : hi ginny Kirifan2 : :-) GarlandGrl : Hey guys! MamaLion27 : Well, hi., Ginny! GarlandGrl : ;-) Kirifan2 : we have been chatting away Kirifan2 : and getting to know each other GarlandGrl : Ahhhh Kirifan2 : we j and n fans should do that too Kirifan2 : or n and j MamaLion27 : We have been having a very business like chat! O:-) GarlandGrl : Of course GarlandGrl : Ahhhhh Kirifan2 : yes GarlandGrl : Are you trying to tell me you've gone off topic or something? LOL MamaLion27 : NEVER!:-D Kirifan2 : ;-) GarlandGrl : Ahhhh GarlandGrl : Well, I never... ;-) MamaLion27 : But we have discussed ideas for Jeanette's 100th Birthday. And the creative writing project. GarlandGrl : Ahhhh GarlandGrl : That's good MamaLion27 : And we can ask for more online. Kirifan2 : yes and writing the tv channels Kirifan2 : like a and e,tcm,amc GarlandGrl : It looks like I'm going to have extra time on my hands... all my advice lately was to not worry about how many units I have this quarter... so anything I can do, just let me know. Kirifan2 : oh cool MamaLion27 : Oh, goody. Kirifan2 : what is your major if you dont mond my asking Kirifan2 : i mean mind GarlandGrl : Creative writing... Kirifan2 : ahhhh GarlandGrl : Ironically MamaLion27 : Ah, my home territory! GarlandGrl : ;-) Kirifan2 : i should have guessed MamaLion27 : I did that my first college tour. Kirifan2 : :-) GarlandGrl : Ahhhh Kirifan2 : we where talking about the j and n film scripts MamaLion27 : Then I got the idea when i got 40 I wanted to go back and do psychology/social service. GarlandGrl : Ahhhh... I'm actually thinking about that too GarlandGrl : LOL Kirifan2 : hmmmm MamaLion27 : Yes, that should be right up Ginny's alley. Kirifan2 : i am still changing my mind Kirifan2 : lol GarlandGrl : Wow, I'm looking at the pictures my cousins took with my digital camera and they're quite....... umm... yeah... interesting. GarlandGrl : LOL MamaLion27 : Scripts and film revisions should be fun! Kirifan2 : i would love to learn more about computers Kirifan2 : yes Kirifan2 : how abut updating the films Kirifan2 : say putting new moom in our time with modern j and n GarlandGrl : Eeeek. Are you sure you'd want to do that?! Kirifan2 : or naughty mariette Kirifan2 : hmmm maybe not MamaLion27 : That's what i meant by revisions. New endings, beginnings and middles!:-P Kirifan2 : nelsom might have nose rings Kirifan2 : good grief GarlandGrl : I can see it now.. Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake tramping through downtown Burbank. MamaLion27 : Or eyebrow rings! Kirifan2 : lol Kirifan2 : and madanna in jeanette's parts Kirifan2 : ooops my spelling Kirifan2 : what if they divorced in sweethearts how sad MamaLion27 : Instead of the bandit Ramerez he could double as the Hardware Kid! Kirifan2 : hehe GarlandGrl : *cowers in fright* Beth Kenobi : lol Kirifan2 : this is fun Kirifan2 : or a rock version of new moon Kirifan2 : ozzy as nelson Beth Kenobi : that be cool Kirifan2 : hmmm Beth Kenobi : NOOOO Kirifan2 : hehe MamaLion27 : But it is getting time to go and I have to get back to cowboys and Indians for this next issue ! Kirifan2 : paul?i like paul Kirifan2 : oh ok GarlandGrl : LOL ;-) Kirifan2 : this is fun Kirifan2 : hehe Beth Kenobi : yeah Beth Kenobi : :-) MamaLion27 : Bye bye kids! GarlandGrl : Byeeee! Kirifan2 : keep up the good work eberyone Kirifan2 : bye MamaLion27 has left the room. Kirifan2 : stay warm Kirifan2 : its sooo cold here GarlandGrl has left the room. Kirifan2 : brrrr Kirifan2 : hi jessi thanks for the chat Kirifan2 : :-) Beth Kenobi : yr welcome Kirifan2 : it was fun Posted on May 25, 2003 |