November 10, 2002 Back to Chat |
have just entered room "Nelson and Jeanette Chat." Dugan
EK has entered the room. DIXC
has entered the room. Beth
: Um...I don't know MamaLion27 has entered the room. Beth
: Ok...everything fixed now? MamaLion27
: I am here..again! Beth
: I don't know since I have been backmailed for a while. Beth Kenobi : :-) I'm a couple days behind in mail is what I meant MamaLion27
: Eleanor, what topic do you think is in the mail lately? MamaLion27
: I know they have been researching the Gale and Nelson's Australian
tours. Beth
: I know that...Did Ginny do a poll for this week? Beth Kenobi : Does anyone know the link? MamaLion27
: I haven't been able to get into my mail because this thing is screwed
up. MamaLion27
: AliceFaye3 in online Alicefaye3
has entered the room. Beth
: Hi:-) Beth Kenobi : I do Beth Kenobi : I'll invite her now MamaLion27
: Hey, cuz. I got the CDs! Thank you! Beth
: It says she is not on MamaLion27
: Oh. Well, I have 2...are there 3? MamaLion27
: The Nightclub Act and J & N interviews. MamaLion27
: I haven't listened yet because i am doing intensive fall cleaning. Alicefaye3 has left the room. MamaLion27
: Annie is digging up news reports from the dates she has.. Beth
: *sigh* If I hadn't been so out of it this week I would have known. HOw
about a free forum chat. ANyone who has questions can give them MamaLion27
: Does anyone have a copy of that one? MamaLion27
: It must have been before I joined. MamaLion27
: I would love to do a Corner piece on that subject. No, I believe he
enjoyed the nightclub act and my only regret is that I never saw it. MamaLion27
: I know he did Desert Song pieces and many from his films. MamaLion27
: Jessi, is that possible? MamaLion27
: Eleanor, ask her if she is on AIM? MamaLion27
: Is she online now? MamaLion27
: I am so sorry that my AOL is down and I can't get to my e-mail. MamaLion27
: But I do have a question about "Maytime"? Beth
: I will try to invite MamaLion27
: Did anyone notice just when Nelson changed his character's demeanor
from playful to more serious? Beth
: Tell them they must notify me so I can invite them,....if I don't have
them on my list I have no way of knowing they are on Beth Kenobi : Wasn't that after the Tree scene? MamaLion27
: Yes! Under the tree when he began the song he gradually became much
more mature in his attitude. MamaLion27
: I have been watching mysleep tape of that movie this week. MamaLion27
: That's okay,Dick. I type and this darn thing typos. MamaLion27
: Yes, he was good. Even if he didn't believe it.. MamaLion27
: Yes, later..but the change began before he was finished with his part
of the song. MamaLion27
: Perhaps i am watching it too much and i am just reading into it but it
seems as though he becomes almost a different person by the middle of
the song..a more serious one. Beth
: I saw that too KathrynGraysonFn has entered the room. MamaLion27
: The playful Paul was great but theserious paul was magnificent. KathrynGraysonFn has left the room. MamaLion27
: Pardon my reluctant shift key! Beth Kenobi : I always thought that scene, He gets more serious and then when he finds that she'll be marring J.B. He loses the playful side MamaLion27
: Yes and he also knew instinctively that she would never go back on her
promise! MamaLion27
: That is fine acting! Beth Kenobi : yep....I actually think that he played emotions much better then some modern day actors. Some of them can not make it look real MamaLion27
: But I better change my sleep tape this week and go on to another one
of the movies! MamaLion27
: Yes, today you have to have props, and mayhem because sublety is too
hard for them to accomplish. Beth
: True. I feel sorry for Elijah Wood because the scenes where Frodo is
harmed are pitiful due to the scripting. One of the only flaws in the
movie (and his acting) MamaLion27
: Nelson never overplayed his roles. Even in The Chocolate Soldier when
he could have done that with Vasili. Beth Kenobi : Could you imagine him doing that? Beth Kenobi : Which is a good thing, because Had he, he might have lost some of the younger fans. MamaLion27
: Oh, yes, we did forget Australia. Maybe we better set that up for next
time? Beth Kenobi : Yes. I shall notify Ginny that we decided on that. It should be an interesting topic. MamaLion27
: We may have more information by that time. Beth Kenobi : Which would be good. MamaLion27
: Any other topics? MamaLion27
: That is why we should perhaps have some other topics for the rest to
select from...! MamaLion27
: Dick? Beth
: How about Pre-movie days of Nelson or Jeanette. We could talk about
the defferent Avenues of work they did before they became Movie stars
*such as Opera or Newspaper* MamaLion27
: Yes, Nelson and I have copywriting in common! MamaLion27
: Let's go with that. Thereisa myriad of subjects just in that. MamaLion27
: Bye Eleanor! Dugan
EK has left the room. MamaLion27
: Bye Dick DIXC has left the room. MamaLion27
: Talk to you later, Jessi! MamaLion27
: Did you get a transcript? MamaLion27 : :-D Beth Kenobi : I'm getting it now: