You have just entered room "Chat 1658983472410216186."
LadyJoots has entered the room.
GarlandGrl has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1 has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: hello everyone
SokorraK: hi
AllanAndHoward has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: hi everybody
LadyJoots: Hiyeee :-)
AllanAndHoward: hi
Nelsonismyhero: it's a free chat tonite right
AllanAndHoward: cool
SokorraK: I don't think so..
SokorraK: not sure
GarlandGrl has left the room.
AllanAndHoward: Hi I am Audrey's sister Olivia
SokorraK: Hi
LadyJoots: :-D
MamaLion27 has entered the room.
AllanAndHoward: hi:-P
LadyJoots: It's in the genes... they have great taste ;-)
JeanetteFan1: hello
Nelsonismyhero: i'm audrey for those who don't know me
JeanetteFan1: hi audrey i am debbie
Nelsonismyhero: hi
AllanAndHoward: thanks
Nelsonismyhero: thx
MamaLion27: I am Dorothy and I am not babysitting this evening!
Nelsonismyhero: hooray!
JeanetteFan1: hi dorothy!
SokorraK: :-)
Nelsonismyhero: now you can stay longer
LadyJoots: Yay!
SokorraK: Dani get the night off?
JeanetteFan1: i canr stay too long as usual
JeanetteFan1: hi jessi
SokorraK: hi
JeanetteFan1: and ginny
AllanAndHoward: lets talk about something
LadyJoots: Hi Debbie :-D
MamaLion27: Yes. But she is back to school tomorrow and I am babysitting again!
SokorraK: I am trying to get to the site and see what the topic is
Nelsonismyhero: just make one up
JeanetteFan1: hehe
AllanAndHoward: yeah
SokorraK: :-)
SokorraK: shoot
SokorraK: it didn't come out like a link as I wanted it too
LadyJoots: Says Cairo and Follow the Boys
LadyJoots: ;-)
Nelsonismyhero: oooh we just saw that
AllanAndHoward: it was funny
JeanetteFan1: me too
AllanAndHoward: I like Robert YOung
AllanAndHoward: he
Nelsonismyhero: ddi you guys notice the poster of nelson in the theater?
AllanAndHoward: yes
JeanetteFan1: oh yes
Nelsonismyhero: that was the coolest
LadyJoots: Yeah ;-)
Nelsonismyhero: ;-)
JeanetteFan1: i like a lot of the comments in the film
AllanAndHoward: I loved the part when she sang the high c
JeanetteFan1: like the ones about san fran
AllanAndHoward: it was soooo cool
LadyJoots: Somebody stop me before I quote the Frisco line again
Nelsonismyhero: yeah!
JeanetteFan1: lol
Nelsonismyhero: lol
JeanetteFan1: and the hightest and lowest points in the usa
MamaLion27: I saw Follow the Boys but I haven't yet seen Cairo. I have missed it
every time TCM had it on.
LadyJoots: You don't understand... well, Audrey and Olivia would... LOL :-D
JeanetteFan1: at that time
Nelsonismyhero: i have keep the lights burning bright in my head!
JeanetteFan1: ahhhh
LadyJoots: *gasp*
JeanetteFan1: and avalon
MamaLion27 has left the room.
JeanetteFan1: ethel waters is from my home state too
SokorraK: ok, I was about to copy the topic but it seems someone beat me:-)
JeanetteFan1: good ole pa
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
JeanetteFan1: she was from west chester
Nelsonismyhero: i like ethel waters
JeanetteFan1: and went to south philly high
Nelsonismyhero: she's so full of pep
JeanetteFan1: oh yes
JeanetteFan1: and dooley wilson who is also in casablanca
Nelsonismyhero: what did you all think of jeanette's little swing song?
JeanetteFan1: i loved it
LadyJoots: It's the best...
AllanAndHoward: it's kind a funny
JeanetteFan1: oh ian sends love from the uk
Nelsonismyhero: i don't think olivia likes it
LadyJoots: I love immitating (badly) the Robert E. Lee part...
AllanAndHoward: I didn
LadyJoots: Hi Ian
Nelsonismyhero: lol
AllanAndHoward: sorry
LadyJoots: :-D
AllanAndHoward: I just like it when she sings other songs better
JeanetteFan1: i like the little medley of states songs
LadyJoots: Jeanette's jazzy parts are good for sheer cuteness...
