You have just entered room "NelsonEddy."
Dugan EK has entered the room.
Olliem8124 has entered the room.
SokorraK: Sorry about that
LadyJoots: Not your fault...
Dugan EK: Good evening, everyone.
DIXC has entered the room.
LadyJoots: I should have been on both ;-)
MamaLion27: Well, we seem to be back on..
SokorraK: Stupid stargate
Olliem8124: how did the dedication go i guess all went well
MamaLion27: The stars for Nelson on the Walk of Fame looked gorgeous!
LadyJoots: Awww... :-)
LadyJoots: Yay!
MamaLion27: And the dedication was fabulous. Everything worked to a tee!
LadyJoots: Too bad Diane isn't on ;-)
Olliem8124: thats fine
MamaLion27: Kathryn Grayson was so gracious.
Olliem8124: :-[crying because i could not go
LadyJoots: Hee hee ;-)  I had to stop talking to Dorothy and the crew, because Kathryn called me to say goodbye
MamaLion27: The agenda for those days was so tight I didn't get to see as much as I wanted to but that just means I must go again!
SokorraK: and take me next time!
LadyJoots: Awww
LadyJoots: LOL
MamaLion27: Yes, Jessi.
JeanetteFan1 has entered the room.
JeanetteFan1: hi everyone
JeanetteFan1: how are we today?
Olliem8124: hi
MamaLion27: Hi, Debbie
JeanetteFan1: hi olive
JeanetteFan1: and jessi and dorothy and eleonor
JeanetteFan1: and rich
SokorraK: There is alot of us today
SokorraK: 7
LadyJoots: Awww... Audrey isn't on either...
JeanetteFan1: yes indeed
Olliem8124: call me ollie ok
LadyJoots: Dorothy, do some more 'splaining on your perspective... I'm 'splained out
LadyJoots: LOl
MamaLion27: I will be writing a day-by-day of the dedication weekend when I get the delayed edition up and running.
Olliem8124: call me ollie ok
LadyJoots: Ahhhhh :-D
JeanetteFan1: hi
MamaLion27: But let's see ...
JeanetteFan1: yes i did foreget
JeanetteFan1: sorry ollie
Olliem8124: ok no pun done
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
Olliem8124: O:-)
JeanetteFan1: is it the nelson drive thingy
LadyJoots: Yup ;-)
SokorraK: Oh, that reminds me
MamaLion27: The first day I got in at midnight! Joan Leighton joined me abot 8 a.m. and we went to eat and check the stars. Then we went and picked up Bernadette at LAX
MamaLion27: I think Diane and Helen had a luncheon that day but we missed it.
LadyJoots: At Helen's house, you mean?
SokorraK: My dedication page will be going up the next update with Ginny and Diane's accounts as well as pictures
MamaLion27: No, I think at the hotel. I'm not sure. I was surprised to see the street all dug up on Rodeo Drive. Wow. I bet those shops were up in arms.
LadyJoots: Ginny's edited account... remind me...
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: Really?  Wow!
LadyJoots: Oooh, I saw them at about 2:00 on Friday and spent a little time while they waited for their room...
MamaLion27: Yep, tore up all the way down to the beverly wilshire!
JeanetteFan1: hmmm
MamaLion27: I must locate that shift key!
LadyJoots: Haven't been down there in the past three months... goodness gracious...
MamaLion27: The dinner at the Cinegrill was scrumptious and so was the music is hard to hear someone else sing N & J's songs.
Olliem8124: nobody else really can  can they
MamaLion27: NOPE!
LadyJoots: Awww... Diane was telling me that she sang a lot of Judy.
LadyJoots: ;-)
MamaLion27: Oh, there's the shift key!
MamaLion27: No one else can really sing Judy, either. But all in all she did very well!
LadyJoots: Too true...
MamaLion27: Saturday we all met in the lobby for interviews and meet and greet before going to the cemetery.
LadyJoots: That we did... :-)
Olliem8124: the pics dianne sent were great but did not know who the people were except kathryn
MamaLion27: The cemetery is beautiful and the first thing we saw was "Nelson Eddy Drive at the opening of the road. They had a cover over the next one but we were so thrilled when we saw it there up close and personal.
LadyJoots: Ollie, I'll send you a link to the pictures fixed with captions.  I'm slow... I started doing it and got interupted.
LadyJoots: ;-)
Dugan EK: What is the intersection? I couldn't read the adjoining sign in the photo.
Olliem8124: ok ill look forward to them
LadyJoots: :-)
MamaLion27: The second sign was banked with flowers and all ready for the unveiling.
MamaLion27: There was a tent to keep the sun off those of us who were delicate or, like many, needed chairs to sit down on.
