November 17, 2002

You have just entered room "Nelson and Jeanette chat."

GarlandGrl has entered the room.

MamaLion27 has entered the room.

Dugan EK has entered the room.
Dugan EK : Greetings.

Beth Kenobi : I know it's early but I wanted to make sure everything is situated:-)

Beth Kenobi : hi all

GarlandGrl : It's fine :-D

GarlandGrl : Hello

DIXC has entered the room.
DIXC : Hi!.:-)

Beth Kenobi : hi
MamaLion27 : Hi, everyone.

GarlandGrl : ;-)

Beth Kenobi : Tonight's topics are Aussie Tours and then Free Forum about possible ideas for getting Nelson and Jeanette out there

Beth Kenobi : ANd I have one vote for next week's topic to be Pre-movie era

GarlandGrl : Ahhhh :-)
DIXC : Opera for Nelson and Stage for Jeanette?
MamaLion27 : Yes, and also radio and concert work for Nelson.

Beth Kenobi : Pretty much and what they did before they got into Opera

GarlandGrl : Ahhh :o) That could work...
DIXC : Nelson was in 32 operas and many concerts before movies.

Kirifan2 has entered the room.

Kirifan2 : chat

Kirifan2 : hi everyone i made it:-)

Beth Kenobi : ANyway, does anyone have any tidbits on Aussie Tour?

Beth Kenobi : Hi:-)

Kirifan2 : O:-)
MamaLion27 : Apparently Nelson and Gale went to Australia during the early years of the nightclub act.

GarlandGrl : :-D
DIXC : After the movie work
MamaLion27 : They got a tremendous welcome in Sydney.

Kirifan2 : does our friend from australia have any news?

Kirifan2 : if we did an afternoon chat on the weekeneds the folks overseas could join
MamaLion27 : Not much as yet. Annie is looking into newsclippings.

GarlandGrl : Should we do a poll? About that and other things... like how often we chat... the chat program we use or would you just like to discuss that later?

GarlandGrl : A poll not being this second... but a machanical one ;-)

Kirifan2 : i like a dummy lost a file

Kirifan2 : i thought it was a virus and deleted it

Kirifan2 : it was for the yahoo chatrooms

Kirifan2 : applets or something

Kirifan2 : someone told me the file was a virus and it wasnt

Kirifan2 : yahoo lets folks build their own chatrooms

Kirifan2 : soooo does msn

GarlandGrl : Ahhh... I'm not sure what to do...

Kirifan2 : they have really nice chatrooms

Kirifan2 : ill look into things for everyone

Kirifan2 : i am working on getting my java thingy back now

GarlandGrl : Thanks though Debbie, we shall definitely look into that. I know that yahoo's chat room for the lists don't let you copy and paste, but the normal stable ones on Yahoo's site do.

Kirifan2 : yes
MamaLion27 : Diane and Anna gve Annie a lot of dates and leads. In the obituary clipping from Australia that anna sent to me, it mentions that Nelson and Gale had made five visits down under. Anna sent to me

Kirifan2 : icq has stuff too and they hog uo ones computers
MamaLion27 : Oh, this computer!

Kirifan2 : hmmmm there are online aussie sites too to chat

Kirifan2 : i know a lot of them as i like a certain diva from the different down under as well

Kirifan2 : ill check the aussie sites

GarlandGrl : Ahhh :-) Okie

Kirifan2 : for nelson

Kirifan2 : :-)

Kirifan2 : what happened to brave net?

GarlandGrl : Nothing... just easier for some of the members to go on AIM.

GarlandGrl : ;-)

GarlandGrl : /AOL

Kirifan2 : ah this is true

GarlandGrl : Gio started it!!

GarlandGrl : I didn't ;-)

Kirifan2 : i have netzero

Kirifan2 : its cheap

Kirifan2 : 8-)

GarlandGrl : Anyway... shall we go back to Nelson and Jeanette? I think we're confusing people :-D

Kirifan2 : gio is a great fellow

Kirifan2 : yes!

Kirifan2 : did nelson do any chat shows in australia?

Kirifan2 : or talk shows has we call them

Kirifan2 : O:-)
MamaLion27 : I know he did interviews on both radio and tv down there but I have no idea what shows.

Kirifan2 : maybe thats something we can look into too
MamaLion27 : I think that is what Annie is doing right now.

Kirifan2 : ah thats good they also have pirate video companies

Beth Kenobi : Was Dessert Song Filmed there?
MamaLion27 : What Desert Song?

Kirifan2 : i am nnot sure there

Beth Kenobi : Ok...I miss spelled that
MamaLion27 : There was no Desert Song film made in Australia that I know of..