Nelsonismyhero: that was cool
JeanetteFan1: yes
LadyJoots: The other parts are naturally better...
Nelsonismyhero: course
JeanetteFan1: i like the 40s outfits
AllanAndHoward: me too
Nelsonismyhero: i like her other jazzy stuff in sweethearts and stuff
JeanetteFan1: of clothes are by kalloch
DIXC has entered the room.
Nelsonismyhero: hi
JeanetteFan1: hi rich
JeanetteFan1: i think i spelled that name wrong
Chetoshari has entered the room.
Olliem8124 has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: hi shari
JeanetteFan1: wow we are 8
DIXC: Thanks for finding me. I have a new software.:-)
JeanetteFan1: hi ollie
Chetoshari: Hi Thanks for the invite!!
Olliem8124: hi:-)
JeanetteFan1: i think i got everyone
Nelsonismyhero: jeanette's clothes are always beautiful!
AllanAndHoward: of course
JeanetteFan1: indeed
DIXC: Nice to get here. Hi! everyone.
JeanetteFan1: and she wears them sooo well
AllanAndHoward: hi
LadyJoots: ;-)
Chetoshari: Did ya'll just start?? What is the subject???
MamaLion27 has entered the room.
LadyJoots: Cairo and For The Boys
Nelsonismyhero: talk about a classy lady!
AllanAndHoward: yeah its not fair
MamaLion27: I am getting very aggravated at AIM
Nelsonismyhero: ;-)
Nelsonismyhero: lol
AllanAndHoward: everyone was in those days
LadyJoots: I'm sorry, Dorothy ;-)
Olliem8124: 8-)
JeanetteFan1: and she ws sooo sweet too
Nelsonismyhero: i know:-)
Olliem8124: i liked the way she sang to the boys in the hospital in f t boys
JeanetteFan1: it also started wity maytime!
LadyJoots: Mw roo
Nelsonismyhero: i was just listening to i'll see you in my dreams
LadyJoots: ROFL
LadyJoots: Me too
JeanetteFan1: ahhh i am saving follow the boys
Olliem8124: O:-)angel that she was
AllanAndHoward: what is follow the boys about?
Olliem8124: uso show
Nelsonismyhero: how long is her appearance?
LadyJoots has left the room.
Nelsonismyhero: 2 min
Nelsonismyhero: ?
Olliem8124: not long cameo role
MamaLion27: I di want to add a little trivia that's not so trivial about Hattie
McDaniel (Cairo).
Nelsonismyhero: hattie mcdaniel's not in cairo
AllanAndHoward: yeah
JeanetteFan1: whats the trivia any way?
MamaLion27: I told you I hadn't seen it. Who is the maid? Louise Beavers?
JeanetteFan1: i woulld like to hear it
Nelsonismyhero: ethel waters
JeanetteFan1: ethel waters
Olliem8124: it was ethel waters
MamaLion27: Well, anyway Hattie has a memorial in Hollywood Forever cemetery put
there by the new management.
AllanAndHoward: cool
MamaLion27: But she isn't buried there.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah i saw it
Nelsonismyhero: she's somewhere else
Olliem8124: she should have it she was a great actress
JeanetteFan1: i think eleonor is trying to get in
AllanAndHoward: where is she buried?
MamaLion27: Black people no matter how successful weren't allowed in.
Nelsonismyhero: thats not fair
AllanAndHoward: aasdf
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Nelsonismyhero: need some help livi?
MamaLion27: She is buried in Rosedale cemetery even though her wishes were to be
with her peers.
AllanAndHoward: shut up
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Olliem8124: how did you all like cairo
Dugan EK has entered the room.
AllanAndHoward: it was funny
Olliem8124: keep the lights shining bright
JeanetteFan1: i like that song
Olliem8124: ww2 song
DIXC: Never saw that picture.
Nelsonismyhero: i LOVE THAT SONG
LadyJoots has entered the room.
MamaLion27: I must complete my collection because I am missing some of
Jeanette's films.
Olliem8124: i liked the waltz is over
Nelsonismyhero: me too!
Nelsonismyhero: it's in my head now
AllanAndHoward: its been in your head all day
Nelsonismyhero: ah ah ahhhh aha ha
Olliem8124: and the song the moon shines down on cairo
Nelsonismyhero: lol
LadyJoots: LOL
Nelsonismyhero: i don't like that song as much
DIXC: Big crowd:-) here.
JeanetteFan1: i like her outfit there
AllanAndHoward: i did
Nelsonismyhero: YEAH!
JeanetteFan1: indeed
MamaLion27: I wonder where they buried Ethel Waters and Louise Beavers.
Nelsonismyhero: beats me
JeanetteFan1: we are 10
Olliem8124: how did you take robert young as her co-star
Nelsonismyhero: he was cute
AllanAndHoward: he is cool
Olliem8124: father knows best
Nelsonismyhero: even though he was a bit daft in this movie
JeanetteFan1: i liked him
AllanAndHoward: that made it funnier
JeanetteFan1: hehe
Dugan EK: Does everyone know that the songs in the film were bought from a
Broadway musical that flopped?
AllanAndHoward: really
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Nelsonismyhero: i read that
Nelsonismyhero: on eleanor's site
Olliem8124: didnt know that
AllanAndHoward: which musical was it?
Nelsonismyhero: but keep the lights... that was writtem for the film
AllanAndHoward: why?
Nelsonismyhero: just CUZ
AllanAndHoward: ok
Nelsonismyhero: why shouldn't they?
LadyJoots: Ethel was buried at Forest Lawn Glendale.
Dugan EK: "Hooray for What" by Harold Arlen
Nelsonismyhero: ooh i'm gonna visit her
JeanetteFan1: thats ginny
Nelsonismyhero: hi eleanor
MamaLion27: Thank heaven she wasn't ostracized!
AllanAndHoward: hi eleanor, im Audrey's sister
JeanetteFan1: she was great in cabin in the sky
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
AllanAndHoward: I like that movie
Dugan EK: A song from the stage musical which MGM DIDN'T use is "This Is God's
MamaLion27: I think that's because Ethel died later when things were a bit
LadyJoots: Louise Beavers was buried at Evergreen Cemetery... never heard of it.
LadyJoots: Thank you for giving me that lovely research task. Now you can call
me queen of the graves.
Nelsonismyhero: lol
MamaLion27: I will make a note of that for my articles in February on black
JeanetteFan1: in 1949 ethel was nominated for a best supporting actress for
LadyJoots: Ahhh ;-)
Olliem8124: how about ethels song bees dont buzz>:o
AllanAndHoward: i want to see that
Nelsonismyhero: does anyone know where allan jones is buried?
AllanAndHoward: I love him
AllanAndHoward: he's the best
Nelsonismyhero: i never would have guessed
Dugan EK: Isn't there a website devoted to this topic? (Body dispostion)
JeanetteFan1: she toured with bully graham
JeanetteFan1: billy
JeanetteFan1: there is a bunch of stuff on ms waters
LadyJoots: I'll look
MamaLion27: Yes, there is but it is voluminous so i haven't researched all of
Nelsonismyhero: thx
LadyJoots: Cremated... his ashes were given to the family
AllanAndHoward: really?
LadyJoots: So say ;-)
Olliem8124: his son jack jones died recently didnt he
AllanAndHoward: then we cant see him?
AllanAndHoward: no
Nelsonismyhero: no
AllanAndHoward: hes still alive unfortunately
Nelsonismyhero: ah!
AllanAndHoward: he sucks
LadyJoots: He's performing in Palm Springs soon...
Nelsonismyhero: your so mean!
Olliem8124: who
Chetoshari has left the room.
Nelsonismyhero: stop olivia
LadyJoots: Jack Jones
Olliem8124: my name is not olivia
Nelsonismyhero: i was talking to my sister
JeanetteFan1: eleonor remember thr puccini quiz?
AllanAndHoward: Im Olivia
Olliem8124: oh
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Olliem8124: sorry
Nelsonismyhero: i think we got a little mixed up
AllanAndHoward: thats ok
Nelsonismyhero: sorry
CraziLadii has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: there is a bit of avalon in this film
JeanetteFan1: hi diane
Dugan EK: Remind me about Puccini quiz -- ?
CraziLadii: Hi all
MamaLion27: Is that screenname for Jones and Keel, olivia?
Olliem8124: in follow the boys jeanette sang beyond the blue horizon and i`ll
see you in my dreams
AllanAndHoward: yes!!!!