JeanetteFan1: that sounds lovely
Olliem8124: how long did the dedication take
LadyJoots: It was pretty long... lots longer than I thought it would be!  :-)
Olliem8124: :-)
MamaLion27: Mayor Grant was ill so the young men who run the cemetery gave the introduction. Then we went down to the gravesite and another larger tent.
Olliem8124: wwas sharon rich there
MamaLion27: Oh, sharon spoke at the first place, too.
Olliem8124: thats nice
LadyJoots: Yes, she was... *cowers*
LadyJoots: ROFL :-D
MamaLion27: *cowers"?
LadyJoots: Yeah, cause I'm still scared of her.
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: :-D
Olliem8124: what did you estimate the amount of people that came to this event
LadyJoots: You'd have protected me from myself though, right Dorothy?
LadyJoots: 8-)
MamaLion27: Yes, Ginny' She wasn't scary, at all.
MamaLion27: ;-)
MamaLion27: How many did you count, Ginny?
LadyJoots: Diane, Helen, and I estimated it was 150+
JeanetteFan1: wow
MamaLion27: I was too busy ogling the crowd to count them.
LadyJoots: There were a lot of people there...
MamaLion27: Frank laric spoke..he was in "Northwest Outpost" along with John Mitchum in the G.I.Chorus.
Olliem8124: at least they still admire and love our baritone      dont they
JeanetteFan1: O:-)
MamaLion27: He told us Nelson did all his own stunts. At least the ones on horseback!
LadyJoots: Not falling off buckets though... :-)
MamaLion27: Nope, no buckets in NWO!
LadyJoots: I know it... referring to Rose Marie ;-)  ROFL
JeanetteFan1: :-D
Olliem8124: or the girl of the golden west didnt he fall off his horse making that
Olliem8124: i read it somewhere
MamaLion27: Judy (forgot her last name for the moment) Talked about going up to Nelson's house and he invited her right in. But she was the one who had a bad time with Ann at the cemetery while she was jogging there
LadyJoots: Yes, the lady in the peach :-D
LadyJoots: LOL
MamaLion27: Ann told her to stay away from the grave.
DIXC: He did not fall but some say he had to jump to the horse and had a problem,
LadyJoots: I thought I had heard she visited Ann, but I was kind of far away...
Olliem8124: they said it happened when he came down the hill singing soldiers of fortune
MamaLion27: Linda Foster also told everyone how it was her dream to have Nelson's name on the street but the first one picked was taken by a private family.
MamaLion27: So the very first star to have his name on a street is Nelson..and so far the only one!
Olliem8124: now you need a jeanette st
Olliem8124: to complete this
MamaLion27: Thanks ot all the fans and particularly Rachanee Clovis.
JeanetteFan1: i hate to run
JeanetteFan1: but must
JeanetteFan1: bye everyone
MamaLion27: Jeanette isn't buried there.
JeanetteFan1: have a great week
Olliem8124: bye
JeanetteFan1 has left the room.
MamaLion27: Bye deb
DIXC: Bye. Cubs are ahead 2 to 0. But it is early.
Olliem8124: but one could be at the forest lawn cemetery couldn`t it
MamaLion27: By the way, Rachanee is lovely and traveled around with us on the house tour. She is from Thailand
LadyJoots: You never know... :-) 
LadyJoots: She was very nice...
LadyJoots: I don't think I ever formally met her though... ;-) 
MamaLion27: My little friend from Belgium was there and a lady from England and one from Scotland.
LadyJoots: Awwww!  I loved the Belgium lady...
Olliem8124: how are things going for a jm and ne postage stamp are they still tring to get one
LadyJoots: And the English and Scottish ladies were nice as well... ;-)
MamaLion27: I think EK knows her, too from the birthday party.
MamaLion27: I haven't heard about the stamps. I could have asked Sharon or Judy but never thought of it.
MamaLion27: Judy is a scriptwriter who used to be at Paramount Studio and who is now teaching classes.
Dugan EK: The lady from Belgium -- was the Elia Wansard-Bonora??  I thought she didn't come.
LadyJoots: Yes, Eleanor... that's right ;-)
MamaLion27: Yes, tthat was Elia. She is working with Sharon on a script for a movie about N & J.
MamaLion27: Judy not Elia
Dugan EK: Oh, thanks for clarifying -- I just about swallowed my teeth trying to imagine Elia writing a script in English.
Olliem8124: this has been fun listening to all of yoiu but i have to  go now  my daughter is on line and  i want to talk with her    bye for now;-)
Olliem8124: bye all
MamaLion27: Bye Ollie.
Olliem8124 has left the room.
LadyJoots: Bye, Ollie
DIXC: Bye:-)
MamaLion27: Bye Dick
DIXC: Just saying bye to O
MamaLion27: Goodness, was it something I said. Everyone is going away.
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: Nope
LadyJoots: Debbie for one isn't feeling well :-(
MamaLion27: That's good, Dick Please stay and let us know how the Cubbies are doing.