Beth Kenobi : Well, I wasn't sure where it was filmed
MamaLion27 : Jessi, are you talking about the Gordon MacRae film? Because the one with Nelson and Gale was a television special made on a sound stage.
MamaLion27 : Probably in New York.
MamaLion27 : Iwas in error. Nelson and Gale made four trips down under and were planning their fifth .
Dugan EK : While Eileen Melville and Iris Parker visited me this past week, I made them copies of the 1930 Desert Song with John Boles and the 1930 short film The Red Shadow with Alexander Gray. Both seemed to have stock footage of the desert

Beth Kenobi : I was talking about Nelson and Gale
Dugan EK : used in Son of the Shiek which I also showed them and gave them a copy of. (The Shiek being the precursor of Romberg's Desert Song stage operetta.)
MamaLion27 : How often the studios re-hashed the same footage, too.
DIXC : The NEAS had a Winter 1995 26 page Journal about their Night Club act, but no specific about their act in Australia.
DIXC : In it is a beautiful letter from Gale about Nelson which is outstanding.
MamaLion27 : Kiner's book makes several specific references to trips to Australia, I think. I must look up thses past NEAS journals.
MamaLion27 : I only joined last year.
MamaLion27 : In 1963 they were in Sydney and Melbourne again and were seen on several televison shows.

Beth Kenobi : I wonder if they have sites for these old shows that might have the interviews or something
Dugan EK : If anyone wanted to do an article about their Australian tours, I'd post it on my website with full credit.
MamaLion27 : Again, that is what Annie is looking up.

Beth Kenobi : If I could get the information, I would do it, but I have none
MamaLion27 : No, that is difficult from here, But with resources locally, Annie can probably do a lot better.
MamaLion27 : We can work with her information and go from there.
MamaLion27 : But perhaps we better get to the other things everyone wanted to talk about..!

Beth Kenobi : Does anyone have any ideas on projects we could do that could get Nelson out there to teh general public?
DIXC : Wear his T-shirts and they will ask about him. They can be bought where I bought two.
Dugan EK : I personally favor giving film programs at local schools and community centers -- educate the kids in their heritage of great musical films.
MamaLion27 : I wonder if I could get some of the local stations here to do something in March on the anniversary of his death?
DIXC : Our Junior college has had non-credit courses about them
MamaLion27 : Great idea, Eleanor.
Dugan EK : How great -- the courses!
Dugan EK : I used to do programs, lugging around 16mm cans of film. It's so easy now with video and big-screen projectors.
Dugan EK : Of course, other musicals should be mixed in -- 42nd St., Shirley Temple, etc.
Dugan EK : for the little kids -- can be more sophisticated for college kids.
MamaLion27 : But I find many schools have no room in their schedule for music at all these days. Budget!
MamaLion27 : Even free programs!
Dugan EK : They'd have to be free -- And it couldn't be considered part of a music program. More like babysitting or free lunch or after school film program.
Dugan EK : Candy-coat the message.
DIXC : Or a program for seniors.
MamaLion27 : Yes. Can we do some homework on these kind of things and find out what would work?
DIXC : In a senior meeting
Dugan EK : Yes, I know several people who do 1930s musicals for seniors at senior centers. Anita McCreery here in SF area and a guy in NYC.
Dugan EK : Of course, today's seniors weren't born yet in the 1930s -- it isn't a nostalgia thing.
DIXC : One was done in Del Web senior center in Palm Springs, CA
MamaLion27 : I will check out our senior center.
Dugan EK : I think Anita did once a month -- and guy in NYC does every week. Thanks to video projectors, a wide variety can be offered.
Dugan EK : I've even done programs at two mental hospitals! (No rude comments, please!)
DIXC : Some are couples imitating their work on stage , live
MamaLion27 : Since i once worked in a mental hospital, I know how much that was appreciated.
DIXC : Good singers , like the Lyric Opera here did "New Moon"
Dugan EK : Yes -- a captive audience, admittedly, but it was amazing how they quieted down and got into the films.

GarlandGrl : You shouldn't do things like that, Miss Eleanor... it temps people and I'm one that wouldn't do that. ;-)

Beth Kenobi : My Dad was trying to get commerical tapes to take to a retirement home

GarlandGrl : *tempts, too

GarlandGrl : :-D
Dugan EK : On the topic of New Moon, I played my precious Wolf Trap video for my UK visitors and discovered that in the past 6 months the tape had deteriorated so it was almost unplayable. I am desolate! It was stored in a cool, dark place as
Dugan EK : always.
DIXC : Will have to leave. Had a good time. THANKS. Bye:-)

GarlandGrl : Bye Dick!
MamaLion27 : Your dad, Jessi, knows how many tapes I have available!

Beth Kenobi : I know

Beth Kenobi : Bye everyone

DIXC has left the room.

Beth Kenobi : I'll be sending teh transcripts now since it is now 9
MamaLion27 : Bye all.

Kirifan2 : bye everyone

Posted May 24, 2003