DIXC: Hi!:-)
Dugan EK: Oh, Avalon -- yes. I know what you mean. Yes, I STILL hear songs that
are almost identical, and no one sues.
AllanAndHoward: I love them both
Nelsonismyhero: AllanandHoward=Olivia
JeanetteFan1: me too eleonor
JeanetteFan1: they changed the words in beyond the blue horizon
AllanAndHoward: to what
JeanetteFan1: in follow the boys
Dugan EK: Take "Be a Clown" by Cole Porter in The Pirates and "Make 'Em Laugh"
in Singin' in the Rain -- almost identical.
JeanetteFan1: from shining sun
JeanetteFan1: yes
Olliem8124: from rising sun to shining sun
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
JeanetteFan1: yep
AllanAndHoward: why?
JeanetteFan1: it was in another jeanette fav
CraziLadii: Nelson changed words all the time to songs
Olliem8124: because of ww2
JeanetteFan1: monte carlo
AllanAndHoward: true
Nelsonismyhero: nelson did?
MamaLion27: Rising sun was the logo for the Japanese in WW2
Nelsonismyhero: when?
CraziLadii: I find it difficult to sing along with Ah Sweet because I am never
sure which version is going to be sung! Plus I can't sing!!
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Nelsonismyhero: me too
AllanAndHoward: me too
LadyJoots: LOL
AllanAndHoward: just pretend
Olliem8124: thats why she sanfg shining sun because of japanese logo
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Nelsonismyhero: oh right
CraziLadii: Nelson's original sheet music at Occidental is crossed out and
written over by him
DIXC: Great song but I just listen to them. It is great.
MamaLion27: Songs were often changed to meet script needs.
CraziLadii: Nelson seemed to change words to make the sentiment more romantic
and personal
DIXC: Frank S did it all the time in concerts.
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Dugan EK: I like that the line "we waded in blood to the knee" was cut from
"Tramp, Tramp, Tramp" in Marietta.
AllanAndHoward: thats an interesting line
Olliem8124: it was
DIXC: That was smart.
MamaLion27: Too gory for you?
Nelsonismyhero: i like it
AllanAndHoward: me too
AllanAndHoward: it relates well to the characters
DIXC: Unnecessary
Dugan EK: Freddy Kreuger: The Musical??
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Nelsonismyhero: no
MamaLion27: That may happen in the next sequel!
Olliem8124: watching the yankee marlin game also
CraziLadii: Nelson singing along in the key of the chainsaw humming
Nelsonismyhero: lol
MamaLion27: Don't make Dick cry!
CraziLadii: well it is October!
MamaLion27: He is a Cubs fan!
DIXC: Your having a BALL!
CraziLadii: we have the game on too. Lions really blew it today, as usual
Nelsonismyhero: why are we atlking about base ball
LadyJoots: LOL
AllanAndHoward: yeah,
DIXC: Bear fans are in hiding
Olliem8124: how did you like in cairo when rthey went to the show the had a pic
of nelson in the lobby on the wall
Nelsonismyhero: let's talk about Nelson
JeanetteFan1: oh dear i must runnnnn
MamaLion27: Sometimes the subject gets away from us.
LadyJoots: Aww... bye, Debbie!
JeanetteFan1: sorry i have to leave
Nelsonismyhero: by
JeanetteFan1: have a great week everyone
AllanAndHoward: bye
MamaLion27: Bye Debbie
Olliem8124: bye
JeanetteFan1: bye for now:-)
JeanetteFan1 has left the room.
Olliem8124: :-)
Nelsonismyhero: where were we?
AllanAndHoward: the nelson pic
MamaLion27: Nelson wasn't in these movies!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah I saw that!
LadyJoots: Yeah :-)
Olliem8124: cairo and follow the boys
AllanAndHoward: ok
Olliem8124: but his pic was
Nelsonismyhero: yep!
MamaLion27: Oh, yes, he was hung on the wall in Cairo
Nelsonismyhero: mm hmm
Nelsonismyhero: so they really had nine appearances together
Nelsonismyhero: kind of
CraziLadii: LOL
DIXC: Picture that
Olliem8124: i wonder why he was not in follow the boys in a cameo role as jn was
Nelsonismyhero: yeah!
Olliem8124: jm
Nelsonismyhero: he shoulda been
CraziLadii: I am told that Nelson's large photo hangs in the MGM casino in
Nelsonismyhero: really?