MamaLion27: Oh, too bad. I hope it isn't something serious.
LadyJoots: She's going to the Doctor tomorrow
LadyJoots: Anyway :-D
LadyJoots: So many things are going on... wow...
MamaLion27: Well, the house tour was great.
MamaLion27: There were about 6 or 8 cars and we went up to the Mists. What a spectacular view.
MamaLion27: Have you ever gone, Ginny?
LadyJoots: Ooooh!  yes...
LadyJoots: I think
LadyJoots: Wait
LadyJoots: The restaurant in Malibu?
LadyJoots: -ish area...
MamaLion27: No, that was Paradise Cove. used to be Sand Castle.
LadyJoots: Ooooh... nope... I haven't
LadyJoots: There's another one by Nelson's Malibu house that's been there a long time as well and it's name escapes me... but I like it.
MamaLion27: Mists is way up on a mountain top.
LadyJoots: That's right on the water...
MamaLion27: That restaurant was P Cove in Malibu. That was Isabel's house we saw there.
LadyJoots: Oh, I was told it was Nelson's love nest according to sources when I went... LOL
LadyJoots: Who knew?  :-D  Not me...
LadyJoots: It's very small.. the pink one, right?
SokorraK: a pink house?
LadyJoots: Yessiree, Jessi
MamaLion27: Nope. That was the house where he was said to tellAann never to darken the door. Yep, or more a salmon color.
LadyJoots: Yeah, Salmon works, too...
MamaLion27: Nelson hated pink!
SokorraK: I hate pink/....
MamaLion27: Mists was the love nest according to what I have read.
LadyJoots: It's all too beyond me... Nelson had too many homes.
LadyJoots: You got to see the beautiful one though, didn't you?
MamaLion27: Yes, I must admit 5 homes is 4 too many!
LadyJoots: There were more than that even...
LadyJoots: LOL
MamaLion27: We couldn't see the house at Mists from the road ( and the gate was locked)  but the view fronm the mountain was spectacular.
LadyJoots: Awwwww
JHami828 has entered the room.
JHami828: EEK...I'm late.  :-)
LadyJoots: Hi Joani :-)
MamaLion27: The pictures may no turn out because guessed it..the mists!
LadyJoots: LOL
MamaLion27: We couldn't see Twin Gables either, because of the high fence.
LadyJoots: Ha ha ha :-D
LadyJoots: I took Kayla there....
MamaLion27: Just the roof.
LadyJoots: And she climbed the fence across the street to see in...
LadyJoots: I am not so brave...
LadyJoots: :-D
MamaLion27: Goodness, I wish I had thought of that.
MamaLion27: i am foolhardy enough to try, cane and all!
LadyJoots: I was kidding... I think it might have been my idea... I'll have to ask her. 
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: Memory has gone *poof*
MamaLion27: I poofed long ago!
LadyJoots: What'd you think of the singers, Dorothy?
LadyJoots: At the event
LadyJoots: LOL
DIXC: As Nelson made more monet Ann bought better homes and each one was their love nest.
LadyJoots: Since I stated my opinion...
DIXC: "money"
MamaLion27: i thought they gave it their best but it wasn't good enough.
SokorraK: well he was a good artist:-)
LadyJoots: Awww :-)
LadyJoots: That's what I thought... :-)  Good, someone else with a musical ear.
LadyJoots: I almost thought Nelson moved to get away from fans...
MamaLion27: Once you have heard the best, everything else can't compare!
Dugan EK: Oh, it's sundown in part of the U.S. -- Yom Kippur --
LadyJoots: Because literally there would be houses a block away from each other...
LadyJoots: Tis that, Eleanor.
Dugan EK: I DO think he moved to get away from fans!!!!!
DIXC: Have to go. It is now 8 here. Thanks for the nice reports.:-)
MamaLion27: Well, I doubt he moved to get away from fans..they could track him in a sandstorm!
LadyJoots: Thank you, thank you. :-)  It was like an insane dash...
Dugan EK: Peering under the shades on his windows, going through his garbage.
LadyJoots: He could try though
LadyJoots: Wonder if there was any Old Spice...
LadyJoots: LOL
MamaLion27: You mean they had his "scent", Ginny?
LadyJoots: ROFL
DIXC has left the room.
LadyJoots: That and my question about what men wore for cologne in Nelson's day
LadyJoots: LOL
LadyJoots: The conclusion was old spice...
LadyJoots: As being the only thing out there
MamaLion27: Or nothing at all!
LadyJoots: But of course :-D
LadyJoots: Well, now that I have the giggles... I better giggle back to work.  ;-)
MamaLion27: I guess we better decide about next week but i love this subject!
LadyJoots: LOL
Dugan EK: Good night, all
LadyJoots: Night :-D
LadyJoots has left the room.
MamaLion27: Bye EK
Dugan EK has left the room.