December 1, 2002 Back to Chat |
You have just entered room "Chat 12950515432344520407." Beth Kenobi : hi MamaLion27
: I guess it is
pre-movie days. Jessi, what is the topic? Kirifan2 has entered the room. Kirifan2 : hi everyone Beth Kenobi : not sure Kirifan2 : :-) Beth
: I didn't talk to Ginny so I
don't know who won the poll Kirifan2 : whats the topic?hope all are well MamaLion27
: Christine thought
it was Balalaika. Beth
: sounds good MamaLion27
: I think Nelson was
very comfortabkle in this role and loved the Russian theme. Beth Kenobi : It seems that they rewrote things alot in that era MamaLion27
: I heard that the
plot was unchanged but most of the original music was gone. Beth Kenobi : Wasn't Nicky and Marsha one? Beth
: Sorry if I got thier names
wrong MamaLion27
: Yes, Masha. And of
course Ruggles as Nicky was the comedic relief. Beth
: I knew him from Parent Trap Beth Kenobi : I thought it did. The part where he turns around and sees her for the first time in most likely years. MamaLion27
: I heard on one of
the interviews that the director Schunzel was no help when Ilona was
trying to get her English pronunciations correct. MamaLion27
: His broken German
only added to her problems. MamaLion27
: Yes, I have at
least one of his films in my collection...as an actor. MamaLion27
: My favorite scene,
being the romantic I am, was the Silent Night in German at the front. You have just entered room "Chat 12950515432344520407." Beth Kenobi : Testing... Beth Kenobi : k] Beth
: lost the connection for awhile MamaLion27
: Yes, we seem to
have caught you in a revolving door! Kirifan2 : must run Kirifan2 : sorry everyone i will read the rest of the chat Kirifan2
: have a great evening Beth Kenobi : byes Kirifan2 : :-) Kirifan2
: thanks for the invitesO:-) Kirifan2 has left the room. MamaLion27
: I think the ending
was a bit too pat. It needed much more. Beth
: I thought they should have had
a kiss instead of the cheek to cheeck thing MamaLion27
: Ah, spoken like my
granddaughter. Romance is not dead. I heartily agree. MamaLion27
: Because the ending
at the mirror was so bland, cuz. MamaLion27
: Good thinking..and
then the kiss! MamaLion27
: Bye, cuz. Alicefaye3 has left the room. Beth Kenobi : Hey, at least they don't have a set thing about your suposed to like as they do with Teens. MamaLion27
: I was born but not
cognizant of what was going on in Hollywood at that tender age. Beth Kenobi : *what your Beth
: It annoys me that they seem to
think they know what I want when they really don't. But then I am odd. I
have friends who only go to see movies because of Hot guys while I go to
see the plot *hot guy a good thing though* Beth
: Well at least it had a somewhat
plot. Some of the movies today try to ride on good looks attracting
teens. MamaLion27
: Jessi, grandmother
taught you discrimination. She introduced you to Nelson. Ek is right..J
& N could do more with less. MamaLion27
: Balalaika also
allowed Nelson to use his command of Russian, a language rare in opera
where French and German are prevalent. MamaLion27
: There were also
seven songs copyrighted to be used in the film that never made it. I am
going to check and see if Nelson ever recorded any of them. MamaLion27
: It is sad that
probably some good music may have been forever overlooked. MamaLion27
: Well, some big
names were listed as writing the music they didn't use..Kahn, Lehar,
Romberg, even Stothart. MamaLion27
: Sad what we lose
along the way. MamaLion27
: Any ideas what to
do for the next session? Beth Kenobi : How about Songs Beth
: Like where there any songs that
Nelson or Jeanette had an attachment to MamaLion27
: That would be a
good idea. Perhaps we could all talk about favorites. And Jessi, I have
tried to save this for you. MamaLion27
: I loved everything
he did. My cell phone plays Tonight We Love because I love his version
of it. MamaLion27
: Bye EK Dugan
EK has left the room. MamaLion27
: Bye, Dick. Okay,
Jessi. I will try and send this to you. DIXC has left the room. Beth Kenobi : I have it Posted May 24, 2003 |