MamaLion27: He deserves it. He made them a lot of money.
CraziLadii: my dad gambles and said so
Nelsonismyhero: oh i know!
AllanAndHoward: what pic is it?
LadyJoots: I think there's one in the Las Vegas one, too... or there used to be.
LadyJoots: They took some of them down
Olliem8124: it does next time i go to mich ill have my daughter take me there to
see it
Dugan EK: Probably Nelson was not available to shoot a scene, away giving camp
shows. Interesting idea that they might have been reunited in that film.
Nelsonismyhero: sigh
Olliem8124: dream on
Nelsonismyhero: lol
Nelsonismyhero: i will
CraziLadii: I haven't seen it myself since I am so young and innocent, but I
think it is one of the famous publicity shots
Olliem8124: me too
Nelsonismyhero: it is
Dugan EK: Though each was trying to establish themselves as separate stars, not
half of a team. Like Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis --
Nelsonismyhero: i don't like them
AllanAndHoward: you type so well, eleanor
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Dugan EK: Thanks --
AllanAndHoward: I wish i could
Olliem8124: me too
Nelsonismyhero: your not as bad as me
AllanAndHoward: what?
Nelsonismyhero: me livi!
AllanAndHoward: i know , but how?
Nelsonismyhero: i never cap anything unless i must
Nelsonismyhero: see my i's
AllanAndHoward: o, well that is out of convenience
Olliem8124: mine too
AllanAndHoward: everybody does that
Nelsonismyhero: i i i i
AllanAndHoward: ok
Nelsonismyhero: :-D
Olliem8124: hi dianne
AllanAndHoward: lets get back on topic
Nelsonismyhero: okie
Nelsonismyhero: i love nelson
CraziLadii: hi
AllanAndHoward: yeah what else
Nelsonismyhero: how many songs did he record
MamaLion27: Wasn't Nelson making Knickerbocker Holiday while J was doing Follow
the Boys?
AllanAndHoward: a lot
Nelsonismyhero: seems like i'm always finding a new one
Olliem8124: probably
Nelsonismyhero: knickerbocker was in 44
AllanAndHoward: he just sang until he dropped
Nelsonismyhero: he was dedicated!
Olliem8124: :-*
Dugan EK: There's a discography for both J&N in my book -- and more recently
things they sang on the radio and film sound tracks have been put out on CDs.
AllanAndHoward: yeah, im not saying thats bad
CraziLadii: I tried counting song titles in Kiner and stopped after like 1100
AllanAndHoward: wow
LadyJoots: Good grief
Nelsonismyhero: Whao
Nelsonismyhero: =-O
Olliem8124: whats the title eleanor of your book
AllanAndHoward: I wish some other people i liked recorded that many
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
CraziLadii: of course not all were recorded but rather radio performances
AllanAndHoward: yeah but still
Nelsonismyhero: i want to get one of his radio CD's
CraziLadii: we were blessed that Nelson was so prolific
MamaLion27: He had a vast reportoire of songs, though.
Dugan EK: My book is "The Films of Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy," A.S.
Barnes, 1976.
Nelsonismyhero: he seemed to like folk songs
Nelsonismyhero: a lot
Olliem8124: got that one
CraziLadii: Eleanor has the best discography out there on them
Nelsonismyhero: eleanor is the one to ask
Dugan EK: Folk songs were very popular at the time. He responded by recording
what the record companies knew they could sell.
DIXC: Excellent book. With great info
MamaLion27: Filmography, isn't it?
Nelsonismyhero: they could sell anything of his!
AllanAndHoward: yeah but i heard he prefered some songs over others
Olliem8124: like ol man river
Nelsonismyhero: huh?
CraziLadii: it is both filmography and discography
MamaLion27: I stand corrected!
Nelsonismyhero: i thought he liked things like trees and thy beaming eyes
Olliem8124: my reverie too
Nelsonismyhero: and wgnerian opera
AllanAndHoward has left the room.
DIXC: He just loved to sing so sang it all. But preferred Concert songs.
AllanAndHoward has entered the room.
AllanAndHoward: that was weird
Nelsonismyhero: don't worry
MamaLion27: Tell me about it!
Olliem8124: i like the lost chord and the old refrain a perfect day
Nelsonismyhero: i like shortnin bread O:-)
Olliem8124: hmmm
Nelsonismyhero: and oh what a beautiful mornin
AllanAndHoward: shorten bread the food is good also
Olliem8124: beautiful dreamer
Nelsonismyhero: lol
AllanAndHoward: why
MamaLion27: Without a Song and the whole CD of Artistry.
CraziLadii: no matter what he sang, he sang it well
Nelsonismyhero: yeah
Olliem8124: so did jeanette
Nelsonismyhero: but i don't like the rosary
CraziLadii: yes indeed
AllanAndHoward: I love slave songs they are so powerful
AllanAndHoward: of course
MamaLion27: Oh, how he could sing!
Nelsonismyhero: yeah!
Olliem8124: and the two together cannot and will not be beaten
MamaLion27: Never in a thousand years!
Nelsonismyhero: he was good at using accents and speaking, what, like 10
Olliem8124: by anyone else
AllanAndHoward: of course
Olliem8124: russian german french you name it he sang it
Nelsonismyhero: i love his russian!
Nelsonismyhero: he 's the best at that
Nelsonismyhero: like in phantom
Nelsonismyhero: ooooh
Nelsonismyhero: i love that!
AllanAndHoward: youre the only one talking
Nelsonismyhero: well
MamaLion27: And he always sang his best with Jeanette.
AllanAndHoward: no
Olliem8124: say something everyone
AllanAndHoward: he sang well all the time
LadyJoots: LOL
Nelsonismyhero: but he did a good job w/J
AllanAndHoward: true, they sound the best together
Olliem8124: i wonder if he sang love songs to his wife
AllanAndHoward: sorry if I offended anyone
AllanAndHoward: :-P
Olliem8124: me too
MamaLion27: I just referred to duets. When he sang solo he could never be
AllanAndHoward: that would be soo cool tohave a singing husband
Olliem8124: i just love them both can not go from one or the other
Dugan EK: But maybe, like Fred Astaire, he wanted to separate work and play.
DIXC: The duets were the key to the movie success. He could harmonize so well.
Olliem8124: his solos were great too
Olliem8124: so were hers
AllanAndHoward: yeah
DIXC: Yep:-)
Olliem8124: :-[
AllanAndHoward: whats that face for?
Olliem8124: im sad that i have to leave
AllanAndHoward: o, sorry :-[
Nelsonismyhero: awww
LadyJoots: Awwww...
Nelsonismyhero: :'(
MamaLion27: Oh, too bad. Bye Ollie
Nelsonismyhero: well will you be here next week?
AllanAndHoward: bye bye
CraziLadii: bye guys!
CraziLadii has left the room.
Olliem8124: it was nice being on the chat tonight i hope so
AllanAndHoward: nice meeting you
LadyJoots: Yes :-D
LadyJoots: Thanks for coming in, Olivia
Olliem8124: goodnight to all
LadyJoots: :-D
Dugan EK: I need to go too -- have a nice week.
Nelsonismyhero: bye all
Olliem8124 has left the room.
AllanAndHoward: thanks for inviting me, your welcome
Dugan EK has left the room.
LadyJoots: Byeeee!
MamaLion27: There are so many others who would like to come, too. I hope we can
get them all on here.
LadyJoots: Yeah, we need to... ;-)
LadyJoots: Can they get on AIM, Dorothy? Just tell them to contact the three of
LadyJoots: Since you're gifted as well...
LadyJoots: :-D
MamaLion27: Joan Leighton is having problems. I have no idea what the hangup is.
LadyJoots: Awww
MamaLion27: yeah. I have a hard time with AIM lately too
MamaLion27: And I am having writers block at the moment so that last issue isn't
MamaLion27: Could be overload. What is up for next week?
DIXC: You get me in thru AOL. I don't have AIM. Thanks:-)
AllanAndHoward: I gotta go now, bye ya'all
LadyJoots: Yeah ;-)
LadyJoots: You're caught, Dick! You'll have to deal with us :-D
LadyJoots: We love dealing with you ;-)
AllanAndHoward has left the room.
MamaLion27: Bye Olivia
DIXC: Got to leave now also. Bye. See you next week.:-)
Nelsonismyhero: she says bye dorothy
MamaLion27: Bye Dick
DIXC: Bye.
DIXC has left the room.
LadyJoots: Byeeee ;-)